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Everything posted by huss9

  1. the only way he comes back is if the takeover is secretly back on, and there;s some agreement between ashley and the new owners.
  2. good stuff. at least he knows. which interview was this?
  3. hope jones is brought in as manager. steve can keep his head coach title.
  4. going on about getting his CB's back like he's been missing them all for months. fyck me.
  5. no pace in the squad jamie? lewis, wilson, miggy, murphy, fraser, ASM. Just needs some clever cunt to come and think of a system and motivate the players.
  6. haway man. cannit judge him on a few minutes at the end of a shitshow like that. strikers need service. what did u expect him to do?
  8. bloody hell. the amount of facebook warriors out there not wanting rafa back - no better than bruce apparently.
  9. out of everything Pep has achieved at city, his handling of Foden has to be the most impressive. sign of a great coach.(imho)
  10. No he’s the bbc radio commentator Tough tackling full back and all round legend won the eurpean cup with Forest?
  11. would have been great if this had been in front of a stadium full of fans. i reckon bruce would have quit already if it was. the whole stadium ridiculing him. no way he would have put himself through that.
  12. i reckon there's a fucking stand-off between bruce and ashley. bruce won't quit, ashley wont sack him. explains all the bizarre ranting and swearing, and also the who fuck else is going to do better than me quotes, and the reminder of the almost continuous lack of top half finishes under ashley. he's desperate to get out man. even alex bruce's tone has changed recently. its not about how great his dad is, more about why he's struggling. he just wants his dad out too.
  13. "Can we aim towards the top 10? We're three or four points adrift of that." err, no we're not.
  14. ah, seems to have just started there this season. ffs thought he was going to turn out to be the brains behind Eddie Howe's success.
  15. is Jones any good? he's not being lined up as next manager is he? wonder if wilson's had a quiet word upstairs.
  16. either way - what a fucking humiliation for Team Steve. Unless Cotterill is coming in to bolster them.
  17. huss9


    nothing is his fault other than the lack of effort.
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