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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. He'll be a cracking signing for someone for the short term. An absolute bargain for a couple of years.
  2. How shit are the official prizes for this? Winner gets a fucking Kia and the runner up gets a pair of boots and a Argie Shirt? Fucking hell.
  3. He's a bit of a Jenas in that he does nothing 'well'..........he's not a great distributor, tackler, creator of chances, goalscorer or, well, just about anything really. If he's being signed to sit on the bench then fine, if we must, but I'd be genuinely gutted to think some cunt at our club thinks this kid can take us forward/improve us.
  4. Looks like he syphoned it off to drink tbf.
  5. my mistake. Should have worded better.
  6. Just embarrassing man. Can you imagine an Arsene Wenger letting his number 2 come out with such bollocks. You're a fucking grown man for gods sakes. Chair throwing and punching peoples heads? Moron.
  7. It's embarrassing in the extreme that video. So unprofessional.
  8. I think they'll sell the club, from a player perspective, along the lines of..............join us for a couple of years and look where you could end up..........Carroll went to Liverpool on over £100k per week, Cabaye to PSG for big dollar...............these guys are living the dream based on a couple of good seasons for us. We'll move you up a level and won't stand in your way should a big bid come in. Effectively, we're a shop window, and in the fickle world of footballers some are probably very grateful for the increase in wages, profile and to get the chance for their big move. Sad times.
  9. I still need one more goal from him. Have him for over 15.5. Come on Gareth!!
  10. Minhosa

    Dan Gosling

    Obviously proves Pards was right in starting him ahead of Ben Arfa. Clear to see which one is hot property in the footballing world. Good luck Dan. Thanks for everything.
  11. It's not just that Neesy. This approach from Ashley and friends is in no way sustainable. As a parent, how do I sell NUFC to my kids if there's nothing remotely attractive about them? 'Well son, we'll be between 9th and 15th every year. We'll never win a cup, we'll never get into Europe oh, and you know your favourite player, that fucking great one we picked up cheap from Timbuktu, well he'll be sold just as soon as we can turn a profit on him'. 'That said, it's in our blood, they're our team so, I'm afraid you're stuck with them.............get ready for years of piss taking from the other kids whose clubs actually try to achieve something'. 'Fuck off Dad'. If I had a son nowadays, I'd be telling him to stay away from supporting us (just don't support the mackems, liverpool, chelsea or city). I've got 2. The eldest (7) came into the living room the other day when I was watching us Vs Liverpool. He witnessed their equaliser and the winner. He said 'Dad, Newcastle really aren't very good are they?' 'No son, we're not' I had to try my hardest to give him something to cling on to.............'It won't always be this bad mate'. Forlorn hope. It's all we've got.
  12. I'm afraid that this would literally be best case scenario but he's basically cornered the high street now. He's got Milletts, a stake in Debenhams, LA Fitness now going through, stakes in Umbro, Slazenger, Dunlop, Donnay, etc etc etc. He's pretty much rich beyond redemption now. A Billionaire outside of Sports Direct.
  13. It's not just that Neesy. This approach from Ashley and friends is in no way sustainable. As a parent, how do I sell NUFC to my kids if there's nothing remotely attractive about them? 'Well son, we'll be between 9th and 15th every year. We'll never win a cup, we'll never get into Europe oh, and you know your favourite player, that fucking great one we picked up cheap from Timbuktu, well he'll be sold just as soon as we can turn a profit on him'. 'That said, it's in our blood, they're our team so, I'm afraid you're stuck with them.............get ready for years of piss taking from the other kids whose clubs actually try to achieve something'. 'Fuck off Dad'.
  14. Hope his chopper explodes.
  15. What's the point of NUFC under Ashley? Genuine question, to the fan in the street, what's the point?
  16. They've got the money bit right and most of their PR utterances are complete Balls so perhaps you're onto their strategy there.
  17. What is the point of that forum? I mean seriously what do those fan representatives gain from being given the same party lines every fucking meeting? Maybe I can do them a favour and drop them an email confirming: - We're not arsed with cup runs - We're absolutely delighted with mediocrity - We'll not spaff any excess cash unless we're going down..........and did you know.........if we don't get back up in a oner, it could take four years. - We'll give you fuck all insight. - And, by the way, for your troubles.........here's a fucking pendant from some daft cunt who used to play for us a hundred years ago and is still on the pay role. Save your petrol money and sack it off.
  18. If he was on fire for us this season, would you have accepted a £10m bid?
  19. Wonder when that was. Encouraging at least.
  20. Had wondered where Shola would be off to. Which one do you think has been the best in their colleagues V.I? Torres? While playing for Atlético? Hard to say - Costa and Falcao probably are the ones that almost singled-handedly have won them trophies (unless Atlético f*** up both of their two upcoming finals). Forlán and Agüero on song were simply delightful to watch. Torres was good, but didn't really become one of the best in the world until he moved to Liverpool. As a striker, Falcao remains one of the best finishers I have ever seen in the flesh. I remember one of his Atlético teammates saying that they could throw an A/C at him, and he would manage to put it on the back of the net. Interesting. My memory is shite but I thought that Torres was fairly established as in the bracket before he left. Some list of players that though, whichever way you look at it.
  21. I've got a feeling that we'll go much more down the British route this summer.
  22. When I saw 50% I thought that must have been his cut on player sales profits. Maybe that's why he's got the hump with Hatem. No increase in value = no AP uplift.
  23. Had wondered where Shola would be off to. Which one do you think has been the best in their colleagues V.I? Torres?
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