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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. I can't take the opinions of those that support clubs from areas they have no affiliation to seriously. And yes I'm afraid that includes Newcastle "fans" from foreign parts. So if any of these plastic fans tried to rub it in that Man U had won the Champions League, I'd just laugh in their face. I honestly think I'd get more enjoyment out of telling them what I thought of them as supporters than they'd get out of trying to brag about winning something they had no involvement in or connection to whatsoever.
  2. The fight continued outside, that's where things got nasty. The stuff in McDonalds was just the prelude.
  3. Been happy with Mort, but he was only ever intended as an interim chairman. Guess we'll just have to wait and see who replaces him.
  4. Chris_R

    Arda Turan?

    Yeah, we'll spend big and then the press will claim that it was the pressure they brought to bear on Ashley that made him realise our deficeincies and dip his hands in his pockets. This despite the fact that there was never a money crisis in the first place (As our early bid for Modric proves) and we always intended to spend big anyway - We were just being clever about it and not shouting out that there was £100m (Or whatever) in the kitty as it would immediately inflate all our targets prices by 50%. The press are f#cking morons, the lot of them. But that's not news (Pun intended) to anyone.
  5. I haven't bought a newspaper in about 18 months and I'm not about to start anytime soon. You can get news free online just as easily. I can't stop the press writing insulting crap but I'm sure as hell not going to pay them to do it.
  6. That's pretty much what I feel. There's nowt else to talk about other than transfers and transfer rumours, so seperating the transfer stuff out seems foolish to me. This forum would be like some kind of ghost town if that happened with threads taking about a month to disappear off the first page.
  7. The word "Legend" is frequently overused. For SBR it's not nearly enough.
  8. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_English_football_transfers_Summer_2007 July 1st then, I stand corrected. I'll go for August 31st, another Sibierski last-minute job where we get an ageing workhorse in with an hour to go.
  9. Out: Smith Emre Owen Duff 4-3-3 In: A top-class striker A fast, tricky, creative central midfielder A fast, tricky, creative right winger 4-4-2 If N'Zogbia goes as well then add a fast, tricky, creative left winger to the "In" list as well. With the money we'll raise from selling the above (Plus the saved wages), then the whole thing should be just about self-financing. That for me will provide KK with the platform he needs to get us into the top half of the table and possibly challenging for a UEFA cup place.
  10. That's what makes Smith so inept. No matter where he plays, he doesn't score. He doesn't even have a shot which would enable him to score. Hell, he doesn't even get into positions that would make it viable to have a shot that would mean he might score. He just provides zero goal threat.
  11. Zarate Barnes Shorey Certainly not convinced any of them would be the answer to our prayers mind, but all could do a job even if just as squad players.
  12. Keegan said he was going to make changes for this match to give a chance to those who've done well in training but not got many games of late. He then makes said changes. Now everyone gets in a flap and wonders why so and so isn't playing. It's just mental.
  13. Transfer window opens June 1st iirc, so it seems unlikely we'll sign anyone before then.
  14. Like drinking poison iirc. Ever drank poison before like? I once had a pint of Vaux. Does that count?
  15. Robertsaldo. Like it.
  16. We'd be a lot higher than we are this season, that's for sure.
  17. liverpool without torres and gerrard would be where we are now That's irrelevant. They do have Torres and Gerrard.
  18. This episode entirely justifies my decision a year ago to stop buying newspapers. Might I suggest everyone else does the same, there's plenty of free news available in this day and age. OK, they may spout the same shit, but at least you're not paying them to spout it.
  19. Well, Man U, Chelsea and Arsenal aren't playing with traditional wingers. Maybe they'd be better if they did 4-3-3 has been pretty good for us lately. If it works and can be improved upon i don't see the point of changing it for just tradition. No, they don't play 4-4-2. They do play with wingers. The only wing play that comes from manutd in the traditional sense is from the fullbacks. Ronaldo plays far differently to a 4-4-2 winger. Arsenal don't have wingers either. The likes of Hleb are positioned out wide but are more inclined to come inside than hit the byline. Of course their wingers play differently to those in a 4-4-2, they have to by nature of the formation. But don't let that confuse you into thinking they don't play with wingers, because they do. Currently we play with 3 strikers and 3 defensive midfielders, all 6 of who are bereft of the ability to go past their man with the ball at their feet. We need to incorporate wingers into our system, either as a 4-3-3 (Or 4-5-1 or whatever you want to call it) or as a 4-4-2. I'd prefer to see 4-4-2 myself (Because I don't think any of our current strikers could play as a lone man up front and therefore there'd be too much needing to be changed over the summer), but if we can play with 1 up front and play like Man U do then I'll be perfectly happy.
  20. Well, Man U, Chelsea and Arsenal aren't playing with traditional wingers. Maybe they'd be better if they did 4-3-3 has been pretty good for us lately. If it works and can be improved upon i don't see the point of changing it for just tradition. No, they don't play 4-4-2. They do play with wingers.
  21. There was a fat fullback called Steve, Whose waistline we couldn't believe, He ate all the pies, Which made him despised, But thankfully now he will leave.
  22. 4-3-3 really isn't the way forward. We need width, we need wingers, we need crosses into the box. All of Keegan's teams have played with good wingers, and I don't see it being any different next season. I bloody hope not, anyway.
  23. Aye but its not and they could probably raise 200-300M on player sales alone. I'd love to see them forced into doing that!
  24. Yeah, but in how many games? 168 I think? That's fucking abysmal. I'll pack his bags for him and drive him down if we're getting £4m for him. Sure he's a lovely lad, but he's in no way, shape or form a Premiership striker.
  25. Chris_R

    Frank Lampard's mum

    Sad news, but I agree. It's fairly big news that one of the top players for one of the top teams in the top league is missing one of the most important games of the season because his mother has died tbh While I sympathise with Frank and wouldn't wish the death of a parent on anyone, the major news is that he's missing the match, not that his mother has died. I'd rather hear about this than Princess f****** Di tbh I'd rather hear about you cuttiing your toenails than hear any more about Di. Doesn't make it newsworthy though.
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