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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. Minhosa

    Alan Pardew

    The public murmerings regarding his future will start tomorrow as the Brighton Fans were signing 'you're getting sacked in the morning' on numerous occasions at the match. The wider (i.e: Non-Local) press will certainly pick up on this imho.
  2. Minhosa

    Shola Ameobi

    Should be ashamed of himself for the way he lambasted Tavernier for their first goal.
  3. Minhosa

    Alan Pardew

    Cisse wouldn't have made any difference whatsoever if they played him up top on his own with zero support or movement. Fucking dogshit tactics.
  4. Just back from the game. That was absolutely shambolic. They looked like the side who were one league above us and not the other way around. Our fans were the quietest I've ever heard them (hardly surprising given they had jack all to shout about). The Brighton Fans sang 'you're getting sacked in the morning' plenty to Pardew. Obertan was booed off and rightly so. If someone can find the cunt a heart we might be able to use him. When the tough gets going he fucks off. I was with 2 Brighton Fans and 1 Mackem and when the teams were announced, I said to them 'looks like Pardew has come to win, playing 3 up top'. How wrong I was. Can someone explain to me why Shola was up top in the first half (on his own) surrounded by Bigi one side and Abeid the other. Obertan and Sammy were tucking in to make the middle 1 (Anita) a 3. Where is the fucking sense in that? Surely you surround your forward with your other attacking players. Why in Gods name would you push 2 of your 3 defensive midfielders (who have no attacking threat) up top with that fucking lump and then rely on Oberballs and Sammy to try and reclaim possession when they inevitably keep it? It absolutely defies belief. I felt heartfully sorry for young Tavernier. After their first goal, Shola gave him the biggest of bollockings. The shame. Being shouted at by that useless cunt. Pardew should have been honest with the fans weeks ago and said 'the cup is not for us this seaso, we've got more pressing priorities, please don't waste your money if you're expecting to see a first team' and then follow that up with a complete 11 made up of kids. If you're writing off the cup why risk Anita, Santon and our only fit centre back (as fucking awful as he is)? Fucking fed up with the lack of a game plan, the lack of movement and the PR bullshit. Last bit of my rant being that we did not keep possession of the ball for more than 20 seconds in the entire first half and barely longer in the second. If we don't have the ball, they fucking do. Doesn't take a genius to work out what happens when they use the ball better than us.
  5. Steven Taylor couldn't spell it, let alone try it!
  6. Anelka gets a lot of stick but he did an interview a few years back and was very candid about his career and money. He basically said it would be bad of him to turn down so much money for the sake of games, trophies etc. when he has so many friends and family that relies on his income, or those who could benefit from his income. Again, he delivered on the pitch so how can he be called a mercenary. Michael Owen and those like him are the real culprits. People who don't give one toss about anyone or anything other than themselves. The way you have to look at the likes of Ba is they are a business and his so-called hangers on are shareholders so naturally when their business floats on the SE (a move to Chelsea), they are going to celebrate. Its not particularly endearing to people like me and you who fund all this and earn far less, but again, give me that over c***s like Owen and even people like Alan Smith. This the same Michael Owen who bought all of his family houses in the same street? The same Michael Owen who this week was at a Cancer Hospice? One player should have one agent allowed to represent them. Ba and his 3 million hangers are a poison to the game as he's clearly only motivated by money. I'd wager he'll end up with a further 5 or so clubs before the end of his career, all of which he'll join for the signing on fee to fund his mates. Surely everyone one of us is responsible for his/her own lives and his pals shouldn't have to rely on the only f***er amongst them with a talent to fund there lives? Howay man, there is no way Ba is on the same mercenary/money grabbing level as Owen regardless of the latters' charitable moments. I don't like hangers on either by the way, but with Ba and some like him, I can see some kind of reason for them or why they exist. In an ideal world players would sign for a club, stay there until they retired, delivering nothing but sterling performances and ultimate professionalism. On the other hand, clubs and fans are not innocent parties either. We were happy to sign Ba on a free and have that clause in there. We were happy to offer him an average wage packet as per the going rate and as fans, despite what he has done for us, we are quick to say "I hope that knee explodes" or "good riddance" not so long after singing his name and proclaiming him the next coming of God/Alah or whatever. In many ways we are all spoilt, ungrateful, selfish and extremely disloyal fuckers. Only fans cannot escape the loyalty to their club like players can... even if at times we would all wish too. And do you know what, that's where the bitterness all fans harbour comes from because ultimately as much as we love or club and our footy and our footballers, we also fucking despise them whenever they lose, do something wrong, leave or say something daft. But we cannot escape, we have to go back and put up with things and live the whole recyled life and times of being a footy fan. Mind, that's also the beauty of it too. Fuck, I hate footy. But I also bastard love it. Cunts. . I'm not arsed about him leaving particularly and the circus that follows him is the main reason why. I don't see him as some sort of hero just because he's looking after his pals. I dare say he does no more than the Nolans/Owens/Colo's of the world in respect of his mates. The fact he's Muslim is neither here nor there. He's got a boat load of hangers on funded by his career. If you ask me, more fool him for putting himself under that pressure of pleasing them and paying for them. They're rinsing the guy and taking full advantage of the fact he's daft enough to play along with them. At least Jimmy 5 Bellies had the entertainment factor and would eat cat shit pies for Gazza.
  7. I could see that happening actually. would be a terrible move for him. Most footballers playing for Sunderland give up the desire to continue living after seeing the state of the place, ones from Tyneside end up like Chopra and Clark. Only a matter of time before Colback scores an own goal, lifts his shirt and reveals a black-and-white nufc shirt tattoo underneath. don't raise my hopes us of the ginger ninja getting his toon on. I can see that move coming off as he would probably be keen to move back to the NE and the mackems will be paying top dollar. Probably offer him £300k a week on a 15 year deal.
  8. I could see that happening actually.
  9. Anelka gets a lot of stick but he did an interview a few years back and was very candid about his career and money. He basically said it would be bad of him to turn down so much money for the sake of games, trophies etc. when he has so many friends and family that relies on his income, or those who could benefit from his income. Again, he delivered on the pitch so how can he be called a mercenary. Michael Owen and those like him are the real culprits. People who don't give one toss about anyone or anything other than themselves. The way you have to look at the likes of Ba is they are a business and his so-called hangers on are shareholders so naturally when their business floats on the SE (a move to Chelsea), they are going to celebrate. Its not particularly endearing to people like me and you who fund all this and earn far less, but again, give me that over cunts like Owen and even people like Alan Smith. This the same Michael Owen who bought all of his family houses in the same street? The same Michael Owen who this week was at a Cancer Hospice? One player should have one agent allowed to represent them. Ba and his 3 million hangers are a poison to the game as he's clearly only motivated by money. I'd wager he'll end up with a further 5 or so clubs before the end of his career, all of which he'll join for the signing on fee to fund his mates. Surely everyone one of us is responsible for his/her own lives and his pals shouldn't have to rely on the only fucker amongst them with a talent to fund there lives?
  10. Fucking sickening seeing all the smug cunts he knocks around with smiling all over twitter. Today is their lottery win. I'm willing to bet he'll be away elsewhere by the end of next season having sat on the bench for much of next season when their new gaffer comes in and, inevitably, brings a huge signing in the form of a forward with him. Anelka Mk2.
  11. I can see him going to Man Utd for 2 years.
  12. He's not shown much of that initial promise. At this stage, it's looking like the right decision to flog him.
  13. We needed another forward when Ba was here, there's an argument to suggest we need 2 now.
  14. Seriously, this shit has got to stop.
  15. Fantastic news and not a minute too soon.
  16. Minhosa

    Loïc Remy

    I'm going to christen him Larry. I prefer Larry. A good, solid French name.
  17. You fucking penises. What a stupid thread title.
  18. But does he have better sight of the 'in-ball' and more chance to react/use his reflexes than if the ball is launched in blind? As I say, I'm arguing with myself a bit here but it's an interesting thought.
  19. Would seem unreal value for money when you think he's France's first choice RB. Excited to see him play and think he'll make a world of difference to players like HBA (trust in his FB), Tiote (useful outball), Santon (both wings having balance, less onus on him) and Cisse (potential for more amunition). Also good news for Willo/Saylor as Debeauty will be looking for the ball/more comfortable than Danny 'Launch It' Simpson.
  20. Possibly actually, but was a hell of a kick, don't think he was at fault tbh No - not knocking him, was thinking more of the principal for future consideration. Surely there has to be an argument to say that Baines (or anyone else for that matter) couldn't beat a keeper from 35-40 yards without the wall partially blocking his view. I'm arguing with myself here really as I guess the sheer volume of bodies in the box means a likely deflection would probably increase the possibility of ball movement/deflections and/or increase the number of second balls being knicked by poachers closer to the goal as opposed to boucning off the wall closer to the edge of the box. Hmmm. Conclusion. Fuck knaas.
  21. Does Krul save that free kick without a wall?
  22. Is there any talk on where Beckham is going to end up? You can get 10/1 on either Monaco or PSG. They look like decent bets to me.
  23. Minhosa

    Alan Pardew

    There's no disgrace in getting beat off a strong, organised and driven Everton side but ending the game with that 11 containing Ameobi's x 2, Ranger, Willo and a young kid (as talented as he is) in the middle of the park against Fellaini is fucking scandalous.
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