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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. I heard he's been arrested. Was found to be carrying small arms.
  2. Chris_R

    Epic NUFC photos

    Yeah I've already edited my post, sorry. I was just looking up the badges...
  3. Chris_R

    Epic NUFC photos

    Not unless he's got a time machine. Macdonald left us in 1976, Waddle didn't play for anyone until 1978 and didn't sign for us until 1980. Actually I'm chatting shit, sorry. That photo of MacDonald looks like it's when he was Fulham manager, who he took over in 1980. Sorry. Just looked up the badge on his top.
  4. Chris_R

    Epic NUFC photos

    I thought Waddle too but why would he be in the Newcastle crowd? Mackem, isn't he?
  5. Fucking hell, Pritti Patel is such an anhorrent piece of shit, isn't she? Just absolute human garbage.
  6. I disagree with that. I'm fairly comfortable with Saudi ownership, but I don't think anyone should keep quiet about anything just because they don't know everything about it. We should all constantly question everything. But we should do so with an open mind. It's closed-mindedness that causes problems, not inquiry and discussion which we should all practice to broaden our understanding and knowledge.
  7. Agree with this. The moment he answers even one question- however inoccuous - he's opened the door. It's a slippery slope and journalists will hound him to trip himself up and criticise the owners of NUFC, which as an employee you really cannot do. If I publicly criticsed my company owners, I'd expect to have my contract terminated. You just don't go there. Best course is the one he's walking now, just refuse to answer anything non-football related. Just keep playing everything with a straight bat, completely consistently. Don't even open the door a crack.
  8. Wrong. Newcastle United are part owned by the Public Investment Fund of Saudi Arabia, which is not "Saudi Arabia". For example, absolutely nobody has ever been executed by PIF. Sure, there's links in terms of personnel, but they're not the same organisation. One is not responsible for the actions of the other. That's not to say we should not have some very strong conversations around our ownership, we absolutely should because of those links in personnel. But let's avoid inaccurate statements like "Newcastle United are owned by Saudi Arabia" because it's simply not true.
  9. He's been at Sociadad for nearly 4 years. I wonder how long he has left on his contract.....?
  10. I mean I totally get what you're saying, but our best form this season has been without him in the team.
  11. Agree with just about every word of the opening post. I have little useful to add, except that I remember back a little further, to the late 80s, and remember Keegan coming in. But I didn't attend a match until I was old enough to go myself as my father worked weekends which was during the promotion season under KK. The lowest points for me were about 5 or 6 years from 2010 onwards (Pardew, Carver etc) certainly after the 5th place fluke season, and 2019 to 2021, where I basically spent my time hoping we lost. I watched matches and cheered opposition goals, which nobody should ever have to do. Not because we weren't successful, fuck that - we've won nothing in my lifetime, but because we didn't even want to be successful. I have no problem with us trying and failing, it was the not even trying bit that killed me. I never want to be like that again. The first game after PIF took over, when Bruce was still in charge against Spurs, I actually cried when we scored. I don't think I've ever celebrated a goal like it before, even though I was in my own house, and then the emotion overcame me and I sat on the settee and the tears came, just because I was so happy to actually care again. Years of heartache had been bottled up and had to come out. Fuck Mike Ashley, the fucking parasitic cunt.
  12. Chris_R


    You think that's bad? Have you seen how many pictures there are of the Queen with Prince Andrew?!
  13. Unfortunately whilst they clearly do want to improve their global image, their laws of the land are immutable as they are the word of god and not subject to reinterpretation. Executing criminals, barbaric as it is, isn't a reflection on how they're likely to deal with the possibility of buying Chelsea and/or selling Newcastle. We are part of a long-term vision they have for us.
  14. I actually think it would be a really bad look for them to switch horses. They'd get terrible publicity for it. Plus they'd have to pay £2.4bn more for Chelsea than they did for us. I'm fairly sure that with even half that pumped into Newcastle, we'd be doing just as well. They also seem really happy here and so far the purchase of Newcastle has gone well. If we were cut adrift in the bottom 3 I might have a little worry, but if we stop up like we look like doing then I cannot see any reason at all to worry.
  15. From what I can tell they have no state ownership links at all, they're just a private company. Their chairman is a bloke called Mohamed El Khereiji, who is a Chelsea fan and is wanting to buy them for about $2.7bn. According to this site.... https://www.mixedarticle.com/mohammed-el-khereiji-net-worth-saudi-media-owner
  16. Saudi Media Group have revenues of $1b a year. Which is nice, but if Chelsea fans think that this means they're going to be loaded then they're in for a shock. They don't have any oil money.
  17. I knew I was forgetting people as I typed my post, thanks. Quite the injury list yet we go away to the CL winners and deserved at least a point. Absolutely top performance and all credit to Howe.
  18. Went away to Chelsea with Trippier, Shelvey, Wilson, Joelinton injured, ASM only for enough for the bench, and we were robbed. So proud of the players. All of them were immense and we've grown so much as a team since Howe came in. VAR is a fucking disgrace not giving a review for the penalty claim though. There were TWO "clear and obvious" errors there, first it was never a corner because there guy never touched the ball, and secondly it was a clear foul. Corner kick just a joke outcome from that passage of play and the one thing it should never have been.
  19. We'll probably lose, but it's a free hit. After the recent run, it's nice just to sit back and enjoy a match. And no, if we lose it's not the "manager of the month curse". There's no such thing as curses, grow up.
  20. Poor guy gets kicked to fuck every game. If anyone deserves a couple of games off, whatever the reason, it's him. Ill, injured, just bruised and knackered, whatever. Let him rest and get better. Can't believe the mentality of the people on here who want to make that some kind of irredeemable personality flaw. He stuck with us through years of Bruce and never caused any bother, never asked to leave when he had every right to as he was head and shoulders above anything here. Absolutely convinced he'll be desperate to stay now and see what we can do with money.
  21. Chris_R


    Nothing we achieve "counts" in their eyes. If/when we next win something, it won't count because we've "bought it" - Though I don't recall them discounting any other club's trophies over the last 20 years. They're genuinely demented.
  22. Chris_R


    Really they should have been devastated when PIF puled out, if they were in any way consistent. Instead, mackematics dictates they have to say everything that happens to us is good news for them. Takeover off? "Brilliant, they'll not be rich" Takeover back on? "Brilliant, they're owned by evil people and they've lost their club" Amongst all groups of people I've ever encountered, they're unique in being completely incapable of being even remotely objective or doing any kind of critical thinking. I think it's partly the massive bitterness they clearly all have about being the smaller of the 2 clubs - literally every metric says they are yet you'll never get even one of them to admit it, and partly the mob mentality on RTG where even the slightest deviation from their fake narrative is met with screams of "MAAAAG!" and the poster hounded off the board. The whole board is just an echo chamber built around this alternative universe they've created in their own heads. Absolute weirdos. But hilarious for it, genuinely couldn't wish for better or more entertaining rivals, even if (or perhaps becasue!) most of them have only the vaguest grip on reality.
  23. Great goal. And this goal secured us 2 points, without doubt. Anyone doubting him - Since he signed, how many points has he cost us? How many points have we even dropped?
  24. I love how Eddie Howe is just at the back, not prominent at all.
  25. tbh I'd not even noticed him, which says it all I guess.
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