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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. Enriques promotion clincher vs N.Forrest
  2. Perchy interview on NUFC TV
  3. http://www.skysports.com/video/inline/0,26691,12602_7725061,00.html
  4. The Marsaille forum is pure poetry... (they fucking love us by the way)
  5. Just listening to 5Live and they are slating the appointment and saying it should be Redknapp. Bunch of cunts! This appointment and the childish way the media have reacted is actually making me more inclined to get behind England in the summer where beforehand I didn't care too much.
  6. He'll prob win a controversial pen against England and then get turned into a hate figure by the English press.
  7. Watched him once when Burnley were on the BBC and he was quality. Other than that have absolutely no idea. Had pace and a good cross. Trippier that is.
  8. Llorente and Mario Gomez could form an awesome 80's pop group
  9. Khedira didn't score in the first leg
  10. As was mentioned earlier, wasn't Cisse just answering questions he was asked rather than coming up with these quotes out of the blue, not really that worried tbh
  11. Yip http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_European_Cup_and_UEFA_Champions_League_winning_managers
  12. Dont know if this has already been posted but Villa talk had a thread called 'Lets all laugh at Newcastle', they've now renamed it 'Lets all admire Newcastle' how times change eh? http://www.villatalk.com/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=53355&postdays=0&postorder=asc
  13. Ok, so Journal as usual not getting facts right? They're not. This isn't happening. Only scenario would be Chelsea finishing 7th but winning the CL surely?
  14. Random interview with Yohan, thought they'd just made massive error in the descrption when they mentioned Ryan Gosling, until I realised they were talking about 'Drive'
  15. How much £££ would we get for getting to the group stage? Isn't getting into the CL proper worth like 30m or so?
  16. Theres a massive thread on us on the Marsallies forum (called Newcastle - The Rise) mainly focusing on Hatem, well worth a read on google translate.
  17. So many Liverpool fans complaining about the Pearch incident almost trying to deflect from their absolutley abject display, coming from a club that employs Luis fucking Suarez they really shouldnt be giving us a lecture on integrity. People in glass houses and all that...
  18. http://www.redandwhitekop.com/forum/index.php?topic=287609.0
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