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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. Do people who got memberships last year need to buy them again?
  2. I remember someone posting a mega thread at the mid point of last season listing all the stuff going on at wolves and it sounded like a shambles then.
  3. Big part of what they are trying to do is be a premium tourist destination for the Muslim world, the league is partially a tourist attraction in service of that. It’s why they have targeted a fair share of Muslim players, if they get Mane as rumoured then they’ll be a Salah away from having the four biggest stars in that regards. We aren’t really the target audience here - it’s Middle East and North Africa. Whether they can run at a massive loss indefinitely or if that is actually the plan remains to be seen.
  4. I don’t get this binary thinking. The Prem is not going to become irrelevant regardless of what the SA league does. It’s a massively profitable endeavour and has a rich history that will alway bring in eye balls and support. They have backed the club massively within the restraints of FFP and are bringing in as much expertise as they can at each level. I don’t know what more they could be doing for us. They can want a successful premier league club and a better domestic league - they don’t have to chose one or another.
  5. I don’t think Mbappe will take it, he’ll see out his contract and go to Real Madrid
  6. Surely these stories should be reported once someone has been charged. This sort of story just causes dangerous speculation and people harassing random people they think it could be.
  7. The main thing I remember about that match was the Leeds midfield taking it in turns to kick Bruno.
  8. Although I don’t know if it’s just my shock at a footballer being moderately articulate
  9. Those rumoured to be the antagonists are definitely not wannabe kids. The whole situation is pretty grim and is unlikely to end well.
  10. People’s houses have been smashed in with baseball bats fella, this isn’t new age film promotion
  11. It’s not the Conroys he’s pretty irrelevant these days.
  12. See this has been picked up as a curiosity by the national press and the BBC but with very minimal details. Nothing like promoting a public death threat for clicks, although the randomness of it was always going to attract eyeballs.
  13. Apparently the Chukwueze deal means they can’t sign Kamada who’s on a free transfer as unable to register him for Europe. Could be a good pick up for someone.
  14. Quite a lot of them are a lot older than you think, Al Alhai was formed in 1937, Al Ittihad 1929. There’s been a league there since about 1950 it’s just been that there’s been little interest in it outside country.
  15. Leon Bailey had the exact same return of goals (9) and assists (9) for Bayer Leverkusen as Diaby in his last season in the Bundesliga. Will be interesting to see if the Budesliga tax is still a thing.
  16. Since when has Nufcblog been a source? Hall would be a great pick up.
  17. Our first choice LB was part of the joint best defence in the league last season
  18. I’ve fully convinced myself that’s the plan after listening to Walcott
  19. I think a big thing with signing some of these younger players is Ashworth’s involvement in sculpting of the current England set up. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s many similarities to how we operate and the play style especially in the younger age groups.
  20. Just sing ‘Valentino Liveamento’ to the tune on seven nation army. Easy.
  21. If he achieves his expected trajectory than 30m will look like a snip.
  22. Think we might get a better than expected loan although may have to wait until late in the window.
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