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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. Keane would be perfect. Can't see it happening like...
  2. You know you could just buy him on FIFA 11. Couldnt play online with him though
  3. Would like to see anyone but the English clubs win
  4. :lol: I went with http://a.imageshack.us/img827/1277/300j.png Winner
  5. Gerrard and Torres missing for the Dippers tonight, could be interesting.
  6. He's gonna Helecopter in ala King Kev http://img835.imageshack.us/img835/4232/81253908.jpg http://img828.imageshack.us/img828/7632/81253978.jpg
  7. This is where Barca panic and buy Andy Carroll
  8. His name is Tiote he come from far away and he can plaaaaaaaay
  9. On course for a page 300 signing
  10. Similar to the what? Reads like morse code. /EDIT: a youtube search found Shipoopi. Are we talking Shipoopi? //Shipoopi! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Music_Man_%28song%29
  11. What about a chant similar to the music man... Tio, Tio, Tiote, Tiote Tiote Tio, Tio, Tiote Tio, Tiote...
  12. I've had a scary number of people on the text telling me that we should 'give him what he wants' as 'he's our best player'
  13. That from a twit/blog? Anyway, it's no big loss with our current set-up. He's got bad advice from his father and now from his agent. Or.. he does want out following the bust-up with AC and finding no-one sided with him. He's a clown by all accounts and they tend to wear people thin when they don't know when to stop, dressing room harmony is going to be better without him by the looks of it. Football-wise he is middle of the road, he had heart though. Don't know what to make of this bonus dispute that supposed to be rumbling around the rest of the team, I don't believe it at present but, well it's possible I guess. Think its what David Craig said on SSN
  14. http://www.nufc.co.uk/articles/20100825/club-statement_2240137_2134344
  15. Less than we offered Taylor iirc. £35k
  16. do you know that bird in your avatar? nope, just stole it from a magazine.
  17. What other Prem club will pay him £60k per week?
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