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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. Haha Disco beating me to it.
  2. Fucking hell, have you been on the lash all night or have I had a stroke? After reading that, all I can smell is burnt toast.
  3. Soccer? You're clearly not from the North East of England, are you? Not that this matters in and of itself, but it further underlines that you almost certainly don't have our interests at heart.
  4. I acknowledge the issues with Saudi Arabia, but I'm not a politician, or a journalist, or anything like that. I'm a football fan and I judge the owner of my football club by how well they run the football side of it. I'll leave the finger-pointing and tutting to the journalists and politicians, if they feel they need to get involved in that. If they do make a noise on that front, I might even agree with them. But it's not my job to fight that fight. I'm just a football fan who wants the best for his team. Ashley was a fucking disaster, and for the last decade I've not had a football team to support and that has killed me. Now I'm being presented with the opportunity to enjoy matchdays again and I'm fucked if I'm passing that up. I want my football club back.
  5. You might have more games under your belt, but not watching Newcastle. You've come to this forum and signed up specifically to post what you posted. You're clearly a wind up merchant and nothing you say should have any credibility. You have an agenda, and it's not a helpful one to us.
  6. Content count: 1 Joined 12 minutes ago Yeah, you clearly have Newcastle Untied's best interests at heart. Jog on, troll.
  7. I was 30 when he took over, and thought we'd push on with a billionaire owner who could take us to the next level. Instead I spent 5 years hoping he was just making rookie mistakes and that he'd learn and come good, then about the next decade distancing myself from the team to the point where for as long as I can recall I've not even had a football club to support. Sadly I moved away from the area a good while ago, but I'm so excited by what this all offers now.
  8. - Replace all the players apart from ASM, Almiron, Dubravka, Lascelles, Willock, Wilson and Schar - That's a decent core for at least the mid-term, but the rest are shite - Build the new team around ASM because he's genuinely fantastic and a joy to watch - Hire an actual football manager and some coaches who can make the above and their replacements look like functional footballers who know what they're supposed to do on a pitch - Publicly burn all the SD advertising in a giant skip - Tidy up the stadium so it doesn't look like a skip that a tornado has blown past - Upgrade the training facilities so the players aren't literally sitting in fucking wheelie bins
  9. 1927 for the last league win, not 1910, and she's completely overlooked the 1969 Fairs Cup as our last major trophy. Staveley out.
  10. Beer at the moment. Might switch to wine later but can't get too twatted because I'm working from 7am.
  11. Yeah she's done great things for us already and deserves a massive amount of credit for the fight she's put in to get this takeover done.
  12. Yeah Hughes was a safe pair of hands until they picked their long-term manager. Bruce is a guaranteed relegation. The two situations are not comparable.
  13. Yeah Hughes was a safe pair of hands until they picked their long-term manager. Bruce is a guaranteed relegation. The two situations are not comparable.
  14. Of course he's fucking gone, nothing is more certain. She just can't say it before it actually happens.
  15. I walked in the house from work, went straight to the fridge and got a beer. Then I said hello to the wife.
  16. Are you sure it's not Bruce's severed head?
  17. How will this differ from any other period of his employment here?
  18. I need an official announcement. I'm fininshed work for the day, but this is the only day of the week where I have come into the office and so have a commute home, and I'm not letting this pass me by in the car so I'm staying put and F5ing away.
  19. Sat at my desk at work, grinning like a fucking lunatic.
  20. I bought some drinks last night when this broke, and woke up rather hungover this morning, but thankfully I had a lie in today before work. Tomorrow I start work at 7am so if they can delay an announcement until tomorrow, I'll not object *too* much!
  21. Distribution of my key presses today....
  22. Just getting Bruce out will give everyone a life. I'd honestly say that having the players sort themselves out would be better than what he's doing.
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