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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. Fucking smashed them last time in the league cup last didn’t we?
  2. Is that Ironside the same lad who knocked us out for Cambridge?
  3. They’ve sold their best academy players because they bought a load of random foreign players on 10 year contracts and now buying a rivals academy player who can’t get in his own side for exactly the same reasons
  4. It was the assorted football media’s insistence on comparing him directly with Haaland which has led to the idea he’s not very good. He’s not an elite striker but could be one in time.
  5. A sell on fee is basically a buy back clause too isn’t it
  6. Yep we’ve also got the highest number of hometown players and gave the most minutes to domestic players of any team in the league - those sort of players unlikely to want to go to the gulf. If you look at players arguably still in their prime years who weren’t Muslim it’s only really Neves and Mitro. Both at teams unlikely to trouble silverware or CL and both sold for prices they’d not have got from another PL or Euro team.
  7. Damned if we do and damned if we don’t Miguel
  8. 100%. The refs have a very tough job and they will make mistakes, the idea that you can basically attempt to bully them is endemic at some clubs - Liverpool & Arsenal two of the worst offenders but my no means the only ones. As I said on the previous page football is seemingly the only elite sport where people seem to feel it’s acceptable for the players to abuse the match officials. The ref has authority on the pitch and makes the decision and people need to accept that. People want certainty in the world of subjectivity and all VAR had done for the most part is allowed us to disagree in more minute detail. The arguing over the VVD red is mystifying it’s as clear red as I’ve seen, I’d like to believe I wouldn’t be complaining about it if it had been Schar or Botman.
  9. And so he should. Football is the only elite level sport where it’s people seem to think it’s acceptable to abuse the match officials. They get stuff wrong but have no issues with the FA taking action like this.
  10. Standard specu-guess from Edwards
  11. Jamall chose option three on the poll after that cheap shot
  12. Aren’t Man U a bit stuck until they get some players out the door? It looked liked they would get Maguire and McTominey out the door a few weeks back but couldn’t make the deal. They’ve spent a shitload and only recouped on Elanga and Telles.
  13. Yeah that’s the David Gray building. Next to Milecastle. Kicking people on the deck man, it’s why you fucking get as far away as possible from bother in town when you see it kicking off. It’s never worth it. From what you can make out he’s tried to calm it but then taken a punch on the back of the head and has looked to return the favour. But as many have said it’s impossible to discern what’s actually happening.
  14. One thing mystifying me is a large number of people trying to say that the Van Dijk challenge wasn’t a red. It’s the clearest red I’ve seen forever, I can’t get my head around how it could be argued otherwise. If it had happened to Schar it wouldn’t even be a discussion point.
  15. Loves some oil money does Bobby Mancini
  16. We were strongly linked last summer weren’t we?
  17. FitMob says both assists were Ryan Manning the fullback
  18. I’ve read that article twice and still not sure what we are actually being accused of
  19. Brighton never won three league games in a row last season, doing their best to keep that run going this season.
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