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Everything posted by huss9

  1. joelinton vs gayle vs carroll. simple really. will it be who's the pacier of the three? who's the best finisher? and who's more likely to make a run down the channels or between defenders? or will it be who cost the most? who can defend corners the best? or who can the ball be lumped up to the best?
  2. he's a daft cunt. wishing he was dead is not a death threat. spinless cunt. if he's has a threat on his life - call the police.
  3. huss9


    will never forget that guy jumping headfirst into a foot-deep fountain.
  4. huss9

    Miguel Almirón

    starting to prove a few people on here wrong.
  5. the number of goals conceded after this fucker's shite set pieces.
  6. how's he ended up so close to brewcy in the first place? they say opposites attract but they're both snide snakey cunts.
  7. depends on southgate not only picking them, but also in the right position and system. dont hold your breath.
  8. rafa occasionally got criticism from the stands for being overcautious with bringing players back into the team. the resultant improvement in injuries and the massive improvements during the second half of seasons proved him to be right.
  9. huss9

    Fabian Schär

    miggy needs to be more assertive in a respectful way to the more senior players. he should have demanded that ball. or the coach could have named him chief free kick taker around the box....
  10. hayden, willock, and one more in a midfield 3 behind miggy, ASM and wilson. or go 5 at the back. but them bastard injuries keep piling up. we have to keep shelvey and kendrick out of the team.
  11. watching the likes of wilson, miggy, ASM, schar etc playing decent football again is a bit of a joy in this shitty covid lockdown. i feel now I can put aside my hatred of bruce and ashley for 6 months (or 18) and want us to win every match. a couple of weeks ago i wanted us to lose as many as possible as long as we stayed up on goal difference. this is what alcohol, a couple of wins and miggy's smile can do for a middle aged bloke!
  12. huss9

    Jeff Hendrick

    another case of trying to spend nowt and bringing in what we could get instead of what we needed.
  13. Domi never really settled. He was a devout muslim. went to my dad's mosque. unlike Ba, he found it harder to handle the environment and integrate. went home to be closer to family. shame as he looked as if could have been a really decent player.
  14. oooh, three false 9's you say?
  15. huss9

    Joe Willock

    Glad he's here, but if there's no realsitic chance of a permanent signing, then i'd rather we'd brought in Anderson to the first team and developed him instead.
  16. huss9

    Miguel Almirón

    he's never hidden. never let his head drop or sulk when's he's fucked up or when he's been subbed. he's put in full effort every time he's asked to play out of position. never lost his smile and his enthusiasm. he's fucking class.
  17. huss9

    Lee Charnley

    guys got nee fucking say in owt man. he's just a yes-man. every decision comes from above his head, whether its ashley himself or his henchmen like barnes.
  18. huss9

    Miguel Almirón

    thats the perfect way to put it.
  19. If Graham Jones is really the tough fucker he's meant to be, he's got to pull shelvey aside today and ask him what the fuck was going on today. that freekick that led to their goal and then that lazy attempt to score from a couple of yards out nearly undid all the good work every other player did. insult to the badge giving this cunt the armband.
  20. spurs 8th and 14 points off the lead , 7 off 4th all of a sudden.
  21. huss9

    Graeme Jones

    remember souness? madness. we all knew at the time he was gonna be sacked by blackburn within a few games.
  22. Emmerson Boyce was the man who lifted the cup as club captain that day at Wembley and the former defender, who previously worked under Steve Bruce, can see how Jones will complement his ex-manager. "Graeme had a similar trait to Roberto where no other team is bigger than you," Boyce told ChronicleLive. the bacon licking dust buster will not be happy with that.
  23. all the best teams do. look at us.
  24. huss9

    Graeme Jones

    difference last night was that we let them go 2-1 up. they then sat back, kept a good shape and kept catching us on the break. we had no idea how to break them down and move through them. shelvey ended up in his usual position of CB. once bruce had chucked on all his strikers there was just no shape or formation left. everton were much more open and there were gaps everywhere.
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