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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. So this cunt's been here no time at all and already he's announcing he's going to take 10 days off? Just Bruce MK2, get him in the bin!
  2. Chris_R

    Lee Charnley

    Charnley was handed a once in a lifetime, life-changing lottery win, do people think he should've not taken it? That's delusional if so. I'm delighted he's gone, it's excellent news. The blame for his appointment is on Ashley though, not on Charnley.
  3. Chris_R

    Lee Charnley

    Bruce was a millionaire already. Charnley was like any of us wealth wise, but just working in the box office and got lucky, and he's been elevated beyond his dreams. I'd have taken the job too. I think anyone would. He'd never in his wildest dreams achieve anything even one percent as good as this ever again in terms of salary and profile. He'd be frankly mad to turn it down. The two situations are not remotely comparable. Though tbh I don't even blame Bruce for taking the job, why wouldn't he, he's a football manager. I blame Ashley for the fucking ludicrous sacking clause. I disliked Bruce for his incompetence, not for him taking the job. He should never have been offered it mind.
  4. Chris_R

    Lee Charnley

    Unlike Bruce and Ashley, I don't bear him any ill will because to be honest if I was working in the box office of the club I loved and I was offered the job as CEO I'd probably take it too. However low his pay relative to other CEOs, it's way more than he probably ever dreamed his meagre talents could command. What was he supposed to do, say no? Or say yes then jeopardise it all by calling the golden goose a cunt? Neither of those things are realistic expectations. He did what almost anyone would do. However I'm still delighted he's gone because he's tainted by association, a symbol of a rotten regime, and a position we can get an obvious upgrade on very easily.
  5. I was genuinely welling up with tears when we scored against Spurs. It was just such an emotional release to actually give a shit again. That we ultimately lost was irrelevant, just caring again felt amazing.
  6. The logic here is that because I'm clearly unfit, I therefore shouldn't train tomorrow. I mean, anyone see the problem with this approach? THAT'S EXACTLY WHY THEY SHOULD BE FUCKING TRAINING. Fucking hell. Thank fuck these 2 wasters have been launched into the sea along with cabbage head.
  7. The annoying thing (well, one of them :lol:) about Bruce's time here is that effort costs absolutely fucking nothing. The absolute bare minimum you can do is try your hardest. He wouldn't even do that. He was a total fucking disgrace.
  8. Haha, I did say "one of"! Don't get me wrong, Jonas had his merits as a player way beyond the likes of Obertan, of course he did. His ability to hold up the ball, his strength, that he could dribble out of tight spaces etc was vital to us at times and he was a valuable team member in that regard. However in terms of "being a winger", he was fucking awful. I was desperate to see him play on the right for a bit, but for some reason we never tried it. At least on the right he'd have been able to put a cross in you'd think? His left foot was only good for standing on so he produced absolutely nothing on the right wing and never would do in a million years. He'd get to the byline and you'd have 0 expectation that anything would come of it because all he could do is swing his left leg aimlessly at the ball and shank it into the stand. If he had a decent shot on him you could claim he was an inverted winger, but his shooting with his right was little better than his crossing with his left. He had so many great attributes, but absolutely no end product at all and I think at least part of that might have been helped by a switch to the other flank. We should have at least tried it for a decent amount of time because let's face it he couldn't possibly have offered LESS end product on the right. Oh well.
  9. We need a backup striker, because only Wilson can score goals for us up front and with no competent cover we're one bad challenge away from being relegation certainties.
  10. I loved his effort and workrate, but fuck me I hated seeing him play left-wing. He had no shot on him, so couldn't cut inside, and was entirely one-footed so couldn't cross with his left. He was a decent footballer though with pace, decent technique and could run all day, but fucking hell he was one of the worst left wingers I've ever seen. :lol: Still loved him though. Hope he enjoys his retirement. :)
  11. He might do alright, his game never has relied on pace so he could potentially play well into his 30s. That's if you completely ignore that he's a physical wreck.
  12. Just 51% possession in a single game would honestly have me hard as granite. I honestly can't remember the last time I watched a game where we had more possession than the opposition. Must be literally years.
  13. Chris_R


    I mean I struggle to have a go at them too much for getting excited about any kind of cup run. Remember when our board said "no cup runs because it increases the risk of going down"? Remember how we reacted to that? Obviously us staying up needed to be the priority then, and them going up should be their priority now, but everyone wants to win a cup at Wembley even if it's some tin-pot effort. What are they supposed to do instead, hope to lose in the cups ASAP to concentrate on the league? We were furious when our board admitted they were doing just that...
  14. Chris_R


    I must say that 'Beheadie Howe' made me chuckle over there.
  15. Chris_R

    St James' Park

    Well I mean it wasn't actually a serious suggestion.
  16. Chris_R

    St James' Park

    Just to annoy the rest of the PL, we could paint the club name on the roof in oil?
  17. Chris_R

    St James' Park

    Charge people £1 per swing to smash away at the SD signs with a massive great sledgehammer. Proceeds to the food bank. Thinking about how many swings I'd want just on my own, between us all we could probably solve world hunger in about a week.
  18. Chris_R

    St James' Park

    That's probably the deal that was signed. Old ones stay until new deals are struck.
  19. Chris_R

    St James' Park

    I only have a cookie whitelist on the PC, but on the phone I use Dolphin for the swipe sidebar for bookmarks. I'd be lost without that.
  20. Chris_R

    St James' Park

    Can someone who doesn't care about their privacy copy and paste that article, because after about 5 minutes of trying to deactivate all the vendor cookies I gave up when I realised there was about a billion of them and I'd be doing it until tomorrow.
  21. Don't keep them out too late Eddie, they need to be back in tomorrow for 06:45!
  22. He forgot to mention Bruce, one of the most important managers in the last 100 years. How could he make such a mistake? Of course it fucking won't. We hated southerners until Rob Lee and Les Ferdinand came. We hated everyone not from the region until Rafa came. We only wanted Geordies until Bruce came. Then we just hated Bruce because Sunderland. The media will always find a shit stereotype they can pin to us. It's easy, lazy, and sells papers. They'll just change today's stereotype to fit in with whoever we last disliked (sorry, HOUNDED OUT).
  23. They have to ask. Fans of other clubs would be rightly annoyed if they didn't even ask about it. It's an important topic. But asking is a box-ticking exercise - They have to ask, he has to say he's just here to talk football. But the box must be ticked so that everyone can see that both sides have done their job. Now we move on. It only becomes an issue if both sides don't do their job - Howe starts talking about human rights all the time, or the press start hounding him about it at every press conference. Today was fine though, get it out the way early so that both sides can do what they need to, and move on.
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