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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. Chris_R


    You'd have to be thick as mince to get "caught" at the ticket office for being a Newcastle fan. Now I'm not saying we don't have any thick as mince fans, of course we do. But I'd think that for every one who got stopped, at least 10 would have got in through the "magdetector". So unless we see loads inside the ground celebrating opposition goals, I'm going to assume that precisely none got turned away and that this simply didn't happen. Sounds like propaganda just to prevent anyone even trying for the remaining games: "Look lads, we'll stop you just like we did your friends!"
  2. Chris_R


    Doesn't matter really, does it? They'll still just declare whatever ridiculous attendance they want, on the grounds that they put that many tickets in a skip a week before the match and someone might have picked them up.
  3. Chris_R


    Whilst I agree with all of what you say, pointing out they have a worse goal difference doesn't really count for anything. They're on -29, Bolton are on -28 and Birmingham on -27. If they overhaul the 7 point deficit they currently have, it's almost impossible not to overturn a -2 goal difference at the same time. They're still pretty-much fucked though, but like most on here I've no intention of getting excited until they're actually flushed. I can wait.
  4. Chris_R


    You don't need to get any food delivered, shirley? You can make fish and chips, you can make curry, whatever. Whereas if you've had a few beers so can't drive, yet are watching TV and fancy some popcorn, why not get it delivered? Never done it myself, can't see a massive problem though.
  5. Chris_R


    Nah, I think she's just found a photo to use as a thumbnail. It's still grim as fuck. Wouldn't be surprised if it was a fuckin tattoo Nah, if it was she'd have 2, 3, 4 and 5 crossed out.
  6. Chris_R


    In a higher league.
  7. Chris_R


    You only need a quid. Tempted to rock up with a pound coin myself and ask if I can do due dilligence, see if I can get a peek at what their crowds *really* are.
  8. They hate him after what, 6 months? We had 4 fucking years of this cunt, I don't think there's much competition. So hope he's still their manager when West Brom rock up here, it'll just be glorious to hear 90 minutes of constant abuse. It may break him. I hope it does.
  9. Chris_R


    Catts for free, like. Funny thing is they all seem to think that players like Cattermole and Rodwell should do the "honourable" thing, leaving and just forgo what is due on their contracts. Why should they have to pay the mistakes they've made ? They are going to have more issues with Kone, Khazri, Borini, Dilojobi (or whatever), Ndong and Lens's contracts too in the summer, lol. That's a lot of dead wood eating up a lot of wages. To be fair, plenty on here say Colback should take a pay cut to leave us.
  10. Chris_R


    It's just like how we bang on that all their fans shit in their seats. Oh, that's right, we don't.
  11. You're too kind. I want to see him homeless and unemployed in Raqqa.
  12. Halves?! 3 thirds, Shirley? I also want to hear the commentator say "the ref has blown the third-time whistle".
  13. Be absolutely amazing to see him back at SJP if he stays in post and West Brom fail to pick up. Maybe that's what the owners of West Brom are hoping for, that Pardew fears coming here more than he wants his compensation.
  14. Chris_R


    This is a very valid point. I think they'll leave it as late as possible, as you never know what will happen, but I can really see that if they're looking likely to go down they'd do it this year rather than next. Right before the cut-off date.
  15. Much though I hate Ashley and love seeing anti-Ashley sentiment aired at the ground, both verbally and visually, if he wants to stop banners being flown at his club taking the piss out of him and his tenure, no matter how true and accurate those banners are, it's kind of hard to not think "yeah, that's fair enough".
  16. Pardew got a forward 3 working excellently and that's most of the reason we finished 5th. Of course it was enjoyable, but we all knew we were winning games we weren't best in. Maybe that made it more enjoyable, getting the rub of the green for once, but if we'd finished 8-10th it would have been a better reflection of our performances. Still a decent season, of course. That said, Pardew's ripping-up of that forward 3 because Ba didn't want to play out wide was tantamount to professional suicide and gross incompetence. And he never managed to get another working formation going either, presumably because getting that first one right was nothing but pure good luck.
  17. Chris_R


    It isn't. I posted something about that on here last year. My cousin who worked in the Commercial department at SAFC at the time told me that. The genius of it is you don't even need to then get those people through the turnstiles. The very act of handing out the tickets, even if they go straight in the bin, means you just add them on to the attendance. I think this year they're probably doing just that - Not giving them out to punters so they don't lose revenue, but at the same time leaving a pile of 9,000 of them in a box somewhere that is accessible but nobody will ever find, and then claiming that as those tickets are potentially in circulation then they can just whack that number onto their "crowd" for the day. Surely with the current state of their finances they would be looking to reduce the official attendance figures They would pay less tax on a 20,000 crowd than 25,000 due to the reduced turnover Can you explain how much tax they'd pay on a ticket they'd given out for free?
  18. Chris_R


    It isn't. I posted something about that on here last year. My cousin who worked in the Commercial department at SAFC at the time told me that. The genius of it is you don't even need to then get those people through the turnstiles. The very act of handing out the tickets, even if they go straight in the bin, means you just add them on to the attendance. I think this year they're probably doing just that - Not giving them out to punters so they don't lose revenue, but at the same time leaving a pile of 9,000 of them in a box somewhere that is accessible but nobody will ever find, and then claiming that as those tickets are potentially in circulation then they can just whack that number onto their "crowd" for the day.
  19. Doubtless West Brom have just chucked the taxi driver £5k or whatever to drop the charges, everyone's a winner that way. Keeps the players out of the press/jail, and the taxi driver gets a nice windfall.
  20. Learn from his mistakes? :lol: This is a man who never makes mistakes. How can he learn from them? How can he learn from the grass being too long, or the Notting Hill Carnival, or the crowd being too excited? Literally everything that ever goes wrong under his tenure is due to something entirely outside of his control. I admire their optimism, though!
  21. Yes, I thought he was excellent yesterday, bossed the midfield. He showed everything - Passing, tackling, work rate, calmness, decision-making. Everything you'd ever want from a midfielder. If he could play like that every week (I know, he won't), he'd be a certainty for the England squad.
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