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Everything posted by localshop

  1. http://www.flickr.com/photos/40191515@N05/ Ben Arfa has travelled looking at those pics. Also Shola is wearing a scarf.
  2. localshop

    Players in public

    Sammi in Heaton Sainsburys on Saturday then in Dene's Deli yesterday (not stalker promise). He is way taller than I expected.
  3. Dogleash on talksport defending Suarez diving all the time
  4. Its called a Blob fish. Thats f***ing class mind :lol: Brendan Blobfish - I love it. Or Blobdan Rodgers
  5. Did anyone else spot Steve Wraith acting in the ads that were sponsoring the Pride of Britain Awards? Weird.
  6. localshop


    Where is that Martyn McFadden from? Sounds more geordie than mackem to me. You can hear the twisted rage and envy burning inside when he tries to defend Sunderland as the better city
  7. localshop


    Sounds tongue in cheek, unless it is deadly serious in which case
  8. localshop


  9. localshop


    Cool Valderrama bro.
  10. NUFC Chinos are surely one of the first signs of the Apocalypse??
  11. http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Football/Pix/pictures/2009/6/23/1245742173197/Michael-Owen-at-Royal-Asc-001.jpg Surely one of the most punchable faces in football.
  12. http://piperbayard.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/in-bruges-poster.jpg Get to work clever people, shop some heads on.
  13. http://www.uefa.com/uefaeuropaleague/season=2013/draws/index.html The draw animation at the bottom should still work
  14. Deffo works in IE, not in Firefox. No love for the fox from them.
  15. http://www.uefa.com/uefaeuropaleague/season=2013/draws/index.html
  16. He isnt there according to someone on here earlier WHAT!? Oh yeah, too busy finalising the Debuchy deal.
  17. Decca must be loving it with all those swanky casinos to go to later.
  18. I still believe there is a 10% chance he will sign today. I am delusional
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