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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. Pardew says, he doesn't care if we lose 4-0 as long as the fans are happy. In which case, I'll accept a 4-0 defeat followed by his immediate resignation.
  2. I went with: "How much do you enjoy watching Alan Pardew's defensive, negative brand of football, and how do you think this style will help convince the technically proficient players like Ben Arfa, Cabaye and Coloccini that their footballing future lies with Newcastle United?" Not a chance in hell it'll get through! I also put 19 questions in the "One question to Alan Pardew" box. Mostly copy and pasted from my answers in the "Questions to Alan Pardew" thread from a couple of weeks back.
  3. Chris_R

    Alan Pardew

    17. In which area do you think Newcastle United most need to strengthen? Where's the manager option? :confused:
  4. Chris_R

    Alan Pardew

    Having fun with this Chronicle survey.... 9. Who is your Newcastle United player of the season? Romain Amalfitano. By not playing, I think he probably contributed least to our on-field dreadfulness.
  5. Chris_R

    Alan Pardew

    I know most of the Q&A's on there in the past have been pretty well 'managed', but surely they can't avoid the tough questions now? Pre-screening chap: "What would you like to ask Alan about?" Me: "I want to know whether he likes living in Newcastle and does he like our countryside" Pre-screening chap: "That sounds excellent, we'll put you on." . . . Live phone-in guy: "You're through to Talk Sport with Alan Pardew as our guest, what do you want to ask him?" Me: "Right, Alan. Let's have a chat about your tactics." Shouldn't be too hard to get on if you're not a complete fucktard. Just once on, don't swear and don't give them a reason to cut you off. And have facts etc to back you up because he's a smooth, smarmy c*** is Pardew and you're only going to get one chance to put your side across, then he'll get all the airtime he needs to refute it. It'll be like trying to nail jelly to the wall, but if there's enough of us asking enough tough questions, some of the jelly will eventually stick. Like not asking your pre-screened question, you mean? Fair point. But they can't cut everyone off. Well maybe they can, but that would be fucking hilarious in itself. At least that way you get on air and get to speak, rather than being denied even that.
  6. Chris_R

    Alan Pardew

    I know most of the Q&A's on there in the past have been pretty well 'managed', but surely they can't avoid the tough questions now? Pre-screening chap: "What would you like to ask Alan about?" Me: "I want to know whether he likes living in Newcastle and does he like our countryside" Pre-screening chap: "That sounds excellent, we'll put you on." . . . Live phone-in guy: "You're through to Talk Sport with Alan Pardew as our guest, what do you want to ask him?" Me: "Right, Alan. Let's have a chat about your tactics." Shouldn't be too hard to get on if you're not a complete fucktard. Just once on, don't swear and don't give them a reason to cut you off. And have facts etc to back you up because he's a smooth, smarmy cunt is Pardew and you're only going to get one chance to put your side across, then he'll get all the airtime he needs to refute it. It'll be like trying to nail jelly to the wall, but if there's enough of us asking enough tough questions, some of the jelly will eventually stick.
  7. Chris_R

    Alan Pardew

    Just.... Wow. So you loathe Pardew, but are so negative that you don't want him sacked because of a fear of someone EVEN WORSE coming in? I'm just incredulous at that. If something's shit, it's shit. If something could be better, we should hope it gets better. Not worry that it might get worse. That's exactly like Pardew defending a 0-0 draw, worried that we might concede instead of trying to score at the other end. How can you loathe him? He's basically you.
  8. Chris_R

    Alan Pardew

    He didn't say it was mad to expect 90 minutes of domination, he said it was mad to aim for it. Which is clearly bullshit. You should aim to always be on top but be prepared to cope when you're not. It's like when Pardew says before the QPR game "I can't say that this game is a game that we're confident of winning". It's horrid negativity. You should ALWAYS be confident of winning. You should ALWAYS aim to dominate the opposition. But in both cases you should be prepared for the possibility that it will not happen. But that shouldn't change what you aim for, otherwise you're beaten before you start.
  9. Chris_R

    Alan Pardew

    Even in the worst domination, suffered at the hands of Liverpool, we created opportunities. Perch missed a free header from 5 yards that would put us back in the running. Pardew can't put chances like that away for the players. Maybe don't play 3/4 defensive midfielders in the same game (at home!) then you wouldn't get James f***ing Perch being the most advanced player missing easy chances than an attacking player would most likely bury. I picked the worst possible example of a game. The second worst would have been the mackems.... Mignolet making two stops to deny Papiss Cisse, one more cleared off the line and an errant linesman's flag denying our number nine a perfectly good goal. What about all the chances the opposition miss? How many good chances did Liverpool spurn when they stuck 6 past us? Should they blame their players for it not being 10? Chances are missed. That's football. If you create enough GOOD ones, you'll probably win. But of all our shots last season, only 4% were in the 6 yard box. Four fucking percent. The joint worst record in the whole league.
  10. Chris_R

    Alan Pardew

    A) What chances are you talking about exactly? B) Where's this extensive list (compared to other teams) of incorrectly disallowed goals that have cost us points?
  11. Chris_R

    Alan Pardew

    I don't really understand posts like this. Are you not able to judge for yourself from what you see on the field "which was the fluke"? I don't need a number on a league table to tell me that the way we play is not good enough and will not lead to consistently good results. My main issue through out this anti Pardew thing is less criticizing Pardew or even wanting him out, everyones entitled to their opinion etc etc. But rather how absolutely everything wrong is being put at his door and the players get off scot-free criticism wise. Obviously he's made mistakes but why aren't they taking their share of the blame for some gutless performances? And if you say its just down to Pardews negative tactics, don't they have minds of their own? I had a similar discussion with the wife last night after her new boss told her to adopt a fairly retarded approach where she works. She was furious about it. I told her to do what he says. If you do what the boss says and it doesn't work, it's his fault. If you do things your way and they don't work, you'll get bollocked. As an employee, which players are, that's the only way to behave and survive in a workplace - Do what the boss says. That way it's his fault when it goes tits up.
  12. Chris_R

    Alan Pardew

    Thought they already had? Well exactly. That's what makes this even worse. If Pardew stays, half the team will be off in the summer. Our only hopes of hanging onto Cabaye, Coloccini and Ben Arfa (amongst others) are if this joker is given the boot and replaced with someone competent. Otherwise next season we'll have Pardew making excuses - "It's a new team, they need time to adjust" as we plummet back down the league again. Conveniently forgetting to mention that it's a new team because he drove the old one away with his s*** tactics and dire approach to football.
  13. Protesting will not magically remove Pardew from office. People saying that are absolutely 100% correct. However. Every journey has a first step and if you never make that first step your goal will forever remain out of reach. A protest will raise awareness. It will help other fans who dislike Pardew to feel that voicing their concerns is an acceptable thing to do whereas currently I get the feeling that people try this but get shouted down. A protest will also make the press realise that not all is rosey, and make the club realise that not everyone is happy either. No, it won't change anything. But it's a start. And we simply have to start.
  14. Chris_R

    Alan Pardew

    Wow. Just wow. What an absolute shitcunt.
  15. Bimpy's right. There's a 4/10 chance that there'll be a fight on the pitch next week, then we'll get docked 2 points and be relegated. Happened to Arsenal and Man U in 1990. Without the relegation, obviously.
  16. Pardew's shit. Sack Pardew. Problems solved.
  17. Eh? Neither should have been given. Their's was outside the box and ours was the softest I've ever seen for shirt pulling. He nearly ripped his shirt off ffs. Shirt pulling is a foul, fouls in the box are penalties, his shirt was nearly torn off his back. Just because he didn't get hauled to the ground doesn't mean it's not a foul. The pulling of the shirt is the foul, not what the shirt pulling does.
  18. Hope Ashley's there so that he can sack Pardew at full time. Fuck it, sack him at half time and give us a boost for the second half.
  19. Hope you got 1,000,000,000-1 for them, otherwise the bookie will be laughing his tits off right now.
  20. I'm not normally one for betting, but I'm *soooo* confident in us and Pards that I've just stuck £50 on via Coral at 11/1 on us going down. £550 might just get me enough alcohol to forget this horrid season for a day or 2, yet I'll gladly pay £50 for us to stop up somehow.
  21. I'm just sat here staring at the clock, waiting for 2pm so I can see the lineup and wonder how he's going to fuck up whatever formation we're presented with. See, whatever the side he puts out, a half-decent manager could get a win today. But you just know that irrespective of the personnel, we'll play like absolute fucking puddings.
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