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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. same bloke who hit his head off a wing mirror thinks he's Daddy Cool half an hour later.
  2. Minhosa

    John Carver

    Definitely. Got a proper shit eating grin and saying how proud he is. Twat I got the distinct impression that it's his to fuck up now. If he wasn't in our dugout the bloke would be a bouncer in the bigg market. Fucking embarrassment of a man.
  3. Minhosa

    John Carver

    He's talking like it's his for the long term in that interview iyam.
  4. Rubbish though. Fiver max bet and the payout is in free bets.
  5. Aye but how do the other players feel about playing with a weirdo?
  6. Minhosa

    John Carver

    Excellent post. The only hope NUFC fans have now is to abandon it, like a great old ship with a hole, you have to jump off at some stage. There's no future for fans with this NUFC. The only way we can have an element of control is to walk away. The only way is to make his ownership untenable. As close to zero home attendances as possible. This is what the shitheaps at the Chronicle should be campaigning for/leading on. Take back control. Take back some pride. Don't let yourself become part of a Sports Direct advert.
  7. You'll need someone to act as your helper.
  8. And so he'll get kicked out of town and we'll get someone else. The spell is broken, we can be 'deluded' in the right way again. Kicked out of town in the same way AP was? It's like having a fucking annoying cat that's suddenly hit by a bus. You don't go and buy another one of the same breed. Get a dog or something FFS.
  9. Minhosa

    John Carver

    Yep. Pack of spinless cunts at the Chronicle back to towing the party line. All in exchange for a few words every month off fistpumps Would love to know what the fall out with the club did for their sales. I genuinely can't imagine it'd made any difference. Their sports reporting is akin to something you'd read in Match magazine when you were 7.
  10. Minhosa

    Graham Carr

    If we end up with Steve Mcfuckingclaren after all of this bullshit he can shove his little black book up his decrepit anus sideways.
  11. Minhosa

    John Carver

    If that's the case (and it was widely reported in France that Garde wanted it) then get their name on a fucking contract. Exactly. If Garde or another candidate can't take over until the summer then fair enough, get a contract signed for him to start on 1st June and appoint Carver until then. It's not what I'd prefer but it would be better than this. Using the "wait til the summer" excuse would be passable if they'd actually tied someone down officially. It's a fucking pisstake. Aye - at the very least it would mean the players would up their games knowing their new manager was monitoring remotely. We've got to watch the cunts spluttering out of first gear for the rest of the season. Can hardly wait.
  12. I have a chunk of money on Carver at Betfair and they will only payout after 10 games as the club have said its only to the end of the season Betfair is 'next manager at NUFC by 14th August' or something.
  13. Minhosa

    John Carver

    Only at an Ashley owned NUFC would the powers that be deem it acceptable to employ a guy, in such a prominent position, a matter of months after he'd offered to fight his own fans. I mean, seriously, is there any other owner out there that would stoop this low? The bloke is fucking pondlife.
  14. Minhosa

    John Carver

    It's clearly not going to be Garde now imho.
  15. Minhosa

    John Carver

    I hope we get 3 quickfire wins from the next 3 (which is realistic still), then we have a Pardew-like end to the season. I'm passed being bothered. Don't give a fuck what we do or don't do. Stay up or go down. Finish 9th or 16th. Meh. Fuck'em all.
  16. Minhosa

    John Carver

    If that salvation is Schteve, I don't think I'd want it. The very least we deserve, if the club aren't going to bother trying to win anything, is someone who will bring interesting football/some form of likeability. He does neither. Alright, he's not Alan Pardew, but he's a bit like a shock text message off the lottery only to find you've won £2.10. Disagree, Pardew was the worst manager I've seen here and he was unmovable and never criticised by the crowd to the extent he should have been due to his PR. I don't think others would get that amount of wiggle-room and most are better than him as both a manager and a man. The bloke was utter scum. Harking back to Pardew is pointless now. Getting rid of him is fairly futile if we bring in another bellend. A huge missed opportunity at the very least. I'd rather hoped that the club saw this as an opportunity to move onwards. Upwards perhaps. As ever, that's not the case, it's more of the same as long as they don't need to spend any money.
  17. Minhosa

    John Carver

    I'm not arsed if we go down, would serve the fat incompetent cunt right 100% this.
  18. Minhosa

    John Carver

    Wouldn't surprise me if these cunts are doing this to get him to resign/crack under the pressure so they don't have to pay the charvmeister off.
  19. Minhosa

    John Carver

    This is the one positive. You just know that with the right amount of abuse, he'll erupt. That's something to look forward to.
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