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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. Indeed. They're absolutely right to ask, but he's absolutely right in how he's answered it. Both sides have done their job and now we can move on and focus on the football.
  2. What the fuck is wrong with you, you maniac?
  3. Chris_R


    Well for balance here's a Bruce training video.... I looked at a couple (though there's not many to find, I wonder why?!), they all seem similar. He stands on the side like an enthusiastic dad, shouting things like "GO ON, GET IT BACK!" a few times, but nothing that none of us could do if we were parachuted in there, there's no actual involvement, no "coaching" from him, no passing on of advice or assistance to them. He just stands there with his arms behind his back, watching from a distance. Kind of looks like he's been sent there to inspect the players similar to the Queen inspecting the troops, just kind of looking at them without really knowing what he's looking for, there because he's obliged to be but not really offering anything useful. Now watch Howe again.
  4. The number of games we were absolutely battered in yet snuck points out of was incredible. It was never sustainable, as this season has shown.
  5. The last sentence actually made me well up. Bloke seems a class act, we've gone from a complete waste of space of a manager and owner to some really top tier people. I'm proud to support the club again, and after so long it feels amazing.
  6. Please no more of these videos, I'm not sure my body can take it. If I masturbate any more all that'll come out is a blast of warm air and a whistling noise.
  7. It'll be like a fucking expedition into the Amazon rainforest for half of them.
  8. Someone'll probably snatch it off him and frantically kick it into a bush thinking they're saving his life because it's about to explode.
  9. I wanted the full thing really, but could only find it in parts. Here's the other 2.... But honestly I think that's what we're all like now, desperate for anything at all from the club after the last 14 years.
  10. I think we're all just desperate to hear nice things after over a decade of silence, incompetence and the club treating us with utter contempt. Now that's gone, we're now desperate for even a single word from them.
  11. Aye, them wheelie bins aren't going to fill themselves with water.
  12. This won't catch on, sounds almost like we're functioning like a proper football club.
  13. Ah, thanks. Busy morning haha.
  14. Maybe if you explain what it is, you might have a chance. I'm not here for a game of "give us a fucking clue".
  15. Chris_R


    We're "Schrödinger's supporters" - We are delusional in our aims, thinking we're going to win the league every year yet at the same time we're pleased with Howe when we should be annoyed that we've not got a "marquee" manager - We just want some "Jawdee hero" at the helm, and hound out good managers just because they're not from the area like Pardew. But simultaneously we loved Benitez. And hated Bruce. We're not perfect, clearly, but the amount of shit just made up about us to fit whatever today's agenda is can be quite ridiculous. It's hard to keep up whether today we're being too delusional in our expectations of winning the league or hero-worshipping mediocrity like Rafa or Howe. Makes your head spin.
  16. Chris_R


    Come on, link us up. You know you want to.
  17. Nobody's stopping them sleeping, they can just go to bed earlier. You can still get 8 hours kip if you're in bed before 10.
  18. When Hope said "today", did anyone check which time zone he was posting from? He might have taken a trip to Alaska.
  19. Chris_R

    St James' Park

    So we'll get the honour of looking at some other fans standing in 3 of our matches. Oh good, I can't wait.
  20. I don't believe any of the rumours surrounding free transfer players. Agents make loads of shit up about who is in for their clients in order to expedite a deal with another club and push through higher wages. I imagine Milan probably hadn't even heard of him.
  21. I dunno, it's kinda missing that "Steve Bruce furiously gobbling away on someone's mighty stem" element that's so essential in any MS Paint work.
  22. Chris_R

    Graeme Jones

    It's a minority saying those things, and they're out of order IMO. Though coward could refer to his tactical setup, which was cowardly and is maybe fair game to say but should probably be caveated as being in relation to his team tactics. Prick and cunt, definitely not on. But the overwhelming majority are just critiquing his team selection and tactics, and the anger is understandable there.
  23. Not quite - But Bruce doubled up as our fatness coach
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