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Everything posted by merlin

  1. Theres a lot of 'willing it to be true' too. He sounds just like the German finance minister willing the British economy to fail. Quite typical of the Germans actually, I was in Berlin most of last week and one of the big discussions was how much the NHS is on German telly, with them saying how thats falling apart too. A pattern emerging? The Germans are right, though - the British Economy is stuffed. It was built on a base of sand, with the Govt banking on ever-rising house prices(to make people feel rich and spend equity in their property in order to fuel an unsustainable consumer boom. This was fuelled by irresponsible lending(AND borrowing) from Banks etc and finally collapsed when the whole ring-a-roses ended as Banks realised that the CDOs(sold-on mortgages) weren't worth the paper they were written on...worse still(and this applies all over Europe, not just the UK), there are still LOADS of these things being held by banks who won't admit how much bad debt they actually have, which is why lending is tight... Govts over the past 30 years have ALL been responsible for building up this situation, because they all thought the UK could live on London's Financial services, and Service Industries like Call centres etc plus Retail.... A country of 60m plus CANNOT exist like this unless it has Natural resources to sell(like N.Sea Oil etc) - those are now dying out, hence dependence on Russia for Gas in Europe. Germany WILL struggle for a while because the rest of the Western World cannot now keep buying machinery, BMWs and Mercs etc., but they have all the technology in place for when the recession eases. The UK has given too much of its Industrial base away, or allowed it to deteriorate.... There will be huge questions for politicians to answer over the next few years, and I doubt that any of them have the answers....!! Naturally, football is NOT immune from this downturn, and Hoeness shouldn't gloat too much about the falling pound ; once Germany starts slowing(and it is already), the Euro will ALSO fall, and the pound is now worth about 1.10 Euros whereas it was hardly worth 1 last week.... Unless you are like Man C with a megarich owner, things are going to get tough ; SKY subs will start falling, so maybe they will have less to pay into football. Big changes ahead methinks....
  2. Yes, and they came to SJP and one of our former players enabled them to pinch a point - true..?? As Fading star points out, our record against pooer teams is hardly great, is it?
  3. It’s a fear shared by many. Our home form against the other relegation candidates has been s****. Home and away we’ve only beaten one of the clubs who people seem conceived are worse than us? If we’re not well clear of the relegation zone by the time we go to WHL anything can happen. Wonder goals, flukey goals, dodgy pens, sleepy linesmen, injury problems, flared tempers. Surviving the relegation run in is a question of nerve. It's a pressure cooker and I can’t see NUFC being up to the challenge - both supporters and players are already battered and bruised by this seasons events. Clubs like Stoke and Hull have a far better sense of purpose and direction, and a far greater strength of unity. NUFC is on it’s knees. Having three or four top quality players is our one advantage. How many of them will still be here next month remains to be seen. This is also spot-on - you just have to look at Stoke's battling effort to get a point from Liverpool to see the difference ; they are making up for supposed 'lack of quality' by fighting for their lives, a quality that NUFC clearly don't possess . People talk about WBA being 'already gone' but in many games they have actually played better passing football than NUFC ; back in 1986, we were in danger of relegation but Paul Goddard, never a recognised prolific goal-scorer, went on a scoring run from about Feb which saved our bacon...Goddard was, however, a very good player - we have nobody in that mould now, and if WBA were to unearth someone who can get goals better than their current squad, they will be able to mount a recovery ; Bolton have a record of escaping in the past and Wigan are picking up results... Its going to be tough unless the team is strengthened considerably... Is your head that far up your arse you cant remember Chelsea away? And is yours so far up your own(not uncommon for you either..)that you don't remember Liverpool at home, or have you just discovered selective memory loss...? You said a battling effort to get a point was a quality we dont possess. I never said falling apart and playing like s*** was a quality we did not possess. Not like you to lose the train of logic. The difference is that when Stoke played us at SJP, they battled right to the end and got a point - people keep saying that they have so-called 'inferior' players to us, but that means nothing unless so-called 'superiority' is combined with determination and organization ; they HAVE battled better than us , and OK, we had a poor side out against Liverpool, but nobody can deny that Stoke gave them a MUCH tougher game at the Britannia then we did at SJP ; they tried to win the game right to the end, even if it wasn't pretty to watch, and those qualities are the ones that will keep you up in a tight battle. Did anyone really expect us to surrender 1-5 at home, even with some first-teamers missing? The above comments can also be applied to clubs like Wigan and Fulham... In any case, a club like NUFC should NOT have such a thin, threadbare squad - that is why I am so annoyed at the policy(or lack of it) that the club has adopted. But you surely dont deny that going to Chelsea and sealing a draw away from home demonstrates the squad has the sort of battling qualities that Stoke displayed at home against Liverpool? I can point at Stoke's 5-0 demolition at Old Trafford to make a point that there squad is s*** and they cant battle the way we do, hence demonstrating the complete futility of highlighting one game to make a general point about the abilities and characteristics of a squad. The loss against Liverpool was particularly distressing for me since i'd given up my usual seat to accomodate someone who hadnt been for a few years and bought two extra tickets as xmas presents, ended up sitting next to someone who clearly had learning difficulities as he spent the entire match informing me that his "mam is cooking him roast potatoes at 4" and "he was having chicken for his dinner on new years" and other such pearls of footballing wisdom. With that on top of the game itself, you definitely deserve some sympathy....!! Yes, Stoke lost 5-0 at OT, but we managed to beat even that when we went there last season... Generally, though, they have managed better results against teams outside the top 4 , and that may well count at the end of the season - esp if the current inactivity in the transfer market continues for NUFC.
  4. Should have been done years ago - completely ridiculous in today's financial climate.
  5. merlin


    ...Despite the fact that they ARE inept, and have proved it many times..
  6. It’s a fear shared by many. Our home form against the other relegation candidates has been s****. Home and away we’ve only beaten one of the clubs who people seem conceived are worse than us? If we’re not well clear of the relegation zone by the time we go to WHL anything can happen. Wonder goals, flukey goals, dodgy pens, sleepy linesmen, injury problems, flared tempers. Surviving the relegation run in is a question of nerve. It's a pressure cooker and I can’t see NUFC being up to the challenge - both supporters and players are already battered and bruised by this seasons events. Clubs like Stoke and Hull have a far better sense of purpose and direction, and a far greater strength of unity. NUFC is on it’s knees. Having three or four top quality players is our one advantage. How many of them will still be here next month remains to be seen. This is also spot-on - you just have to look at Stoke's battling effort to get a point from Liverpool to see the difference ; they are making up for supposed 'lack of quality' by fighting for their lives, a quality that NUFC clearly don't possess . People talk about WBA being 'already gone' but in many games they have actually played better passing football than NUFC ; back in 1986, we were in danger of relegation but Paul Goddard, never a recognised prolific goal-scorer, went on a scoring run from about Feb which saved our bacon...Goddard was, however, a very good player - we have nobody in that mould now, and if WBA were to unearth someone who can get goals better than their current squad, they will be able to mount a recovery ; Bolton have a record of escaping in the past and Wigan are picking up results... Its going to be tough unless the team is strengthened considerably... Is your head that far up your arse you cant remember Chelsea away? And is yours so far up your own(not uncommon for you either..)that you don't remember Liverpool at home, or have you just discovered selective memory loss...? You said a battling effort to get a point was a quality we dont possess. I never said falling apart and playing like s*** was a quality we did not possess. Not like you to lose the train of logic. The difference is that when Stoke played us at SJP, they battled right to the end and got a point - people keep saying that they have so-called 'inferior' players to us, but that means nothing unless so-called 'superiority' is combined with determination and organization ; they HAVE battled better than us , and OK, we had a poor side out against Liverpool, but nobody can deny that Stoke gave them a MUCH tougher game at the Britannia then we did at SJP ; they tried to win the game right to the end, even if it wasn't pretty to watch, and those qualities are the ones that will keep you up in a tight battle. Did anyone really expect us to surrender 1-5 at home, even with some first-teamers missing? The above comments can also be applied to clubs like Wigan and Fulham... In any case, a club like NUFC should NOT have such a thin, threadbare squad - that is why I am so annoyed at the policy(or lack of it) that the club has adopted.
  7. This was ALWAYS going to happen with the club in the state it is now - doubt whether such a high percentage would do so if the club had been doing well, but times are tough and football will feel the pinch like everything else...this recession will last at least 2 years.
  8. merlin


    THAT'S better - some ambition for a change....NOT Makes you proud, doesn't it!! However, the media are all taking the p--- right now, so its probably garbage.. Anyway, why would a great star like Quashie sign for a club like NUFC..!
  9. It’s a fear shared by many. Our home form against the other relegation candidates has been s****. Home and away we’ve only beaten one of the clubs who people seem conceived are worse than us? If we’re not well clear of the relegation zone by the time we go to WHL anything can happen. Wonder goals, flukey goals, dodgy pens, sleepy linesmen, injury problems, flared tempers. Surviving the relegation run in is a question of nerve. It's a pressure cooker and I can’t see NUFC being up to the challenge - both supporters and players are already battered and bruised by this seasons events. Clubs like Stoke and Hull have a far better sense of purpose and direction, and a far greater strength of unity. NUFC is on it’s knees. Having three or four top quality players is our one advantage. How many of them will still be here next month remains to be seen. This is also spot-on - you just have to look at Stoke's battling effort to get a point from Liverpool to see the difference ; they are making up for supposed 'lack of quality' by fighting for their lives, a quality that NUFC clearly don't possess . People talk about WBA being 'already gone' but in many games they have actually played better passing football than NUFC ; back in 1986, we were in danger of relegation but Paul Goddard, never a recognised prolific goal-scorer, went on a scoring run from about Feb which saved our bacon...Goddard was, however, a very good player - we have nobody in that mould now, and if WBA were to unearth someone who can get goals better than their current squad, they will be able to mount a recovery ; Bolton have a record of escaping in the past and Wigan are picking up results... Its going to be tough unless the team is strengthened considerably... Is your head that far up your arse you cant remember Chelsea away? And is yours so far up your own(not uncommon for you either..)that you don't remember Liverpool at home, or have you just discovered selective memory loss...?
  10. merlin


    We all know this - its a pity the owner doesn't , or, if he does, isn't prepared to take the necessary action to rectify it. Then again, you have the problem of getting quality midfield players to join a club in turmoil.......
  11. As expected, another club's cast-off ; Lovenkrands had a falling-out with Schalke - the Germans don't tolerate any messing about, but based on past history(Dyer, Bramble etc). he should fit in well at NUFC...
  12. It’s a fear shared by many. Our home form against the other relegation candidates has been s****. Home and away we’ve only beaten one of the clubs who people seem conceived are worse than us? If we’re not well clear of the relegation zone by the time we go to WHL anything can happen. Wonder goals, flukey goals, dodgy pens, sleepy linesmen, injury problems, flared tempers. Surviving the relegation run in is a question of nerve. It's a pressure cooker and I can’t see NUFC being up to the challenge - both supporters and players are already battered and bruised by this seasons events. Clubs like Stoke and Hull have a far better sense of purpose and direction, and a far greater strength of unity. NUFC is on it’s knees. Having three or four top quality players is our one advantage. How many of them will still be here next month remains to be seen. This is also spot-on - you just have to look at Stoke's battling effort to get a point from Liverpool to see the difference ; they are making up for supposed 'lack of quality' by fighting for their lives, a quality that NUFC clearly don't possess . People talk about WBA being 'already gone' but in many games they have actually played better passing football than NUFC ; back in 1986, we were in danger of relegation but Paul Goddard, never a recognised prolific goal-scorer, went on a scoring run from about Feb which saved our bacon...Goddard was, however, a very good player - we have nobody in that mould now, and if WBA were to unearth someone who can get goals better than their current squad, they will be able to mount a recovery ; Bolton have a record of escaping in the past and Wigan are picking up results... Its going to be tough unless the team is strengthened considerably...
  13. Great post, and the trouble is that if Ashley doesn't 'see the error of his ways' by the end of Jan, then there is NOTHING anyone can do about it ; if the current squad is NOT good enough to stay up(which I suspect)then it can't be strengthened.
  14. A good reader of the game, but unfortunately not capable of matching forwards when beaten for pace... He also gets caught on the wrong side of a forward's run, incorrectly guessing which direction the attacker will go. To be fair, I think his confidence is shot to pieces in this team ; its his first season in the Prem and he has more assets as a defender than Jonas has as a forward in my opinion - he is a good footballer...there are 3 decent defenders at the club, Beye Coloccini and Bassong, although I still want to see more of Bassong before I make my mind up fully. Taylor is erratic and prone to fouling.... The midfield is so poor that the defence often finds itself under tons of pressure as their colleagues give the ball away to the opposition, so they are going to make mistakes. Time will tell whether Coloccini is up to it, but I reckon he could end up back in Spain.
  15. I saw someone on another thread going on about the way in which Owen celebrated his goal. Are Newcastle fans really that bad? I think that lad was being sarcastic to prove a point about Owen not caring about NUFC. Would not have a problem if those season-ticket holders/fans who are only at the game to whinge and complain would f*** off and stay away for a while. It might help to improve the fortunes of the club in the long run if we went down to 30,000 or so for a while Whilst it would concentrate the owner's mind wonderfully, low attendances can NEVER improve the club's future as revenue is lost..
  16. Expect more of this as the season progresses - IF the club goes down, expect an attendance of 15,000 at the last home game ; in 77/78 there were 7,700 against Norwich in the last match at SJP....
  17. merlin

    Jonas Gutierrez

    He's a Tanner Ba' Player - looks good, no end product... Surrounded by better players in Argentine side who cover his faults - he's talented, but not enough to shine is a crap side..
  18. Yep - you got it in one, Big Tron...!
  19. NUFC have made a specialiity of wrecking decent young prospects' careers over the years..you can look back through the club's history and there are stacks of them who either did better when they left or never fulfilled their potential. The coaching(and Medical treatment) has been woeful over the years...even KK scrapped the Reserves/Juniors. Alan Thompson should have been a great LB, but left because he didn't rate KK's treatment of young players...Andy Hunt was another who had real skill, and blossomed when he went to Charlton... Enrique IS a talented player and in a different regime would prove himself in time,but not, I suspect , at NUFC.
  20. A very bad result which could have been worse - WH are a side which we should be beating at SJP if the club is to stay up, and on the second-half performance we could easily have lost. Jonas has confirmed my original fears about him after he never matched his performance at OT - he is, as the Scots used to say, a 'Tanner Ba' player'...in other words, looks good on the ball, but no end product ; the fact that he celebrated his goal at Mallorca with a Spider-Man mask says it all, because they won't happen very often and even in this instance, he could have found Owen with a decent pass instead.... To win the match with that late effort would have been a travesty though - the Hammers deserved at least a point. Unfortunately, the club are going to have to rely on Lady Luck if they are to survive this season.
  21. Totally disagree with this - the question was 'who id the most important to the team between now and the end of season'....are you SERIOUSLY trying to tell us that we can do without Owen more that Given?? In case you hadn't actually thought about it, and just acted on emotion, let me ask you this ; Who is going to get the goals between now and the end of the season if Owen goes - Martins??? Don't think so, and in any case, he could be out for 5 weeks... Viduka?? See above... Carroll?? Do me a favour... Jonas?? See above.. You shot down your own argument by saying that if Given leaves, we have Harper in the net - EXACTLY, and he isn't far behind Given(in fact, better in some ways)as a keeper.. Owen goes, and the odds on the club going down go down to evens or better.......
  22. I agree - I gave it a 7 if no MAJOR improvements were made to the side, and I stick by that. We could yet lose both Given and Owen and that would be a major blow to any chance of staying up ; we are only 3 points off the bottom 3 and we are not winning home games - a sure sign of a side struggling.
  23. Absolutely true - they used to sign Scots of approx 28 years of age from teams like McNuggets Utd whilst quibbling over about 30,000 quid extra which would have enabled them to sign the likes of Andy Gray(that actually happened when Joe Harvey wanted Gray after seeing him cause NUFC a ton of trouble in a game at SJP when Gray was 17....the Board wouldn't pay the extra to get him and he went to Villa). Even players like Beardsley were signed AFTER Man U had the chance first and rejected it(nice one, Big Ron...!!!), and we picked him up from Vancouver. Not until SJH was Chairman did we really get to compete for top division players, and even then, some of the best signings were bargain basement - Lee, Cole etc. Sir Les was probably the highest-profile signing at 6m in 1995 until Asprilla and Alan Shearer in 1996.
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