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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. Woo. A top 6 hand-me-down and a relegated striker who's record isn't great and he's already injury prone (in the hands of Steve 'Shipman' Bruce). Fucking hell I wish this version of NUFC nothing but ill will. Takeover dragged me back in but I need to get back out asap. This is toxic. Doesn't sound like either Fraser or Wilson are that arsed about coming here, which pretty much sums up the rotten state of the club under the current tenure. They aren't even A-list players, but tbf, one look at Bruce in charge would make you think maybe you can do a bit better than NUFC in their position. You can probably count the worse clubs in the Premier on one hand. Even with two fingers chopped off. 100% mate.
  2. Woo. A top 6 hand-me-down and a relegated striker who's record isn't great and he's already injury prone (in the hands of Steve 'Shipman' Bruce). Fucking hell I wish this version of NUFC nothing but ill will. Takeover dragged me back in but I need to get back out asap. This is toxic.
  3. This, I’m all out of giving a fuck Aye. All the motivation and enthusiasm of a bloke on death row choosing his last meal tbh.
  4. Pays to kiss bacon's arse clearly. Fucking cretins.
  5. I'm not convinced this'll work. Almost certainly, if we sign Wilson too, one of them will flop imho.
  6. When I met Phil Thompson a couple of years ago he was hugely critical of Ibe and said all of the noise out of Melwood was that he'd let everything go to his head and both him and his family were acting like they were the real deal and top top players way too earlier. 'Gotten ahead of himself' were the exact words he'd used. Looking back, he looks right.
  7. As much as slagging off carver is in vogue He was sir bobbys assistant so must have something going for him Aye. Licked more lips than Ron Jeremy.
  8. Brucosaurus won't let Ritchie go imho. Too much grit.
  9. Minhosa

    Jeff Hendrick

    Is he seriously taking the piss? Demanding fans? We've sat through utter turgid dogshit for 13 years with no intention of even competing and we're 'demanding'. Fuck this prick.
  10. Minhosa

    Jeff Hendrick

    Aye - really picked the wrong bloke to sell it. Might as well have asked Sam Allardyce for his opinion tbh.
  11. Why do this though? Aye, it's not funny at all now like. Not it ever was, mind. It wasn't. Shit craic tbh.
  12. He'd be a good buy for them. Our best CM imho. Good move all round. He'll be back in London, and it won't even be step down. They are at about our level but have more credibility as they were never considered a big club anyway. For us, we could get some money in and spend it on a British player from a lower level who would consider it an honour to play for Brewcecastle Utd. It's funny because it's true.
  13. He'd be a good buy for them. Our best CM imho. Sean Longstaff under Rafa looked better IMO but bar that, I totally agree! Don't disagree but under the Bruceosaurus SL has been diabolical.
  14. He'd be a good buy for them. Our best CM imho.
  15. That simply can't be right. Charners said facilities don't matter.
  16. Fuck only knows. I always hated Thompson but met him and Alan McInally (both randomly sat next to me on a Friday night flight from Manchester to London one night a few years ago). They were both really really good craic. Really nice guys. There was a Friday night match on (Brighton, from memory) and they were massively into it, watching on their phones right up to take off and immediately when we landed etc. I had a good chat with Thompson about NUFC, Rafa etc and I also mentioned how good Merino was. He mentioned it the next day on Soccer Saturday .
  17. Aye such a Bruce signing too. Absolute clogger.
  18. Desperate cunts. Trying to use humour when no cunt wants to laugh with them. I'll smile with the pricks when Ashley, Charnley and Bacon have gone and the gaff has been fumigated. Until then you can shove your jokes up your passive, compliant arses.
  19. Not thick at all. Looking at the situation with critical eyes Nothing to stop him doing some actual journalism and checking to see if what he's been told is actually based in any kind of factual world. Unless it was just an interview and reported as one, rather than taking a single source as gospel That's fine in most scenarios, but with one source (we are assuming) involved in a highly confidential process, I'm not sure how feasible that is. In that case a decent journalist wouldn't report as fact, and would write as an opinion piece. Probably not feasible to report with checks, but that should have been made clear. You are literally spouting complete and utter gibberish like. I don't know how thick people have to be to see it the way you do, but George has made it abundantly clear every time he's shared his bits of info that "the buyer's believe...", "it's from the buyer's", "the buyer's have been told there are no red flags". All of those things are true, or were true at the time of reporting. As far as I'm aware, as someone who knows George a little bit, he hasn't once said that "THE TAKEOVER WILL BE APPROVED ON DAY XYZ". Saying news should have confirmed and verified sources is hardly gibberish. George may have had a confirmed source, but was never verified. Reading his pieces he only hints at this but does present it as fact even though technically he doesn't. His reports convinced a lot of people that he actually had an insight into what was going on, which over the last few weeks has been revealed as to be not the case. His source is literally Amanda Staveley. How much closer to the deal do you want him to be? Maybe try to check to see if she was telling the truth? Not saying he didn't, but there's no published evidence that he checked on what she was telling him. He's published opinion pieces to look like fact while technically not presenting them as fact. He got a lot of people's hopes up by being good at gaming the news system, which is a sort of admirable quality but isn't up there for his long term credibility In his defence, he's got a lot of credit in the bank. He's not pulled up any trees since joining the Athletic and I think he was hugely looking forward to reporting on a genuine football club again. It's not an easy club to cover for journo's who privately must hate lots about their jobs nowadays. He's gone very quiet since it died and I think that's a combination of annual leave but just needing to get some sheer headspace from this whole shitshow. Personally, I feel he'd probably invested a lot of himself into the bid happening and he probably knows much more about their plans than he's able to let on so he's probably doubly disappointed because he knows exacty what could have been.
  20. Yea I find that massively worrying. I’m guessing they’re trying to offload Muto bit Joelinton missing without explanation is odd. Maybe quarantine after spending time abroad? Isn't his Mrs due to drop at any time?
  21. As someone who used to have GC on the highest of pedestals, even I don't think he's covered himself in glory particularly on this takeover and perhaps he's been blinded by the source at times (early on in the process at the very least).
  22. They did sell Coutinho for 140m during this time. Even with that in mind, it's still damned impressive.
  23. Makes Klopp's performance at Liverpool pretty fucking priceless in comparison.
  24. Another exclusive for 'Nice guy Steve's' good friend. No conflict of interest there no sirrriee.
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