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Everything posted by huss9

  1. Stephen Warnock's got you height=400https://i.ibb.co/DgkZcbc/Screenshot-20210221-205522-Chrome.jpg[/img] every fucking game man. "think of the positives". when do we stop thinking about the positives and start worrying about relegation?
  2. Think his dad got a job in Manchester so they had to move. He was in our academy at the time
  3. its where we are as a club under ashley. pardew asked him to sign for us on the promise he could use it as a stepping stone to a bigger club.
  4. some of his "no-look" passes were amazing.
  5. huss9

    Graeme Jones

    the greatest goal in the history of football.
  6. like Kaka said, you really had to watch that in real time. that picture doesnt do it justice.
  7. how come no fucker on sky pointed his weaknesses/mistakes out last night. also to blame for the ward-prowse super goal - was way too far the other side of the goal for that one even.
  8. huss9

    Emil Krafth

    he spotted Andy Robertson, dont ye know? (not his scouts at all). but he chooses to spunk nearly £25m on lewis and krafth. lewis i still hold out hope for , though.
  9. from the first minute of the game all it was "decimated with injuries" and "patched together team" from the commentators. ffs other than gayle, every player on the pitch has been picked as first choice by The Mess at some time during the season. and which other team hasnt been affected? i even heard them defending joelinton saying he hadnt had many chances. what power has this cunt got over the media?
  10. huss9

    Emil Krafth

    he was a Bruce pick iirc.
  11. huss9

    Graeme Jones

    hope he's got the ear of ashley and his cronies and gets the mess binned.
  12. Let me get involved, let me get involved, erm..... get stripped Andy. Jones had already just given him instructions and then Bruce starts harping on after ... just watch Jones face right when Bruce starts chiming in Yeah saw the daggers from jones
  13. Time to say thanks Karl, but we're bringing Martin back.
  14. huss9

    Kevin Keegan

    :'( and he mentions that world cup. he'd been injured and came on as sub in the last game and missed a sitter of a header at the back post. didnt matter as we would have still needed another. was gutted for him as he's waited 10 years to play in a world cup. was heartbreaking getting knocked out without losing a game.
  15. not even joking. but that would be classed as abuse in this day and age.
  16. just in case he has any friends or family lurking tonight - GET THE FUCK OUT OF OUR CLUB YOU USELESS CUNT. GO ON, PISS OFF. see? not a single death threat in sight.
  17. he is more bothered by what the media think about him than what the fans do. he has to be seen as a "good bloke" doesnt he? even moreso than being a good coach. really has fucked it up for himself hasnt he? the man is so thick. complete opposite of Rafa in very way.
  18. "your dad got covid yet?" is that the best he could come up with? that's barely a fucking insult never mind a death threat. fucking wankers, him and his dad trying to stain all toon fans. fuck off the pair of yers. grow a pair ffs.
  19. "the abuse that i've had - death threats." he says it.
  20. He isn’t lazy, just absolutely shite in that sort of role. He needs service into the box. He’s got literally none of the abilities required to run the channels other than a bit of pace. he's not great but he's the best we have apart from wilson.
  21. especially when we play his club man utd.
  22. hate him even more than i did before. if its a real death threat, report it - otherwise stop whining. get the fuck out of our club.
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