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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. We get nothing interesting from the players anyway, all the important topics that we'd like the papers to address are banned anyway. I couldn't give 2 shits if I can no longer read what Steven Taylor had for lunch. Whoop-de-fucking-do. Maybe this closing-off of such inane drivel will force the nation's hacks to finally do a bit of proper journalism?
  2. Downloaded the game from a popular torrent site earlier on, and I spent this afternoon watching it over again. If we'd only come out with a draw, I guess we couldn't have complained. But we would have been robbed if we lost. Considering this was an away game, we matched them all over the park and looked every bit their equals. They had a few half-chances, but at no point during the game did I think we were really that likely to concede. We kept them so quiet, and they created little of note at all. Anyway, in summary:
  3. Nearly all our width and flair is on the bench. Looks like we're going to try and bore them to death. I'm off to get my hair cut.
  4. Chris_R

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Here's a revolutionary idea: Instead of trying to change Ben Arfa into a better defender, why don't we just try to accomodate him and get the best out of him? Frighteningly controversial, I know...
  5. Chris_R


    Any Newcastle fan who gets offered a free ticket has an obligation to accept it. And then not go. If you decline the ticket, it'll be offered somewhere else. If you accept, that's one more guaranteed empty seat. It's a small gesture, but very worth doing.
  6. Can we call him shit again now please?
  7. Chris_R

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Flu my arse. Pardew doesn't have a clue how to use him, simple as that.
  8. Chris_R


    Yet some stay up. They're favourites to go down, sure. But Sunderland are far from finished. Sadly. Last thing we should do is write them off then have to watch them "gloat" in May that they stayed up, just be happy they're shit, and see what comes of it. And if they do go down, marvellous.
  9. Chris_R


    Barton to Sunderland.
  10. Say what you like about Carroll, but he should never have been soled.
  11. Chris_R

    Papiss Cissé

    Doesn't matter one bit. We won our last game, therefore the lineup simply cannot be changed under any circumstances barring injury or suspension. /Pardew
  12. Chris_R


    Yeah, stop that line of questioning. I don't think any of us want to know how he knows what Coors tastes like....
  13. Chris_R

    Shola Ameobi

    Read the thread title and just spat my dinner out. Unbelievable. Never will I go from hating a player to loving a player anywhere near as much as with Shola.
  14. Those complaining at the line up being unchanged need to remember that Pardew never changes a winning team. This was always going tobe the line up from the moment the full time whistle went last time.
  15. For a very long time I've hoped, however naively, that Mike Ashley would come good. We all know he's made almost as many mistakes as pounds, but I've clung to the hope that he might, as his financial clout allows, start to turn us into a force to be reckoned with on the field. I've been reluctant to want Ashley replaced because he has the potential to be a great owner for us. In theory. However the last couple of months have seen that hope finally and belatedly slip away, and the decisions of the past week or so with banning people is enough. Just get lost, Mike. Just go. I'm done. You offer us nothing but disappointment and embarrassment. Pack your stuff in one of your tacky chav SD bags and sod off.
  16. It seems our media department have never heard of the Streisand effect. Like others, I hope the local press decide to take the gloves off now and tell it like it is. After all, they can't get banned twice. The club have monumentally fucked up here, IMO.
  17. Chris_R

    Alan Pardew

    Yes, yet another that's been "Pardewed". He has this unerring ability to take decent footballers and turn them into utter dross.
  18. I suspect this will turn out to be a temporary ban - 1 or 2 matches - to lay down the law to the press. That way, the press have something to gain by shutting up / apologising etc so they can weasel their way back in. Whereas a permaban would lead to the press declaring open season on Ashley, even he's not that silly, shirley?
  19. Chris_R

    Alan Pardew

    It makes every sense. Being interested, being a fan, gives you no more rights. That's all I'm saying and frankly I can't see how anyone can disagree.
  20. Chris_R

    Alan Pardew

    I don't get this "I pay their wages, I have a right to know" bullshit. It's like phoning up BT and demanding to know why the chief was off sick for a week, all because you pay £30/month to them for your calls and broadband. They'd laugh in your face and hang up on you, and rightly so. Some things are more important than work (irrespective of your job - it is only a job), and some things are nobody's business but your own. I'm as interested as anyone in why he went back to Argentina, that's human nature, but we don't have a right to know anything.
  21. This explains why the set penises never work. Mike Williamson is actually only 5"6. Imagine Anita Vernon Anita? In a normal shirt he's more like Verne Troyer.
  22. This explains why the set penises never work. Mike Williamson is actually only 5"6.
  23. Strip colours and team name are non-negotiable for me. f***ing hell, this is Newcastle United. Anyone who is supporting us because they want or expect success is somewhat deluded to say the least. We support them because we identify with them, we live there, we're from there, whatever, but not for success or trophies ffs. This idea could work in an area where lots of people don't support a local club so could be swayed into attending by a successful team nearby, but in Newcastle that's really not the case. It's a very partisan, one-club city, and if you alienate a large percentage of fans (which this would) then those fans will not be made up by other people coming in, IMO. I'd be disappointed if the badge changed to anything s***, tacky and commercial. But I'd get over it. I hated the stadium name change, but decided I could ignore it as it wasn't in my face all the time. Everyone still called it St James' Park and there was nothing forcing me to acknowledge anything to the contrary. But a change to the club name or strip would be too far and anyone considering that can f*** right off. You can't buy me with promises of success as I was never here for that anyway.
  24. Chris_R

    Alan Pardew

    That's bordering on fucking insulting. He can just about get away with it because he says "want" rather than "expect", but he's hinting at a level of expectation that simply isn't there. I mean, of course we want to be up with Manchester United and Manchester City. So do the supporters of every team in the land, from the PL down to the Conference and below. What we EXPECT is to be able to fight for a minor European spot every year, and out compete the likes of Southampton in the transfer market. Something that Pardew has explicity and bafflingly said we cannot do.
  25. Chris_R

    Alan Pardew

    Let's not get carried away about a victory over Cardiff. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day, it doesn't mean its any use as a timepiece. We limped over the line against a very mediocre, newly-promoted side. Whoop-de-fucking-do. It's the very least we should expect.
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