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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. The fat b****** was lining up his excuses for him. should have had the balls to say, "are you blaming the fans for that defeat?" Exactly. And "Why are you laughing? Do you think something's funny?"
  2. He could easily say that the club's mentality of not wanting to develop as a club doesn't fit with his desire to want to win every game, every cup and to compete in Europe. I don't see how that could possibly ruin his credability. Resigning should, in theory, be very attractive to new employers. Saves them having to pay compo to you if you fuck up. Baffled why it would be seen as a negative.
  3. Sucked into the occasion? We didn't even fucking turn up. Didn't even look like they knew there was a match on half of the time.
  4. Hopefully committing Seppuku. I might almost forgive him then. Almost.
  5. Has this shitstain done his post match dribble yet? Anyone managed to translate it into comprehensible English?
  6. Glad they've not been allowed to play in red and white with white shorts. We never get away with just changing shorts, about time they didn't either. Terribly minor gripe, I know.
  7. If we finish 8th, I assume we get an open top bus parade?
  8. What's disgusting is that not once does he apologise for being a useless, incompetent shit stain for failing to replace Cabaye. Reckon he was up all night writing (dictating) this instead of trying to get us a decent player in. Cunt.
  9. Ben Arfa's got 3 already and we're only just past Christmas. We'll be fine.
  10. Chris_R

    Who's next?

    Is it possible to tick all the boxes?
  11. Luckiest man alive tbh, gets to fly around the world watching whatever game he wants knowing that we won't sign anyone he recommends so he has absolutely no pressure to get it right. Probably get a fair old whack to do it as well. It's better than my job anyway. By "Fly around the world" you mean "Fly to France". I agree it's still not a bad job though. Must have been to Holland and Germany for De Jong, he's a f***ing jet setter man! I reckon I've been to more diverse destinations that Graham Carr last year.
  12. So terribly true. Seems we can sell players between now and 11pm, but it's impossible to bring them in. Tells you everything you need to know. Not that we didn't already know it anyway...
  13. Luckiest man alive tbh, gets to fly around the world watching whatever game he wants knowing that we won't sign anyone he recommends so he has absolutely no pressure to get it right. Probably get a fair old whack to do it as well. It's better than my job anyway. By "Fly around the world" you mean "Fly to France". I agree it's still not a bad job though.
  14. Well I agree he's not back in the black yet. Certainly not.
  15. That profit is just on transfers. There's other things to consider (TV money, gate revenues, player wages etc) that may make that £45m larger or smaller. But given that other clubs without rich benefactors can splash out way more than us on transfers without going bust, I'd suggest that it will be larger than £45m. But that's irrelevant. I'm not saying he's had his money back, I'm just saying we're very profitable the way we're being run at the moment. And that this will be appealing to someone like Ashley. I actually think he should take his money back, that he should be repaid. I certainly don't expect him to plough endless funds into us like some do just because he's rich. But he shows an astonishing lack of ambition and is putting profit before literally everything else. That is not only s*** to us as fans, it's unnecessary because if we're just properly run rather than run into the ground, he'll get his money back anyway.
  16. 6 or 7 of the clubs with a better spend than us have probably been in the Championship during that time frame as well. OK, without our massive earners, admittedly, but without 52000 bums on seats either. But either way, there's arguments and counter arguments over exactly what our profit is or should be, but ultimately that league table is a fucking disgrace for a club of our size.
  17. I'm not saying anything of the sort. I'm saying the club has almost certainly made a massive profit in that time. I have no idea whether that money is in the bank or in his trousers, but it's there for him to take if and when he wants as he owns the club lock and stock. I find it impossible to believe we have not made a significant profit given the massive disparity between our income and others from transfers and the fact that we're not a small club in the league either.
  18. Not being sarcy or anything but is the club generating lots of cash for him? Or to put it another way has he got his money back yet? Again: Add to that the third biggest ground in the country, which is always pretty much full. Now we've raked in £33 million more than the second bottom club, £85m more than the club in 10th. I VERY much doubt that every club ablve 15th place is making tens of millions of pounds worth of loss every year, I find that impossible to believe. And many of these are smaller clubs with less earning potental, smaller grounds and no European football. Therefore the way I see it there are 2 possibilities here: 1) Newcastle United are generating vast amounts of money for Mike Ashley or 2) The people in charge of the finances are such incompetent retards that they need locking up. One of those simply has to be true. Given that Ashley is an acknowledged astute businessman who runs a tight ship, that helps us discount point 2). Therefore if the club claim they're not making a profit, I'd suggest they're lying. Maybe he's not got all his money back, but there's a hell of a lot he can help himself to if he wants.
  19. Ashely won't sell a profit-making club that's generating lots of cash for him. That's crazy talk. Some people really need to think things through properly before pressing the "post" button.
  20. Posting this again serves no purpose and achieves nothing, but I feel we all need to be as angry as possible right now: Nett last 5 seasons: 1 Manchester City £479,950,000 2 Chelsea £269,759,000 3 Manchester United £138,750,000 4 Stoke City £91,175,000 5 Liverpool £89,400,000 6 Aston Villa £86,000,000 7 Southampton £60,750,000 8 Hull City £47,775,000 9 Sunderland £46,930,000 10 Cardiff City £40,470,000 11 West Ham £30,550,000 12 Norwich City £21,650,000 13 Swansea £18,745,000 14 West Bromwich Albion £14,726,000 15 Crystal Palace £11,950,000 16 Fulham £10,880,000 17 Tottenham £3,850,000 18 Arsenal -£4,125,000 19 Everton -£12,315,500 20 Newcastle -£45,000,000
  21. Ince or Holtby would have been great and perfectly attainable. But they are only 2 of literally hundreds of players we could and should have been enquiring about. It's nothing short of disgusting that we knew with absolute certainty that Cabaye would be off SIX FUCKING MONTHS AGO and still haven't managed to have a replacement lined up. Screw "identifying targets" or such shit, you need to call the club, make an offer and have it accepted. Then you speak to the player and get him to agree. This can easily be done in September, October, November or December. Just the player cannot actually move until January. Agreements can be made ANY time, then when Cabaye goes the other one comes in. It's simple, if you actually want to do it. Selling Cabaye with 4 days left then going "Gah, will you look at that! There's nothing we can do!" is utter bullshit. It's an outright lie. This club gets not one more penny from me. Not directly, and not indirectly either (ie via Sky as let's face it there's plenty of other ways to watch the games). The ONLY thing this rabble care about is money, so the only way to have an effect on them is to hit them in the pockets. I'll always be a fan, they cannot take that from me, but when it comes to those in charge: Fuck them. Fuck the lot of them. (Yes, I've had a long week at work. )
  22. Chris_R

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Just waiting for the photo of him waiting for his baggage at Malpensa airport.
  23. Fuck this shit. Utterly fed up of these ambitionless wasters.
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