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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. Thing is, whatever happens we need to remember we're playing a newly-promoted team. This is a match we should win, no matter what lineup we put out. We should still be favourites here, irrespective of the XI that start. Therefore if we DO win, we shouldn't see this as a vindication of Pardew's "tactics". Far from it. This is Cardiff fucking City, not Arsenal, where at least he could have some grounds in getting all smug about a win. Not here though. But you just know that any result here will be used as a catalyst to fill the team with the anti-footballing crap like Tiote, Williamson and Jonas for the next few games. With that lineup out there, I actually want a Cardiff victory today. I cannot face the prospect of him playing his turgid, shite, negative dross off the back of result that he should be getting anyway today.
  2. Just read the teamsheet and nearly facepalmed my head clean off. Please, someone make this stop.
  3. Chris_R

    Alan Pardew

    I'm so sick. We're going nowhere under Pardew. Nowhere at all. I'm not saying this as a revelation, just reiterating what we already know. I've long wanted Pardew out, but I'm now at the point where I look at our upcoming matches and start seriously contemplating the benefits of defeat. I've been there before, with Souness, with Allardyce, and I'm back there again. Not actively wishing for our defeat, but seeing the positives in it nonetheless.
  4. Remy plays, Cisse dropped. Hmm. Tiote for Cabaye scares me. Interesting.
  5. Chris_R

    Kevin Keegan

    In a Keegan line-up, everyone is better at attacking than defending!
  6. Chris_R


    Even more than normal, I hope they get thrashed today. It'll make them far less attractive to potential managers if they're rooted to the bottom of the league. Nobody wants a poisoned chalice like that and it'll leave them with a much smaller pool of competent candidates.
  7. Chris_R

    Kevin Keegan

    Keegan's ability was always getting players to run through walls for him and feel 10 feet tall. He spent money, but he doesn't need money. Any group of players would benefit from having Keegan in the dressing room to rouse them and get them playing with confidence, pride and verve.
  8. Chris_R


    I'm quite impressed that in 13 games, Di Canio has made 3 drawers. At least he's not wasting all that time stood on the sidelines.
  9. Just no way the first XI should be anything other than this. Positionally I'd possibly swap Anita and Sissoko though. I'd love to see Sissoko at DM, see what he can do there. No way on Earth will Pardew the Cowardly play 2 AMs though, it'll be 2 DMs and 1 AM.
  10. Chris_R

    Alan Pardew

    The only reason any more spending is going to put us into our overdraft is because Ashley's emptied our accounts. No way should the club with the 20th largest income in the WHOLE FUCKING WORLD be unable to have a net spend on transfers over 5 sodding years. So either the overdraft comment is a massive lie, or all our money has been drained into that tatty charva clothes shop. Either scenario is utterly disgusting.
  11. Chris_R

    Alan Pardew

    I can't take that. I just can't. 20th richest club in the world iirc. 3rd largest crowds in the PL. But for some completely f***ed up reason you say we can't compete with the big clubs. And since not a single one of us expects to compete financially with Man City and Chelsea, I can only assume that by "big" clubs you mean the likes of Southampton, Fulham and f***ing Norwich. Just f*** off you cowardly, lying cockend. We all know that we could compete with them easily if we wanted, we're just owned by a thief who is creaming money out of the club and into his horrid, tatty, charva clothes shop. I take your points but I don't think there's anything wrong with the statement "We haven't got the finances of a big team," of itself. We're not bankrolled by Russian or Arab oil money. We don't have the commercial reach of Man United to sell an ungodly number of shirts in every corner of the globe. You're right that doesn't mean we shouldn't be doing better in transfer windows. But there's nothing wrong with the actual statement. There is something utterly wrong with the statement though. He's insinuating that there's a problem with the fans expectations. Ie that we're being unrealistic. And that's simply not what's happening, we just don't expect to have our manager come out and say we can't compete financially with fucking Southampton ffs.
  12. Chris_R

    Alan Pardew

    Sorry, but I can't take that. I just can't. 20th richest club in the world iirc. 3rd largest crowds in the PL. But for some completely fucked up reason you say we can't compete with the big clubs. And since not a single one of us expects to compete financially with Man City and Chelsea, I can only assume that by "big" clubs you mean the likes of Southampton, Fulham and fucking Norwich. Just fuck off you cowardly, lying cockend. We all know that we could compete with them easily if we wanted, we're just owned by a thief who is creaming money out of the club and into his horrid, tatty, charva clothes shop.
  13. Chris_R

    Alan Pardew

    We always add the cost of the wages to the fee since this regime came in. Although they seem to forget that matchday income probably covers a fair bit of that. And also conveniently ignore the wages of players that leave in their calculations That's what pisses me off, that they only do the maths one way. Such a con. But even without that: £30m my arse, that's nothing but an outright, massive, lie. Must think we all spend every day drinking like Kinnear if he reckons that's believable.
  14. Tends to happen when you spend 90% of your nights pissed. The only person his injury proneness is a mystery to is Andy Carroll.
  15. Can you imagine how angry we'd all be right now if we'd turned down the £35m and he'd gone on to have the 2 1/2 years that he has done?
  16. For me its his silence that raises suspicions. I mean, there is a small chance that: - Kinnear was a well-intentioned appointment to provide football input at boardroom level - We tried really hard to get players in and that money remains available for January - He wants us to do well and be a top 6 team - All the revenue from Newcastle United stays in Newcastle United etc etc Of course. However, the silence from Ashley is deafening when accusations are being flung round that: - Kinnear's a joke appointment - we had no intention of buying anyone unless Cabaye was sold - Mid-table with no expenditure and maximised profits is his ambition for the club - (And this is the massively unacceptable one IMO) He's milking revenue off NUFC and into Sports Direct whilst pretending our revenues are lower so he can keep his loan on the books He's got hundreds of thousands of customers wanting to know what the fucks going on. Now as the owner of the club he has a right to not say anything. But if we want change, or at least explanations, then we owe it to ourselves to deny him any revenue we can until he provides what we want. If the top set of points are correct and the bottom ones incorrect, why would he not just tell us? That is what's worrying. It seems the only thing he cares about is money, so every possible step should be taken to deny him it until he either clarifies his intentions or leaves. I can assure you, if enough people do the same, it WILL work.
  17. Chris_R

    John Beresford

    In style of play, I think he's very similar to Ashley Cole. Yes. But I'm sure you're just being deliberately contrary here and are intelligent enough to know that there's a massive difference between comparing styles of play (which I was clearly doing) with quality of play (which I was clearly not doing).
  18. Chris_R

    John Beresford

    Beresford was excellent. Got up and down the line really well, a bit like Ashley Cole. Really was a top player and an excellent, cultured fullback. Domi was nowhere near him, I find that laughable.
  19. Why does it have to be a big statement? Why can't it just be a statement? You seldom win the war with the first battle, things burn slowly but start somewhere. Doing nothing is worse than doing something.
  20. They can say that every day until the heat death of the universe, but it still remains that the signings in January should have been made the summer before, not the summer after.
  21. The whole idea that we're spending a net of nothing over the last 5 years, have slashed our wage bill and yet get the third highest crowds in the land and have a massive TV deal yet aren't making any real money simply must be an outright lie on the scale of Bernie Madoff's ponzi scheme. Its as transparent as my window.
  22. On the more general subject, it's easy to see why it is in Ashleys interests to keep NUFC revenues as low as possible whilst maximising SD revenues by whatever dirty tricks he can manage. That way he can keep us owing him a hundred million whilst boosting the profits and share price of SD. Also, it justifies nil expenditure at NUFC. Man's an utter shitcunt, and anyone who willingly gives him another single penny needs their head looked at.
  23. Does seem an odd difference. But I'd find it a bit surprising if the Chronicle were bought out for just £30k that didn't even go directly to them. If they have been bought out, it's for some other way. Perhaps something else happened at the same time as this meeting that we're not aware of yet....?
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