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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. Zlatan has five in three now for Milan at 39. He's been quite the shot in the arm for this young AC team.
  2. Juve getting beat as Napoli and AC start the season on fire. Hopefully a new winner this year.
  3. Privatisation of the CL essentially?
  4. Although they might keep a secondary European competition for the lesser teams without the risk of us crashing their party.
  5. Wouldn't this mean the scrapping of the CL to accommodate this. Potentially creating a private league for the big clubs. Removes the incentive for takeovers etc of you can't qualify for Europe. Achieve the big picture aims without needing a PL vote?
  6. Could the other 14 just do a reverse big picture and vote it through? Like change the voting rights to everyone but the big six
  7. Last paragraph of the BBC article showing this for what it is. Money trumps everything.
  8. Man City suspended off Twitter for buying followers
  9. Gunnarsaurus singing for Everton as a Jordan Pickford replacement.
  10. I think it's actually Newcastle. 1-7. Aye in 1927 just like looked it up. Those were the days. Our last league title was in 1927
  11. Vertout has come a long way since his Villa days
  12. Bellingham assist for Reyna goal. Weird seeing fans in the stadium.
  13. Linked with Milik We love decent strikers with serious knee injuries it seems
  14. GeordieDazzler


    Let's see who gets the worst press out of those two...
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