Football isn't all about attacking ability though. The work that Jonas puts in has to be considered, especially in a narrow midfield that relies on people running their arses off.
Ian, man. Christ.
It's scary mismanagement. No idea how they managed to make enough money to buy the club in the first place.
They're from India, right? Without knowing anything about them they were probably born into the 30% that have money as opposed to the 70% who work as slaves.
Wouldn't say that's a horror, like. In some cultures of third word countries like Northern Ireland that's a warm welcome.
Anyway, since that Liverpool game 18 months back I've been consistent in my love for him. Even when he severely angered me by picking Smith and Lovenkrands.
What the fuck is Venky's chicken? I've never heard of it outside of their Blackburn association, which in itself makes it the last thing on earth I'd eat - and, Christ, do I eat a lot of chicken.