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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. What's the prize money for this? £200m? Seems fair.
  2. Great turn and drive by the Geordie Maradona.
  3. Lovely play by Isak to set that up. Carried it forward half the pitch then put it on a plate for Almiron.
  4. That's unfair. Almiron has one idea. Just a shame it's always the same one. I'd just love to see him once, even just one time, hit the ball with his right foot. A cross, a pass, a shot, anything.
  5. I'll gladly take a PM, thanks.
  6. They're not trying to keep their squad together, they're trying to get the most money they can for them. Plus in some cases they've just not had the interest they thought / hoped they'd get. I think they thought there'd be a bidding war for all their best players but in the end they've had nothing but sporadic interest from single buyers.
  7. Ferdinand - 2 seasons with us Cole - 1.5 seasons in the PL with us Ameobi - FOURTEEN YEARS OK, 1 was in the Championship, and he didn't start every match, but still. That's an average of 3.3 goals per season. From, on average, 24.5 games. By god those years were fucking grim.
  8. Need to factor in his payrise too, though, and (re)signing on fee. I doubt we come out ahead.
  9. I think the reason I dislike Hendrick more is 2-fold: 1) He's in such a key position. I mean all positions are important, but CM really dictates how both attacks develop and how you protect the back 4 and he's shit at both 2) He's played more (I think - I really have no interest in looking up the careers of either), so I've suffered watching him more which makes me dislike him (as a player) more
  10. Chris_R

    St James' Park

    Well if it's your only option, sure. Like if the match tickets were £100 minimum each, we'd all have a right to be really annoyed. But £6/pint somewhere, I dunno just don't pay it?
  11. Chris_R

    St James' Park

    If there's a fanzone that charges £6 a pint and that's not to people's liking, they're welcome to show their discontent by not going. It's not going to be compulsory, I never understand people getting annoyed about things like that. Just don't go? Why does it bother you that something just exists? Anyway I'm exiled in Bournemouth, £6/pint sounds fucking wonderful.
  12. What the actual fuck is going on?
  13. "Ah - That's the manager, Mr Bruce. Please don't interrupt him while he's eating."
  14. This. No "ITK" can ever have a 100% record because until something is actually signed, things can change. Calling someone a fraud for not having a 100% record is just odd.
  15. Chris_R


    Little known fact - All barbers are mackems. Every time you get your hair cut, you're supporting Sunderland.
  16. Chris_R


    You and I are going to very different football matches.
  17. I have no idea what that even means, but your opinions on what's happening are pretty rancid.
  18. Have you suffered some kind of serious head injury?
  19. Did you miss that he joined the club just a few hours ago, hasn't trained with us much if at all, and that what happens in today's irrelevant friendly match isn't indicative of who is "ahead" of who come the actual season in several weeks time?
  20. Ritchie is not ahead of him in the pecking order.
  21. If my aunty had a penis she'd be my uncle. What's your point?
  22. Almiron is probably the most one-footed player I've ever seen. Absolutely REFUSES to use his right foot, no matter what. It's quite infuriating.
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