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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. Thought they were cousins... They're brothers. Theres and interview on .co.uk where he confirms it.
  2. Isnt he on stupidly high wages already?
  3. How good was that Bristol winner? Quality strike.
  4. wasn't he playing for stoke? he is generally there because his mate owns it, unless you mean last night? He was at the Block Party thing, but not until much later on 9/10, still it seemed he'd got back from Stoke pretty sharpish.
  5. Shola @ the Ship Inn in Byker yesterday.
  6. He headbutted a Santos player a few months ago and has fallen out with the management at Sao Paulo, stay well clear.
  7. Reading KUMB most of them are expecting to get beat.
  8. He was on the dance floor shortly after aswell, got to shake his hand. They didnt build up to him being there although it was obviously planned, I was just throwing some shapes on the dance floor and next thing you know Big Chrissy Mort was there.
  9. The mackem bird made a bit of a tit of herself like.
  10. can you put this into another format please Like what?
  11. http://rapidshare.com/files/109358170/MortinBambu.wmv.html
  12. I've got a phone video of Mort singing the Blaydon Races in Bambu last night, should I post it up? Bought everyone a drink again.
  13. Black Garter - 8 3 Bulls - 9 Centurion - 10 Vaults - 10:30 There will be loads more
  14. 3 Bulls at 9am Centurion at 10am Vaults at 10:30am
  15. Vault is opening at half 10! cheers mate that solves a problem 3 bulls opens at 9am, Black Horse opens at 6am.
  16. Burglars Dog sums them up perfectly... "While I'm on the subject of regional stereotypes, people often ask why Newcastle and Sunderland hate each other. The simple answer is we don't: they hate us, but we just find them amusing. Have you ever witnessed such an embarrassing display of inferiority complex? We have a world-famous bridge; they get themselves a crappy fun-size version of it. We're a famous city - with the mandatory cathedral - so they mewl and whine their way to city status, whether they're entitled to it or not. Just the fact that it's Tyne and Wear and not the other way round is enough to turn them apoplectic, the poor, downtrodden, vowel-mangling oafs. And - despite the fact that we're geographically north of Wearside, you'll never hear of a mackem going UP to Newcastle - always 'through'. Or is that thrayeew? There is, however, one thing that Sunderland trumps Newcastle on, and that's the Air Show. People from Newcastle go to the airport to see planes up close, and maybe even board them to destinations near and far. Sunderland inhabitants, meanwhile, gather on beaches and in fields to marvel at the displays above them. 'Lewk, Jewley! A big metal bird flying over thee 'ouse!' Fucking airshow. Only in Sunderland… "
  17. GeordieDazzler


    Was that not the Brum game?
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