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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. Rafa had him sussed and would've had him out of the door this summer imho. He's awful and completely unable to influence games when the opposition get close to him. Give him space and time he looks a player, on the odd occasion he turns up.
  2. I see he's brought back the 'I've had a shitter' bib and the Chronicle are hailing him as the next coming of Christ. What is this? 1995? The local press seem over the moon that they're getting soundbites from the big nosed wanker. They're ALL on his side. Rafa only dealt with the Times and serious journos, not the window licking wankers from NCJ.
  3. Bruce is going to kill this kids career.
  4. Christ I can't stand this cunt.
  5. Are you really this thick? Maybe I am, but what about giving a proper response instead of personal abuse? Organisation, respect from all parties, galvanisation, integrity, proven quality and giving hope = Rafa. Bloke in a tracksuit who's won fuck all and who likes cunts such as Colback = Bruce.
  6. Minhosa

    St James' Park

    That already looks shit. Gonna look even worse after the winter with rain marks all through it. Cheap cunts.
  7. Minhosa


    Rafa didn’t want him.
  8. twitter or in the times? Times. Can anyone post the article please?
  9. Agreed. I think if we lose the first three (which there's a good chance of) then even the knobheads still going will be having second thoughts.
  10. Hope this cunts head explodes....
  11. He's the new Richard Keys that cunt.
  12. Minhosa


    I honestly couldn't be less arsed about this. Could be £140m for all I care. Pack of cunts.
  13. I reckon so. That didn't have the hindsight of everything else for them to potentially learn from and a much stronger squad to think we could stay up. This is Ashley basically blowing his and the club's face off (PL survival, a competent manager, making any money) because doing that includes spiting its nose (the remaining fans that give a shit) Totally agree. There was a very small argument for pig headedness/ignorance with Kinnear etc but after having been so close to nailing it (just give Rafa, Bruce's budget FFS!) he's completely and utterly fucked it. Again. This is all because he needs to be the one in power. He needs to be a sole voice, a dictator. Utter utter cunt of a man.
  14. Agreed. Cheap solution imho. Like everything at SD FC.
  15. The only potential we have in ridding our club of him is if there is someone, anyone, out there prepared to pay over the odds for it tbh. Someone with too much cash, someone that for some reason (unknown to us mere mortals) thinks that the club is going to increase dramatically in value due to a new influx of cash from somewhere or someone that engages him with a lesser % ownership but still a stake in a profit making entity which, if I'm honest, is what I think he really wants. All of the benefit but none of the stress. Clearly, that wouldn't rid us of him fully but there'd undoubtedly by fall outs within the first few months as he's a complete narcissist who thinks he knows better than everyone else about everything which would be the beginning of the end in many ways.
  16. Minhosa

    St James' Park

    They've clearly upped the maintenance man's budget to £144.34 for the year and let him spend. Lucky thing.
  17. Wishful thinking I know.........but from a Bookies perspective, if you have been tipped off that the Sheff Weds owner will be playing hard ball, there is a small possibility that Fatty and Baldy will move on through desperation to have someone occupy the hotseat soon as potential signings etc would demand to know who they'll actually be playing for next season at Sports Direct FC. That being the case, you probably price that very small risk/possibility into the odds. Would be completely hilarious if it fell through though.
  18. It's funny as fuck how the club give them absolutely fuck all in the way of exclusives or 'good news' stories but tell them when to play things down and they run along and do it like good little boys. Completely fucking spineless and compliant to Mike Ashley. His hard line approach after he took over has massively clipped their wings. I'd love to see them have the balls to come out with 'If you tolerate him, your children will ne next' or 'If you go now, you're part of the problem' and wage an all out war against him. Fat chance though. They'll all be secretly delighted cabbage heed has got the job as it means they'll get the odd scoop and off the record chat whereas Rafa pretty much only ever released his messages through the nationals, the Times, in particular. Whenever change of ownership occurs, under whatever circumstances etc, the pricks at NCJ have absolutely zero right to claim any credit and nor do they deserve the right to the good vibes (and potential paper sales) that will bring. Lee Ryder and Co. should be getting even more stick than they do imho. Fucking spineless whelks, the lot of them.
  19. Would love to see them utterly fuck us about and royally kill the fat toad's reputation. What's left of it.
  20. Also, you should write back to the cunts telling them that if they email you again trading standards will be informed as you view them as masquarading as a football club.
  21. Ha ha ha ha ha. Fuck knows how I didn't get one of those given my reply was just as candid. Honestly, this is what the relationship has come to. Them warning genuine fans for having an opinion. Having the balls to present their view directly to them? Fucking utter scumbags. Whenever a change of ownership happens, and I pray I'm alive to see the day, this fucking football club needs to be utterly cleansed of all of the cunts in the whole building. Ashley's culture has completely intoxicated the place. It's rife. Honestly burn it all down.
  22. Minhosa


    Not bothered in the slightest.
  23. That Telegraph article nails it in the second to last paragraph. That's his grand plan. Take it back private, having fucked everyone that made him incredible wealthy beyond his wildest dreams and go back to the world of zero scrutiny. That's where this story goes. 100%. Just wish he'd flogged us to fund it.
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