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Everything posted by huss9

  1. bruce fucked up again today - played murphy at RB despite his last horror show in that position. then when we are looking a lit more dangerous and balanced he does that shitty PFM trick of throwing on another striker. completely lost our shape after that.
  2. huss9

    Jacob Murphy

    it didnt work last time Bruce played him at RB and so our great manager's tactical nous has cost us again. both goals murphy's fault.
  3. his greed wont allow him to quit.
  4. At this point in the season and with a takeover looming then we need to just accept whatever will get us over the line and still in the premier league, it's not Bruce that's for sure. Beggars can't be choosers, we can worry about longevity once this takeover is settled one way or the other and we know what direction we're going in. i'd gladly take jones as head coach if it meant kicking bruce out. that's how far we've sunk.
  5. hope it goes viral and the press pick up on it. humiliate the cunt, just like he;s humiliated the fans.
  6. on the full version, i think he then gets something like "it's jesus at christmas".
  7. "have a good weekend, thanks chaps" says the host. thats his reaction after the end of the meeting. really hope thats been leaked by someone at the club and Bruce sees it.
  8. the man has no shame. he is a geordie. he will have mates who are geordies - and not just shearer. he is aware he will never be accepted. there is no way he is stupid enough t o think he'll turn it round and get the fans behind him. shearer will have told him that. he is waiting for the pay off and ashley knows it.
  9. still hate liverpool more. guess its a generation thing. 1974 cup final, the 70's and 80';s, Heysel, media love-in, the fans air of superiority and sense of entitlement etc etc.
  10. they can't afford to sack him. try and undermine very subtly so he quits and cant bring a constructive dismissal case. but when have these cunts ever been subtle?
  11. Great stuff. Well said Craig Hope. its about time he got called out on his undignified off-field behaviour. him and his mates can compare him all they want to rafa in terms of the football, but his behaviour and criticism of fans and other managers is awful.
  12. well done Craig Hope. its just not about the shite on the pitch. its also the complete lack of respect off the pitch.
  13. Jones - geordie offered a job for his childhood club. probably offered 2 and a half year contract. no-lose situation for him. probably been watching our games and speaking to friends and family about whT the fuck Bruce has been doing. he probably already knows 3 or 4 things that need changing straight off. either that or he is a complete fuckwit.
  14. the cunt so full of himself. no way has he been in on the decision from that start. there wouldnt have been a "no comment". bruce would have bigged himself saying he was willing to try anything to get this club moving forward, hence why he'd asked for jones to come in.
  15. complete lack of self-awareness. those quotes are almost, but not quite, as bad as the initial shite they camt out with. bloody hell.
  16. I hope you mean that Lawro was caught in an American Pie moment?
  17. Our neighbours, sunderland. nah. sunderland might be a shit club and in freefall past 3 years. but theyre not pointless. they're trying and making a real effort to get promoted. they may be repeatedly sacking and hiring managers but its because they think they should be doing better.
  18. We were just as s*** last season as well when you couldn't stop telling people people Bruce was doing a good job This run has been worst than last season. At no point did I say Bruce did a good job. I said last season, he did an okay job. Stop lying Nobody, not a good look. I think you actually claimed Bruce had “Done a good job with team spirit”. That seems to have vanished now for some reason. Perhaps he hadn’t done a good job with that supposed team spirit after all? No the team spirit is f***ed now. Clearly not playing for him. I know confidence is a huge thing in football but I wonder what’s changed this season for that teams spirit to completely go? We played shit football last season but we definitely had good team spirit and we never went on massively bad runs (worst was 3 losses then we picked up 4 points from next 2 games away to Wolves and home to Chelsea). We always picked up a result when we needed one. This season Bruce has nothing tactically and the team spirit looks shite now. We need to get Bruce out and somebody new in. We can improve but if nothing is done, we will pick up 1 point from 5 games at best and be totally fucked tbh. It's too late, NO never forgets. You're Bruce's Ian now. Ian will never be allowed to forget will he. Poor bugger has apologised several times. seems like such a canny bloke, too.
  19. doesnt matter which of these he is. we need both. best outfield player this season.
  20. really hope Bruce heard it. was charnley at the game or has he stopped going?
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