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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. Minhosa

    John Carver

    Totally agree. The lack of integrity is absolutely astounding. Something like 92% of fans in their poxy vote didn't want Carver and they choose to ignore that and continue to talk him up. Quite clearly back in bed with the club. Obvious a deal has been done via NUFC's PR consultant. He arrived, the 'independent chronicle' changed tone and then they were brought back into the fold and they've only written club inspired stories since. Why bother? In exchange for a fistpumps headline every couple of weeks or a weekly line from John C Thicket? Utterly shameful excuse for a RAG and for sports journalism.
  2. Still a cunt. Hope Arsenal trounce them tomorrow.
  3. Well, if the stats are telling JC that he's ready, then he's ready. Nice to see he's picked up from his mate how best to market potential future sales though, well in John. Keep it up.
  4. Make it up as they go along these wankers. How are they never held to account? Such a bunch of shithouses.
  5. Need some advice/opinions on this............... I put a 5 team accumulator on last week and 4 of the 5 have won with one team to play (Spurs Vs West Ham, I've backed Spurs). It's only a tenner to return £70.00. The cash out now is £40.00. I still quite fancy spurs to beat them but would appreciate anyone else's thoughts.
  6. Forget whether he's a good bloke or not, I'd not want him back because he's a crock. His career will be over by 30.
  7. Fucking hell, that looks like a serious op for a relatively young bloke to go through.
  8. Minhosa

    Lee Charnley

    Or 5) Grow a set of balls and tell Mike that by buying the right manager now he'll make the money back in finishing places and, even if that doesn't happen, that the fat cunt has enough money in his fucking mattress to cover it.
  9. Minhosa

    Lee Charnley

    Oh do fuck off. As if Penfold fucking matters man. They all report to the same cunt. There's only one person running the show at NUFC.
  10. I'd be gutted to have Sherwood involved in NUFC. Thoroughly reprehensible human being.
  11. That near enough covers his initial investment in NUFC. Fucking ludicrous and no chance he'll leave anytime soon. If at all.
  12. Minhosa

    John Carver

    He'll need to be good at that the fucking sap.
  13. There we have it, I'll tell the little gits to get back in their box or follow a sovereign state.
  14. I get that football has changed, of course, but I find it hard to comprehend that Spurs, Saints etc can have good seasons just by showing a genuine drive. For me, it's all NUFC's fault.
  15. That's it Wullie, I thought that exact thing when I was writing the OP.................'would it matter, to them, if we were in League 2 and trying?' The answer, a resounding no. I could get them to buy in to that because that's what sport is about.
  16. It's hard to blame them though Hans. My kids used to love Cabaye and HBA. They could almost live with the lack of ambition when you had a maverick like HBA to cling on to. He was worth turning up for. If Cabella suddenly turns into a world beater, a £30m midfield dynamo next season, do I let them pretend they're him when they're playing in the garden knowing that he'll be flogged and they'll be gutted, driving them further away from the shithouse that is NUFC?
  17. When you've got a club that blatantly disregards cup competitions, that actively seeks to avoid European competitions due to an aversion to squad investment/risk to their premiership status and that actively seeks to finish '10th' it can only lead to one question...... What is the point of the modern day NUFC? I've got two sons who have geordie blood coursing their veins, with no choice of football club, and yet I've got nothing to give them by way of hope, nothing to give them by way of positives. How am I supposed to maintain my families long-standing history of support of NUFC going, through my children, now that we've got no ambition? My only 'sell' to them now is our history. I show them videos of Beardsley, of the entertainers, of KK and SBR but that's getting older by the day and any hope of a competitive NUFC seems less likely by the day.
  18. And still owe them change.
  19. Minhosa

    John Carver

    Why have we got 5 left backs on the bench?
  20. I know what you mean, though, it'll at least provoke some sort of emotion Yeah - I get that. For once, a game has a bit of a meaning. I didn't even react when Stoke equalised yesterday. A meh shrug was about all I could muster.
  21. It's written in the stars that this fucking cretin turns us over. Would love for Charver just to go full on gung-ho attack, KK style, and see how Mr Negative deals with it.
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