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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. He just using that as a pretext to write the article on Maddison as a player. It’s not meant to be a transfer update.
  2. He’s worth whatever someone is willing to pay for him. I don’t think so but it really helps Wolves FFP concerns. They were never getting that sort of Wedge off Barca.
  3. It’s because he’s left footed so is seen exclusively as a LCB by the manager. Unfortunately the starting LCB is VVD so tends to always start.
  4. Is it basically down to the fact that he won’t sub off Van Dijk?
  5. I’d be more worried about them had they moved on from Moyes. They seem to buy a striker every summer who he doesn’t know how to utilise then just reverts to Antonio.
  6. Hang it in the Louvre
  7. Game is in Spain isn’t it? Definitely needed to make some sort of statement
  8. Check the reviews for photos, they’ll usually show the kit or gear without manufacturer or advertising logos but the actual product typically has them all on. It’s their plausible deniability for copyright I suppose
  9. Feels like an attempt to copy Burnley., will probably get a truckload of loans from City too.
  10. Really quite interesting about how where he comes from in Brazil tends to get looked down on in terms of football, esp at a national team level. Seems the folks from back home and Recife are just as proud of Big Joe as we are!
  11. Apparently due to start tomorrow
  12. If you are paying that much for Onana you might as well try for Magnian from Milan
  13. Again in Naples they probably live near Amalfi They aren’t living in the high rises of Gamorrah
  14. Hopefully he stands square on to Miggy again and just lets him knock it round him
  15. All the footballers live out near Como don’t they.
  16. I think all the talk the other day about them winning came from a random Twitter account. Don’t think there is anything concrete at all. I wouldn’t be surprised (and be quite happy) to see the Glazers still in situ at the start of next season. They want walk away money for an asset that costs them nothing and generates them millions every year. Whilst the Qataris have money to burn they may not ultimately like having the piss taken out of them.
  17. I think although his overall fee was highish in FFP amortisation terms it isn’t much at all and his wages won’t be massive. If he kicks on and is great then that’s amazing for us. If he just becomes a solid squad player then he’s a sellable assest, if he doesn’t kick on then his wages will probably mean he’s still sellable.
  18. That link says 50m for Maddison and Barnes Spurs fans in the comments pretty funny
  19. https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/transfer-news/newcastle-transfer-barella-liverpool-gerrard-30240304?int_source=amp_continue_reading&int_medium=amp&int_campaign=continue_reading_button#amp-readmore-target if you want a headline to give you a heart attack
  20. Will mean that we don’t play many big 6 during the CL group stages
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