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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. This really. They aren't playing fair with paying b-list ex players and managers to come out and say what a good job poor Mike is doing, so if we start trying to we're going to be outmanoeuvred. Anyone associated with any of them, on any level, is fair game. Destroy any positive relationship which any of them have with anyone. Make them utterly toxic to associate with. Don't call people cunts though, not the people who are just clients. Just ruin the relationship, make it not worth their effort to stay with Bishop.
  2. Well I enjoyed reviewing HoF. I enjoyed it so much, I might do it again tomorrow.
  3. Yeah, and Sheik Mansour should have bought HMV and the Glazers should have bought Woolworths. Didn't see those news stories being thrown around, so why is this any different? Cunts. They all need taking down. Everyone complicit in this. People and organisations need to see what happens to those who take Bishop's pound so that they tell him to GTF when he calls them asking them to spout this tripe.
  4. Christ, I wouldn't let Derek Wright open a can of beans for me, let alone perform an operation.
  5. No. Because I'm just writing them here as I think of them now. But I might well do when I can put them coherently, if I think it'll make a difference - Bit late tonight to be composing eloquent emails.
  6. And I'm not meaning to be too critical, I support everything that's in any way connected to getting this parasite out of our club. I'm just suggesting how I personally, for what little my opinion is worth, think The Magpie Group could do things a little better. Maybe I'm utterly wrong, of course. It's just my opinion. Again, I'm behind everything that can push him out.
  7. What did you make of the protest at the weekend in front of Sports Direct ? I thought it was good to see, to see all those people there was fantastic. Well done to everyone. But the thing that's got Ashley's attention and that has had an actual affect is the #IfRafaGoes stuff, that's actually had an effect on his businesses and that's what's made him bite and react. Also, regarding the protest, I did think it was poorly communicated. For so long it was just "turn up at 11" and no indication of what the actual plan was. People need to feel involved.
  8. Hope you will be at the public meeting that's currently being planned? A public meeting. In 2018. Really? Or is that just a token effort to get people involved, give them one shot to speak up and say their piece? I mean I hope lots of people go and get something out of it, I really do. I may go myself if I'm available. But that's the thing, people have jobs that are different times of the day, people live in different locations, people have commitments. I travel for work and am often abroad so I may not even be in the country. Use the internet ffs. Let people contribute where and when they want, continuously, not once at a set time and place. Maybe there's more "secret forums", make them public. Or make a different public one at least because obviously there needs to be some discreet talks at different levels, or use this forum officially and with proper, known representation from the group present to discuss things and reply to people. #IfRafaGoesWeGo worked so wonderfully because anyone can do it. At any time. It's so simple and easy, and everyone can participate in their own way. This Magpie Group seems the reverse of that, with a "wait for us to tell you what to do" mentality.
  9. Well that's why you don't keep doing the same thing. There needs to be some variation, and I'd suggest some way to "join" and be part of the movement, rather than waiting for some self-styled, unelected, clandestine leadership council to just tell you what you're supposed to do next. People need to feel involved, but they're making the process a little exclusive IMO and people will lose interest I imagine if that continues. Just my opinion, of course.
  10. Chris_R

    Shola Ameobi

    There's two sides in this, and Shola has picked the wrong one. Whether his opinion is his own or Keith bishops is irrelevant, he's on the list now too. This is a war, fuck him.
  11. This, definitely. Now what I'd say is that for the next protest, not only should everyone who went today also attend, but everyone should commit to taking one friend with them who didn't go today. This thing has to grow, not die. He's rattled, he's biting, we're getting to him. Bishop is telling him this will die down, we need to prove him wrong.
  12. If Rafa Benitez is happy, the only way I'll actually believe this is if he signs a new contract. Until he does, it's full steam ahead.
  13. I don't know one person who has said we have Championship players, but plenty of people are exasperated that we're still fielding the same squad we had whilst in the Championship. There's a subtle but important distinction there. Our ambition is just to survive each year and advertise Sports Direct. Neither of those things interest me.
  14. He's been promising to do better for a fucking decade. At this stage there is absolutely nothing he can say, and almost nothing he could do that would convince me to cut him any slack. He needs hounding out of the club, and every business interest of his needs to be treat as badly as if we were talking to Ashley himself. He only cares about money so hit him where it hurts. Everything he tries to associate himself with needs to be toxic.
  15. Just thinking - Wouldn't surprise me one single bit if this statement was a condition of the bonus scheme being agreed upon by the club. I can see Rafa and Lascelles agreeing that for the good of the players - Though they probably didn't expect the statement would be used to firefight Ashley's use of the transfer funds we didn't spend to buy House of fucking Fraser.
  16. More evidence they're rattled. Keep turning up the pressure, it's clearly working. I'll know Rafa's actually happy when he signs a new contract. That's the real proof, not some shite like this from a PR firm. Until Rafa does sign a new contract, which I severely doubt he ever will, my sentiments will not change one bit towards Ashley and his cronies. Again: They're rattled or they wouldn't have done this. Let's keep it going.
  17. We probably will be OK, but that's because we've got one of the best managers in the world. But what we've done to him over the last few transfer windows is like employing Michelangelo to paint your ceiling but then just giving him a box of crayons. Yeah, you'll still get a nice picture, but when you go and tell your mates what you've done and what he's produced, they're going to rightly fucking laugh at you.
  18. It's disgusting. Not remotely surprising, on any level whatsoever, but still utterly disgusting. This cunt needs running out of town.
  19. There's no situation in which he'd have gotten any money. Not signed? Fine, fuck you, we're spending nothing on players. Signed? Mug, now you're tied in, we're spending nothing on players. This. We all know how it would have played out if he'd signed. And blaming Rafa for 3 "failures"... Every single team signs players that don't work out. Just such a rubbish excuse. Plus, it's not even like they cost much. We've lost money on players who cost next to nothing and were, for the most part, squad fillers.
  20. "Rafa can have every penny the club generates" x 2. Rafa surely has enough evidence for a constructive dismissal case, should he walk! Sorry to be so blunt, but people saying this kind of thing have no clue as to how constructive dismissal cases work. I hate Ashley and what he's done to our club as much as anyone, but him refusing to spend money is not in any way grounds for a constructive dismissal case. He is well within his rights to spend nothing, if he so desires. Here's some examples of what constitutes constructive dismissal, from a prominent law firm's website: a unilateral significant reduction of your salary, or the threat of a reduction ; being demoted without good reason; allegations of poor performance which are unfounded; disciplinary proceedings which are manifestly unreasonable; a complete change in the nature of your job; harassing or bullying ; stress at work, that has not been properly addressed; failing to make reasonable adjustments where you have a disability; being forced to work in breach of health and safety laws. Literally none of those apply, and certainly "being generally useless, changing his mind about funds and being a bit of a smug cunt" simply aint on the list. He's a shite, even horrific, employer and totally incompetent and leaching the club dry, but I can't see where a constructive dismissal claim would come from unless you want to illuminate me? See Keegan, Kevin. Such a nonsense response. What happened to Keegan isn't automatically the same as what's happened to Rafa. Sure, they've both been fucked about by the same shit owner, but to suggest that because one successfully claimed constructive dismissal the other has the same claim is palpable craziness. Don't get me wrong, maybe Rafa *does* have a case, I'm not saying he doesn't, but if he does it's based on what's been said to Rafa, not what happened with Keegan. And what's been said to Rafa has been said in private and we're not privvy to it so to claim he's got a constructive dismissal case is just silly. We simply don't know, and to go further on the evidence we have got there's no case to answer at all.
  21. "Rafa can have every penny the club generates" x 2. Rafa surely has enough evidence for a constructive dismissal case, should he walk! Sorry to be so blunt, but people saying this kind of thing have no clue as to how constructive dismissal cases work. I hate Ashley and what he's done to our club as much as anyone, but him refusing to spend money is not in any way grounds for a constructive dismissal case. He is well within his rights to spend nothing, if he so desires. Here's some examples of what constitutes constructive dismissal, from a prominent law firm's website: a unilateral significant reduction of your salary, or the threat of a reduction ; being demoted without good reason; allegations of poor performance which are unfounded; disciplinary proceedings which are manifestly unreasonable; a complete change in the nature of your job; harassing or bullying ; stress at work, that has not been properly addressed; failing to make reasonable adjustments where you have a disability; being forced to work in breach of health and safety laws. Literally none of those apply, and certainly "being generally useless, changing his mind about funds and being a bit of a smug cunt" simply aint on the list. He's a shite, even horrific, employer and totally incompetent and leaching the club dry, but I can't see where a constructive dismissal claim would come from unless you want to illuminate me?
  22. No, click the link. That's what I had to do, it's still up though.
  23. I think they'll batten down the hatches and hope to ride it out. Hopefully if they do, the pressure remains relentless.
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