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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. P4 closes 8am tomorrow? Probably between then and 10 if that’s the case
  2. I applied for me and the three people I sit with, no issues. I don’t think you get an email unless you have been successful.
  3. Not a long wait to be honest. Only about 15 mins at the moment. Nowt compared to league tickets.
  4. Will they finally build the slides?!?!!!!!! https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-tyne-21574253
  5. That popped into my mind too, but I sit near the front of level 7 and being able to see the city scape is pretty class.
  6. He was getting paid by City but also by a club in Abu Dhabi whom he seemingly did no work for. I don’t know the level of evidence and the burden of proof required but you could probably argue that there potential tax evasion there.
  7. Well apparently we are looking at 20m for a shirt sponsor next season, considering Chelsea’s is worth 60m odd I’d argue that ours is probably fair market value.
  8. If I was a City fan I don’t think that statements fills me with confidence.
  9. Their fans going to boo the Premier League music now too?
  10. Good thing they haven’t built their entire recruitment strategy around him
  11. Can’t miss chances like they’ve had in their situation. You feel that Arsenal will find a way despite being poor.
  12. Lost to Fulham, spent 300m, drew with Fulham. #progress
  13. Walking yellow card but aye he’s mint
  14. Fulham are pretty dirty, could see a few tasty tackles on the new boys.
  15. The other lad they’ve signed, a striker is about the same height as Dan Burn Moneyball approach I suppose with JWP on set pieces. Reminds me of when Liverpool signed Carroll as he scored the most headers and Downing as he put in the most crosses.
  16. No, let them twist we don’t need to be so petty. I saw the other day that the Spurs forum GloryGlory automatically corrects our name to ‘Saudi Sports Washing Project’ . Let them stand on the high ground, the avalanche is coming soon enough.
  17. I suppose but La Liga is not as competitive as the Premier League. They finish still finished second despite the feeling of utter crisis. They’ve also exited again at the group stage of the CL. They seem to have kicked the van down the road on a lot of these issues. They’ve given Lewa a five year deal or something mental
  18. Gossip column says Everton failed with 14 bids on deadline day. Ouch. Even clubs like Southampton can make the development pitch pretty convincingly. Whereas Everton’s is pretty much ‘Welcome to Everton, where everything is on fire, all of the time’
  19. overpriced, past it, high wage players is a strategy that has worked out so well for them.
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