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Everything posted by huss9

  1. if only we had a supporters trust.
  2. yeah, we live in Melbury on the other side of the A1. am sure the Sage building could be converted/put to decent use by the club. such a waste. and there's loads of land and great access. but you're right probably already owned by private developers waiting to make a quick buck.
  3. huss9

    Nick Pope

    why is Eddie not counting out loud and clapping at the same time?
  4. there's so much land in great park, its just off the A1 and its minutes from the airport and the likes of ponteland/darrass where a lot of players live. is it protected greenbelt land?
  5. thats the chron for you.
  6. isnt that an old story?
  7. a few lads that play for my son's u15 team know adam and they all seem to really like him. not one had a bad word to say about him.
  8. the actual castore hoodies are great but very expensive. little'n got one for his birthday at the beginning of the year and he's hammered it but its still in great nick.
  9. we were never going to pay £10m on an england goalkeeper to put him on the bench or he wouldnt have signed. Dubs feels he's too good to be a back up or fight for his place so it looks like we wont be selling darlow.
  10. is he related to that other moroccan LB achraf lazaar who bombed for us? lee ryder is sure that he isnt.
  11. would have been perfect if he'd done the kit reveal at his SoS concert.
  12. really need more quality in midfield. struggled against the better teams, and no depth.
  13. huss9

    Players in public

    did yer lass come back with you too? howe and tindall in the same room? surprised u managed to drag her away.
  14. he is a vindictive cunt.
  15. huss9

    Kevin Keegan

    my eldest is 17 and just started going out. her and her friends usually dont go out till 11. seem to love it and say the town is buzzing, but it does seem a bit strange to me.
  16. unless greenwood makes it back.
  17. huss9

    Sven Botman

    so they've had him on the treadmill for his medical and they've turned it up from a "jog" to a "light sprint" and its fucked his heart up???? fuck me. those machines at the nuffield are brutal. i know someone who knows a real doctor that works there.
  18. huss9

    Sven Botman

    fell for that one until i saw the original on his instagram!
  19. honestly would have been so bad if the kept the logo and badge in black.
  20. fuck me, thats definitiely been released on purpose. "look at me, av got an assistance with a stopwatch but a downt need one.... a just clap me hands. such great motivator me , like. do a run meself? no, no, pet. done me back in years ago"
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