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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. Bournemouth this seasons Leeds? Have spent a lot of money under the radar, on the face of it signing good players, brought in a young progressive coach on the up with the aim of playing attractive football but will ultimately go down. The promoted sides may save them but them and Everton are trying their best to make it interesting.
  2. The Almiron autumn goal rush is just beginning. Brace incoming vs PSG.
  3. Even the pre-Messi price is outrageous - nearly 4 grand ffs How much is the average in the league?
  4. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/66964428 another one of their few experienced players out injured, I’m sure they’ll go replace him with some random French lad
  5. Reguilon (or however you spell it) crocked too
  6. Probably already mentioned but anyone think Burnley might risk playing a ‘weaker’ team against us, prioritising the Luton game on Tuesday? Quite a risk after what happened to Sheff Utd like but they might.
  7. https://amp.marca.com/en/football/psg/2023/09/18/6508ae7d22601d5b538b45c0.html Don't know if has been posted elsewhere but apparently UEFA are reviewing PSG’s sales to Qatari sides and could freeze the amounts out of FFP calculations. Verratti and Draxler amongst others went there in the summer. Probably why we were so careful with the Maxi transfer and accepted a lower price.
  8. It was the perfect time to strike in retrospect, I always go back to that game where the Everton board didn’t attend the game and him and a few other players had to deal with the aftermath, fans blocking their cars etc. I don’t blame him for never wanting to play for the club again after that , he was made the fall guy for institutional failure at 21. The contrast to coming here and being looked after by the entire club. There was some fan mutterings when he signed but the ovation he got when he was presented at that semi final was great. The fan support behind him has just grown and you can see he feeds of it. Said it before but he’s just got the look in his eye of someone desperate to achieve and excel.
  9. Lascelles isn’t as good as our starting CBs but he’s going to look better in an organised, intelligent team that are playing to his strengths. He’s been absolutely fine pretty much every time Howe has needed him. Him and Targett only got so little game time due to us amazingly having very few defensive injuries last season.
  10. Only the second time they’ve failed to score in a competitive fixture since 5th Feb. The other time was the Brentford match before the CL final when they’d already won the title and rested even more players than tonight. Dummetts interview on .co.uk was good talking about how they’ve played that back four quite a lot in training so it wasn’t totally alien to them.
  11. There any clips of that big tackle he made in the second half? Didn’t seem to be in the highlights
  12. I think even Kovacic respected that one
  13. Was I imagining it or did he play as a LWF for like 20 odd mins in the first half Thought it was Howe trying to psyche out Pep with a mad change of position.
  14. We’ve already knocked one bald nonce out the cup. Let’s do the other one. HWTL
  15. not a fan of how Romano runs PR for certain clubs, it’s a bit like IFL Youtube in the boxing where people trade narrative for access
  16. No one think we might see Hall in midfield and Targett LB? He came on for Bruno at the weekend.
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