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Everything posted by huss9

  1. tbh honest, its unlikely they'll be working "under" Bruce. may be in an official capacity, but bruce will asnwer to them and they will answer to ashley. might even be a way of undermining bruce so he quits and doesnt get a pay off.
  2. ashley's bringing in someone for the rest of the season to "oversee and help" Bruce? so he's gonna bringing someone in for less than the cost of sacking bruce, to basically push bruce to the side? cant afford to sack bruce, or bring someone else in and then have to back them in the market. cheapskate's way out.
  3. if it stays like this and villa beat us, it has to be bye bye fat cunt.
  4. if burnley hold on to their lead tonight, i honestly think villa could be the end of Bruce's reign.
  5. bruce's second last game as our manager. come on lads. just be patient. not long to wait now.
  6. offers a lot more than shelvey and ritchie do. we wont get a better left footed CB squad member.
  7. huss9


    us or burnley with WBA and sheff utd.
  8. fuck. its us or burnley for the last relegation spot i think.
  9. What happens if you’re yards offside when your team mate has a shot - keeper saves it but spills - you tap in the rebound - onside? probably.
  10. my kids have been watching various youtube channels. i'm too old for that shite. a lot of chelsea fans being interviewed and realising what they had with Rafa and with a lack of real quality proven coaches out there, how he would be great for a couple of years especially to teach the young'ns coming through. A lot now realising the job he did with us also.
  11. huss9


    yeah but they came with decent reputations and most we would have happily had here - including Haller. just didnt work out. Joelinton just came from complete leftfield. even online lazy scouting at the time suggested he as never a £40m player or one that we even needed.
  12. chewski fans making noises about having Rafa back.
  13. nah. thats onside. mings fucked up.
  14. huss9

    Ryan Fraser

    like a lot of our players, he needs a run of games in his best position in a formation that suits him and with other players going the same.
  15. that's really quite upsetting.
  16. I wonder what big Steve and the video analyst say to the likes of the Longstaffs Bruce : "How's the video analyst did ye say? Ah thought the Blockbuster on Chilly Rerd was closed down!"
  17. ashley admitted it himself. he found rafa to be ungrateful, whingeing, and never satisfied. "it was always something else with rafa" is one of his quotes. cunt. fancy always wanting to improve?
  18. what a great fucking interview from Maddison tonight.
  19. he's ok but not as good or as consistent as grealish, fodin, or maddison.
  20. honestly thought that was this season!
  21. huss9

    Emil Krafth

    makes sense - no better than yedlin - no where near manquilo. spares a squad space gives brewcy a couple of million for a loan signing. saying that - must be bollocks - nee way anyone is paying cash for the likes of him or joelinton.
  22. huss9

    Emil Krafth

    yeah but brewcy discovered andy robertson dont ye know.
  23. i think he deffo could. his defence is still here. still got the longstaffs, miggy and hayden. am sure he could do something to help the supply to wilson and shore up the defense. but of course there is 0% chance of him ever here again under ashley.
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