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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. Fucking useless cunt. If I had fucked up that chance, even in 5-a-side, I'd be in a right fucking huff, straight off the pitch and into a dressing room to say sorry for being shite today. He's standing in the centre circle chatting about his plans for tonight, tossing it off with some fucking stranger having a right old giggle. The fucking alien faced cunt.
  2. I live in London and I would probably buy a season ticket
  3. Minhosa

    John Carver

    The fucking cheek of the guy talking about Cabella's disrespect. This coming from the same bloke that offered out fans for paying for the privilege of voicing an opinion. I don't think I can put up with watching his bulldog-esque face groaning and gurning its way through matches. Fucking heinous creature.
  4. I had Boro, Bournemouth, Burton and Wycombe. Fiver returned £63. First win in ages.
  5. Given we've had a habit of going back for players that have previously rejected our advances............could the board do the same for him? If it was a straight choice between Charver and Sags, which way would you go?
  6. Minhosa

    Lee Charnley

    So hard to do business in Jan but forgets about the Jan window where we signed Sissoko, Gouffran, Debuchy and Haidara. They were absolutely needed due to Pardew's ill management of the team and the totall lack of summer transfer activity. Funny how they're happy to spend money when they think the club is a risk but never spend it when they see an opportunity. Zero sporting ambition.
  7. He won't have a choice man . Just like Carroll didn't have a choice, Santon didn't have a choice, Nolan didn't have a choice, Steve Harper didn't have a choice, Barton didn't have a choice, John Carver won't have any choice. This regime is about the wishes of one bloke and a couple of cronies. Llambias has been told he's got his pick of our kids/ressy's and their 'head coach' will be told to use them. Edit - and cross them at your peril.............players committee all got fucked, Cisse will be on the exit list too because he got the hump during Wongagate. They never forget that shit. Sorry should have cleared that up, i ment at Rangers haha So do I. Rangers will be ran on exactly the same basis on as. There will be no difference culturally (fear) nor on a policy level between the two clubs now that Ashley is involved.
  8. Minhosa

    John Carver

    Love the comments on that piece.
  9. He won't have a choice man . Just like Carroll didn't have a choice, Santon didn't have a choice, Nolan didn't have a choice, Steve Harper didn't have a choice, Barton didn't have a choice, John Carver won't have any choice. This regime is about the wishes of one bloke and a couple of cronies. Llambias has been told he's got his pick of our kids/ressy's and their 'head coach' will be told to use them. Edit - and cross them at your peril.............players committee all got fucked, Cisse will be on the exit list too because he got the hump during Wongagate. They never forget that shit.
  10. Will probably become the best player in the league straight away too.
  11. Absolutely worthy of a thread btw given that we're very obviously going to end up completely in bed with the poor cunts. There might be something in a joint effort to rid football of the heinous bastard further down the line.
  12. Minhosa

    John Carver

    Peter Beardsley can fuck right off.
  13. I see quite a few people saying 'if they appoint Carver, that's it, I'm done'. If everything else he's done hasn't broken you by now then I don't think the appointment of JC will. Carver, even if appointed, will be/is a joke figure. It's the degradation of our history, the tarnishing of our soul, the lack of sporting interest, the lack of communication, the pure disregard for the masses/region, the lack of respect for season ticket holders, the horrendous link to that nasty brand, the mucky sponsorship arrangements, the total inability of us, as fans, to relate to/warm to players knowing that they'll be flogged at the first sign of interest and the way the fucking hangers on sell their soul for the money (yes, Peter Beardsley, Stone, Carver etc - where are your fucking morals?). This isn't a football club anymore and that's whats broken me. John Carver being appointed? Meh, whatever. Join the back of a fucking long list pal. You're not even the icing on the cake.
  14. Minhosa

    Lee Charnley

    It was fairly well documented at the time he took over that he 'didn't understand football' yet, now he's making a few quid, he feels he can pick the team. Fuck it, why not appoint himself head coach, assistant head coach, head coachs fluffer and be done with it. Fucking pack of cunts honestly.
  15. And so he'll get kicked out of town and we'll get someone else. The spell is broken, we can be 'deluded' in the right way again. Kicked out of town in the same way AP was? It's like having a fucking annoying cat that's suddenly hit by a bus. You don't go and buy another one of the same breed. Get a dog or something FFS. It's been explained like, but the difference between Carver and McClaren compared to Pardew is that Carver doesn't and McClaren wouldn't have the strange level of support that Pardew would because they have no PR bullshit to fallback upon, nor a 5th place finish. It wouldn't be accepted and we'd have to change again. The entire point in Pardew having gone is that a spell has been broken, we're no longer in hellish purgatory. Whether we get better or worse from here on in there'll be change for the better eventually imo because we'll either do better/play better, or do the same/worse and it won't be swallowed in the way that it was with Pardew. Do you see where I'm coming from? I totally see where you're coming from but don't agree. The level of support doesn't matter because they'll have endless support from the board just from finishing above 17th. If we're stuck with one of them, I'd far rather it was someone more interesting that either of those two bellends tbqh.
  16. Well in Chloe lass. Tell the world about the cunts.
  17. It's the kind of thing City or Chelsea would do. The only way we can compete with such powers is at using autosum on excel.
  18. The management of the press is what has prevented this from even looking like happening. He's got them all shit scared nowadays and the ones that aren't (Telegraph/Times) are not exactly lying around the staff canteen for the resident morons likely to attack the cunt. If only the sun/star/chronicle didn't choose to tow the party line.
  19. Minhosa

    Lee Charnley

    The silent majority will probably beat you up for that
  20. Less than £10m for MYM and Santon is good work from the Italians. Maybe they're giving the chunkster free pizza and peroni for a year or something......................
  21. Nah, its purely a business. Awful. No balance sheets on show though. Seems a lot of effort to travel around the country to watch a load of shite if you are not interested. Keeping an eye on his next sale, innit? It's much easier to flog something, anything in fact, if you can talk about it a bit to potential buyers.
  22. He'll turn into the second coming of Maradona and Ashley will have missed out on another bumper pay day all for saving a couple of quid in the window.
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