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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. Someone needs to call the c*** out about this in the post-match press conference. "So Alan, with Baines and Fellaini playing for Everton after they rejected bids and said they didn't want to sell them and actually seemed like they meant it, is Cabaye not playing just further proof that you're protecting him from injury to ensure you can sell him after hawking him round so blatantly all summer?" you make it sound like he has a say in the matter rather than just being a victim of meddling from above He possibly doesn't. But I'd still grill him. If he doesn't have a choice then he can quite easily say that. "No, it's Mike Ashley's decision. I'd love to keep Cabaye and have played him today.". Simple. Needs to grow some balls and start telling the truth or else be called out on his bullshit that he peddles. and then he gets sacked. Would you do that in the same situation when trying to protect your job which you enjoy? He can lie if he wants. That's up to him. My problem is that the post-match questions are always so fucking limp and toothless. Managers who continue to underperform should be grilled properly and when there's an elephant in the corner of the room like the Cabaye situation it's ridiculous that its ignored.
  2. Journalists give managers such easy rides and never ask them any important, searching questions. Q2 from me would be "With injuries almost forcing you to play a good team in a good formation, how did you mess it up and pick Shola after more than a decade of underperformance form him?" I'd probably get banned from the ground mind.
  3. Someone needs to call the c*** out about this in the post-match press conference. "So Alan, with Baines and Fellaini playing for Everton after they rejected bids and said they didn't want to sell them and actually seemed like they meant it, is Cabaye not playing just further proof that you're protecting him from injury to ensure you can sell him after hawking him round so blatantly all summer?" you make it sound like he has a say in the matter rather than just being a victim of meddling from above He possibly doesn't. But I'd still grill him. If he doesn't have a choice then he can quite easily say that. "No, it's Mike Ashley's decision. I'd love to keep Cabaye and have played him today.". Simple. Needs to grow some balls and start telling the truth or else be called out on his bullshit that he peddles.
  4. Someone needs to call the c*** out about this in the post-match press conference. "So Alan, with Baines and Fellaini playing for Everton after they rejected bids and said they didn't want to sell them and actually seemed like they meant it, is Cabaye not playing just further proof that you're protecting him from injury to ensure you can sell him after hawking him round so blatantly all summer?" Make the fucker squirm.
  5. Don't get this comment at all. Not picking on you per se, as plenty have said the same. But to me it's the same as saying "I'm happy with my general health, apart from my head's been cut off". It's either a good team or a bad team. Putting that cretin in and playing 4-4-2 makes it a bad team. Marveaux on the left wing will not work as he's not a left winger. Ben Arfa on the right wing will not work as he'll have too much tracking back to do and can't cross with his right very well which is a winger's job, and he'll be too deep to get in the box as often as under a 4-3-3 to threaten the goal himself.
  6. Full marks for not only picking the right team, but also for ignoring this ridiculous stupid convention of posting the team upside down and back to front. I salute you sir.
  7. It is incredibly small time as you say. It is becoming clear we have been desperate to sell him all summer which seems linked to our lack of spending. that almost makes it sound like we'd spend if we sold him anyway which is just plain silly If we'd got the £20m that Ashley seems to want, we might have spent £5m. Because that's how his maths works. £5m fee, £2m to agents, 5 year contract for the player @£46k/week and all the money is gone. Ignoring nicely that we don't have to pay Cabaye any wages any longer, of course, which they somehow always manage to do.
  8. Apologies. Sarcasm is hard enough to detect on a forum at the best of times. And there's not many of us would claim these are the best of times....!
  9. Shola might nick a goal to keep himself in the side for next week. That would be the worst possible result. A close defeat, say 2-1, so Pardew can tell us how unlucky we were to not win and with Shola scoring so he gets an extended run. I want this game to be decisive. Either us win by a few or get absolutely humped. I'd rather us win, obviously.
  10. Nothing wrong with his head. We just can't jeaopardise his sale that we're so obviously desperate to push through by playing him, in case he gets injured.
  11. Should have bloody known. What's wrong with Krul Debuchy, Coloccini ©, Yanga-Mbiwa, Santon Sissoko, Anita, Marveaux Gouffran, Cissé, Ben Arfa ? So fucking obvious to 99% of the world. Pity the manager has somehow been recruited from the other 1%.
  12. Dreading to see how pardew can fuck up today's line up despite the injuries trying to force him into playing our best XI
  13. David Kelly for me. Not for the Portsmouth goal, but for his exploits in our promotion campaign as I was only allowed to go to the games the following season when I was considered old enough to go by myself, as my father worked weekends,
  14. The greatest f***ing month of my life starts now. And Shola fills the void. Enjoy Hate to break it to you but Shola doesn't play in midfield. Graeme Souness says "What did you say?" http://www.abc.net.au/news/image/744504-3x2-340x227.jpg
  15. Then you wake up and realize nothing is there. Mike Ashley is the Grinch that stole Transfermas "Christmas has been canceled with immediate effect, Love Mike" More like your parents telling you Santa says you can have some presents, but only if you sell your old stuff first and raise equal to or more than the value of what you want. Despite the fact that your parents are making millions a year from their main business and are further more making millions from you somehow.
  16. Chris_R

    Alan Pardew

    Those Pardew Daily Mail quotes show exactly what this club is all about now: Sell to buy. He says exactly that. Other clubs, even Southampton and West Ham, are using the TV money to buy players or their gate money or any of a multitude of other revenue streams. Our ONLY revenue stream for buying players is the sale of existing players. They're investing, we're replacing. We're utterly fucked whilst that mindset continues.
  17. The bits I've removed were very similar, but the bits left show marked differences between the 2. And that's where Anita wins for me. Anita has created 17 more chances than Tiote. However Tiote's extra defensive effort (5 actions to 2 per game) is completely negated by his defensive errors that he causes (4 per game to 1 per game meaning both have a net +1 defensive effort per game). Add in Tiote's extra propensity to get booked and I think I'd take Anita any day of the week.
  18. Tiote's pass completion rate remains "OK" as a percentage because he hardly ever attempts to pass the ball more than 10 yards. However even working within these very stringent limitations, he often still has a worse pass percentage than others who try far more ambitious and attacking passes. When Tiote's passes go astray, it's a pass that offered virtually zero reward and has high risk because the opposition are getting posession right in the middle of the park. When other CMs / DMs passes go astray, it's more likely to be a penetrating pass that offers a high reward if successful, but only gives the ball to the opposition defence or goalkeeper if it fails. Sissoko is a poor comparison to Tiote. Yes, Sissoko isn't the best passer in the world but he gets lumped on the wing and wingers will invariably lose posession far more than a good DM because they're tasked explicitly with trying to create for the forwards. DMs should look to retain posession, wingers should look to create opportunities.
  19. When Tiote joined, I questioned his passing after only a few games and said I was concerned by it. I remember being utterly lambasted by every single person in the Tiote thread when I said this. You may all now commence your grovelling apologies. Ta.
  20. Do people realise when giving ratings that 5/10 is be definition an average mark? ALL of our players were below average last night. Those that tried hard, put the effort in etc should get 4/10 at best. None of those buggers should get anywhere near a 5, never mind a 6 or 7. Couple of people even putting 8s down which beggars belief really.
  21. Pardew has an understanding of football?
  22. Chris_R

    Alan Pardew

    Sorry, we "frettened" their goal? WHAT? We had fucking ZERO shots on target. NONE. Not a fucking single one (Tiote's shot was going well wide) for the whole 90 minutes. Explain to me how that's a threat, you ludicrous fucknugget.
  23. We are a bit short of players, but we've got quality there. Just Pardew has no clue nor desire on how to use them. You could give him the City squad and he'd still try to nullify the opposition all game, finish 10th and look clueless.
  24. Can't see how anyone can say it's a harsh red. Taylor clotheslined him round the back of the head, ffs. Clearest red I've seen in ages.
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