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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. Masterful trolling of the Hungary fans by Goretzka
  2. With Acerbi and Bastoni in reserve it's not a critical blow
  3. Conte to Spurs seems a terrible fit. Did they not pay attention to his time at Inter. He'll fall out with them over transfer funding after one window.
  4. Their Chairman is worth 18 billion, think he's from the region. Think they are very well run, not just a money drain.
  5. Smash and grab raid? Shut up man
  6. One of the replies to the Alex Bruce tweet sums everything up perfectly about Steve. He's lowered the bar then congratulated himself for reaching it.
  7. Kevin Lasagne coming on for Verona. Still the best Italian footballer name.
  8. Sérgio Conceição seems the obvious choice for them
  9. Won't somebody think of the really minor property damage to the stadium of a multi billion dollar company registered in the Cayman Islands. You monsters.
  10. Veratti such a big boost for PSG.
  11. Unless this all just a hustle to get the team bus through ?
  12. Was always going to be him wasn't it. He's fucking mint.
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