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Everything posted by Ronaldo

  1. Think of the money he gets paid to say shit like that. He's a good pundit to be fair. They all come out with guff at times.
  2. Laughing at people striving for change is okay then I presume? Laughing at nobody. The organisation around the protest was fantastic and I had me flyer, just tired of reading constant griefing of the '50,000 idiots'. Very much this. To call someone and idiot because they happen to have a different viewpoint is extremely arrogant. Like I said earlier, genuine football fans are loyal to their club by default, to ask them to stop going, shout against their team and actually want the opposition to win goes against the grain....and besides, nobody likes being told what to do. I think it's going to take another home thrashing for it to turn nasty again, but I'm sure the next one isn't far away. This club, at this period of time, is literally the only time in the entire history of English football that this has happened. Any other club, at any other point in time, and Pardew is out of a job. There are teams that have been relegated and have kept their manager so I don't see that. Also how many clubs have sacked their manager 5 games after finishing 10th in the top flight? Not that I'm supporting the hopeless b******, just playing devil's advocate. Spurs just sacked their manager for coming 6th. The previous one was sacked in 7th. The one before him was sacked after coming 4th. Spurs have an ambitious but trigger happy owner and Liverpool are a successful club. 10th place for Newcastle is probably above our historical average, and anyway we all know that Pardew isn't employed for footballing reasons. We've won once in 13 games, man.
  3. Ronaldo

    Papiss Cissé

    Same really, I can't help but love Papisto. Really? The damage he's done long term I wish he'd broken his fucking leg in warm up at the moment. He's my favourite player but I echo that.
  4. http://replygif.net/i/116.gif
  5. He must be 75 now, like. Can't be too long.
  6. Ronaldo

    Remy Cabella

    Nah, it never is. He disrupts things by being a disruptive influence and stuff. Keep toeing that line, whore.
  7. Man, it only gets worse for him from here and the games slowly start to run out. Chin up.
  8. Ronaldo


    It will. I think a lot of the nonsense we've witnessed today stems from the fact that 'it's early in the season' is such an easy straw for the mongs to cling to.
  9. Amazing how Steve Bruce has managed to add so much fat to his middle.
  10. Ronaldo

    Remy Cabella

    He looks extremely physically weak by PL standards, like. Too early to case serious judgment, though.
  11. yes, I will never give a battered wife props for sticking by her abusive husband through thick and thin. Yes, but would you go on an domestic abuse internet forum and accuse battered wives of being spineless cunts? Hate to say it but this is an excellent point. Better to ring them up and say it.
  12. Balotelli replacing Suarez is almost as bad as Riviere replacing Remy.
  13. Ronaldo


    What sort of weakling become a steward anyway. Forget it.
  14. The sheep will start to flock when we're in the relegation zone in a month, man. Shame it has to come to that, like.
  15. Indeed. Not like the cup run in 2013 became a brilliant get-out clause effectively deflecting criticism or owt.
  16. It never is, though. He's just the captain and senior CB. Not his fault we concede goals.
  17. Ronaldo

    Remy Cabella

    Him and Riviere must be paid up members of sackpardew.com, like.
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