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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. Not sure what he can say in the press conference considering he never admits that anything is his fault.
  2. Zero enthusiasm for this or indeed any game of ours at the moment.
  3. Chris_R

    George Caulkin

    A actually now kind of hope Sunderland stay up. Otherwise it'll be another thing we get thrown at us as to why we can't try to win a cup - "Look at Sunderland, do you want that?" Even though the reality is that the mackems were rooted to the bottom of the league long before their first cup game and have actually done better since as they've used their cup success as a springboard to improving their league form and confidence.
  4. Chris_R

    George Caulkin

    Tremendous article. I just wish someone could tape Mike Ashley to a chair and read it to him again and again until he understands.
  5. Ridiculous that he still harps on about Europe being so detrimental last season, but didn't we play reserve teams in virtually every round until the knockout stages? Complete fucknugget. That quote which everyone's talking about is so horrible, basically saying "I don't want to be in Europe or go on a cup run, it's too risky. The limit of my desires is to be safe in the PL". What an utter horrorshow.
  6. That just sums up his whole mentality. Get to 75 minutes at 0-0 then see what happens. That's the absolute limit of his ambitions. It's so utterly dreadful. We never ever go out to try and put teams to the sword. It's graft, contain, graft, contain, graft and contain. With a bit of Welly-hoof-magic thrown in if we're lucky. I couldn't be more bored watching us plod our way through games. It's so interminably dull. I barely even celebrate our goals, mainly because each one means we have to look forward to a little bit longer of seeing week after week of turgid dross served up in front of us. Flair and guile mean nothing to this man. He'd have a peak-form Ginola shipped straight out. Laurent Robert would likewise last about 2 minutes as well. Indeed all the kinds of players that people would actually want to pay to see play have no place under Pardew. Those players that can excite you, get you on the edge of your seat. There'd be no Scott Sellars, no Asprilla. No Waddle and no Gascoigne. No Marveaux, no Ben Arfa. Just 10 try-hard grafters with perhaps one fairly talented grafter like Remy there to bail the rest out after 75 minutes of boredom. God I hate our team so much.
  7. They're trying to turn us from fans into customers. With some, they've succeeded.
  8. Actually a bit gutted about that. Enjoy no more Ben Arfa, ever again.
  9. No. People are blaming Pardew for putting a striker who is completely off the boil in the starting XI. I blame Pardew for Cisse being off form in the first place. He's completely fucking ruined a very decent player.
  10. Cisse on the right. FFS that is disgusting "tactics". He's a poacher, a finisher. This is about as sensible as putting Andy Cole or Darren Bent in their prime on the wing - They'd both look shit too and it would be painfully obvious why.
  11. With this turgid line up, I really hope we get beat. Otherwise it justifies pardew's team selection and well see graft over guile until the end of the season and beyond.
  12. Have they confirmed ben arfa isn't playing yet? Guess that'll be left until last minute so as many as possible are already committed to going.
  13. I don't get the finance argument. Not one bit. People thinking "Oh, but I can save so much money by getting a ticket". Guess what? You can save even more by NOT getting one, and simultaneously send a message to the ambitionless prats in charge of the club in the only way they understand. Plus, even if things DO change in a year or 2 (Hahaha!) or the club is sold to someone with ambitions beyond advertising his tatty charva clothes shops, just start going again. The money you'll save on not having a ticket for the next year or 2 will more than outweigh any possible increased costs in getting a leter season ticket. Plus you'll not even miss any games. Just watch them online. (Don't buy Sky, he gets money from that too.)
  14. Chris_R

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Ridiculous to suggest we had 3 or 4 days to replace Cabaye. We had 6 sodding months to replace him and failed. Abjectly.
  15. OK. I agree with some of what Trollemache is saying [Tin hat on]. We can't buy the title. We can't do much better than probably 6th or 7th on a consistent basis. And we're currently 9th despite everyone bemoaning the paper thin squad, poor performances and shit manager, which is pretty contrary. Obviously something, somewhere is going right, at least to a degree. Despite that, I want Pardew out as much as the next man. Mainly because of this:
  16. Pardew seems able to take mediocre "grafters" and make them look a bit better - The ones mentioned above are good examples: Williamson, Best, Perch, Raylor. Give him someone with talent though, and he's fucked. Hasn't got a clue what to do with them, how to play them, how to get the best out of them. They just don't fit his philosophy or style of play.
  17. Chris_R

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I'm on the fence at the moment.
  18. Chris_R

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    It is a bit overly harsh on her, yes. Mainly because I'm sure that Bimpy would be facing an infinitely harder decision in the imagined Mrs Bimpy / Cheryl Cole situation than I'd find myself facing in a Pardew / Ben Arfa situation
  19. Chris_R

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    So Pardew feels he can't work with Ben Arfa? This is like Mrs Bimpy finding Bimpy in bed with Cheryl Cole, and standing at the door screaming "It's either her or me!!" Just f*** off Pardew, just go. Nobody wants you here, nobody likes you here. Nobody wants another minute of your horrid brand of defensive, negative football. You can't cope with flair players, you can't play an attacking game, you can't carry a threat to the opposition. You're a pathetic mouthpiece for an ambitionless, corrupt regime. The one, only, single and solitary joy I currently have in watching Newcastle play is watching Hatem Ben Arfa attacking the opposition. Not defending or chasing back you understand Alan, but attacking. Just pack your bags and f*** off. c***.
  20. This. I'd be chuffed to bits with him as manager.
  21. Exactly what my cousin says, he's a Man Utd fan in Essex ffs. tell him to be grateful for Moyes
  22. There's more chance of me being elected Pope than there is of this happening.
  23. He'd be our best CM today. That said, he's only 31 now. Expected him to be about 38.
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