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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. Minhosa

    John Carver

    Walk out on a further 6 year of guaranteed employment? Not a chance.
  2. Minhosa

    Steve McClaren

    Great coach though.
  3. Minhosa

    Steve McClaren

    Can someone add a poll on his potential appointment?
  4. Minhosa

    John Carver

    That's the man-management skills he gleened off SBR in action right there.
  5. This was today, Gimp. Assumed you'd seen it. That piece is f***ing tragic. Chemical Bobbi. :lol: I think it was written for him by one of Bishops internet spooks. Someone with much better photoshop skills than me should mock it up and tweet those spineless twats at the NCJ Media.
  6. This was today, Gimp. Assumed you'd seen it. That piece is fucking tragic. Chemical Bobbi.
  7. All of the above and also the fact that he's still damaged goods after the England debacle. Ashley loves something a bit battered/flood damaged. He can tart it up and flog it on. Exactly the same scenario applies to McClaren imho.
  8. Minhosa

    John Carver

    Did they? I genuinely must have missed that because I can never recall them looking particularly easy on the eye. The one Boro Season Ticket Holder that I know, he's had a ticket for 20 odd years, doesn't think fondly of McClaren at all.
  9. I can see him struggling like fuck with the PR Side. He'll get ripped to fuck imho. He's already a bit of a mockery for the England reign and the sudden dutch accent. He'll be like Buzzcocks here after pre-season. 'How do you feel pre-season has gone Steve' 'Wew! Fucking unreal. Here man, wuh pure smashed St. Mirren like. Fucking fucked them reet up. An that cunt in midfield man, that radgie was pure lucky he wazn't sent off man. Me fatha's brother cousin was ganna propa have'im after the match like. Daaaft cunt' Anybody associated with the Ashley regime is rightly treated with cynicism and it wouldn't take long for the fans to turn on him too. Bit sad really but a sign of the times and the pure disengagement between owner and fanbase. Some donkey in the middle, dishing out his propaganda, will get fucked sans lube when it all turns out to be lies or spin. Same for Penfold whose credibility is pretty much already shot.
  10. The same guy that's pissing the Championship with his scintillating brand of football. 1 Point ahead of Mick McCarthy's Ipswich. I just don't see any reason to be positive. At least an 'unknown' would get the benefit of the doubt and there'd be some interest in how he'd set the team up. The scintilating brand of football that we've NOT played for, what, 12 years? What are you hoping for in the summer? Ashley to decide he does really give a shit after all and throw a load of money at Klopp? Or for a buyer to magically appear and make us all a lot happier? In terms of being realistic, I'm happy with McClaren. If our circumstances change and we get a new owner, then I won't be. Of course we've not had it for years so why shouldn't we take the opportunity now? Ashley could easily employ a manager capable of playing a decent brand of football without spending much more money or risking anything. I genuinely don't think it's an unrealistic ambition, as a fan of a club who are not going to try in any competition they enter, to at least try to play proper football. McLaren has never had a good footballing side. Why does being 'realistic' mean you have to be happy with Steve McClaren from one league below and effectively damaged goods? Why should we even be considering waiting for Steve McClaren and Derby fucking County? I mean what serious sporting institution would wait for a lesser club and a second rate manager? It just doesn't make sense. You tell the bellend to come now or not at all. Why do we give a fuck about Derby's promotion bid? And, if he's going to leave in the summer anyway, why does he? I hardly think it's unrealistic to expect better. On top of that, the bloke is the most boring cunt going. Having to listen to him trot out the latest Bishop Bollocks on MoTD every week in that fucking monotone voice of his will literally drive me up the fucking wall.
  11. The same guy that's pissing the Championship with his scintillating brand of football. 1 Point ahead of Mick McCarthy's Ipswich. I just don't see any reason to be positive. At least an 'unknown' would get the benefit of the doubt and there'd be some interest in how he'd set the team up.
  12. Amen to that. There is nothing to be positive about if SMc comes in. Yeah, he's not Carver, but fucking hell that can't be the bar man. At least go for some cunt who's tried to play football previously, whose shown an ability to excite crowds. If we're not going to compete for fuck all, at least have the decency to make the football reasonable. Billy Boring is in no way a positive appointment imho. Turgid football, turgid dull fucking accent. Total fucking dribble.
  13. Minhosa

    John Carver

    Which is fucking ludicrous. The state of this football club man.
  14. Minhosa

    John Carver

    At no point in his tenure will he feel like those two, regardless of the spin doctors/hope killers at the top.
  15. Minhosa

    John Carver

    And 1 of them is John Carver And the other isn't pulling up any tree's in the championship. McClaren, regardless of the factor he 'isn't Carver', would not excite me in the slightest. He's never managed a team that's played good football. The best we could hope for with him would be a well drilled side that's hard to break down. Great. Boring football, boring bloke.
  16. Minhosa

    John Carver

    I don't see that at all tbh. I think he's done the maths (or rather, had the maths done for him) and decided to ride it out with Johnny Tenlicks. To bring in a Venables/JFK or whoever, with a handful of games to go, would be a risk in itself. Will be really interesting to see how it pans out. That said, a draw out of the next couple of games would render the discussion pretty much pointless as that could be enough.
  17. Aye, everyone that's gone up against them has been 'lost'. Nolan/Harper/Barton/Enrique/HBA etc etc. Only one still here is Cisse. And he'll be off.
  18. Minhosa


    How come Sky never showed these images nor gave Charver a hard time? Bishedia?
  19. Minhosa

    John Carver

    I've just rinsed Ryder on twitter for exactly this. Cuntchops that he is.
  20. Minhosa

    John Carver

    Thought the same - got absolutely nothing out of that interview. Absolutely shameful interview. Are Sky on the books?
  21. Minhosa

    John Carver

    Where were the real questions there btw?
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