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Everything posted by huss9

  1. at least ritchie can sometimes take a decent free-kick or corner. would rather have him in the team than shelvey or joelinton just for that as those 2 dont contribute anything else at all.
  2. huss9

    Emil Krafth

    his crossing is inferior even to dummet's.
  3. huss9


    doesnt have the pace or he mentality, and he certainly lacks any desire. just fucking jogging around.
  4. huss9

    Emil Krafth

    Probably just on Steve's black list along with Schär and Lejeune. and gayle.
  5. i mean what the fuck was that starting line up? krafth starting again at RB. miggy on the RW again - THAT'S NOT HIS POSITION!!!! joelinton. 2 in midfield - well, sort of, as one of them was shelvey - completely overun. he's goes from one extreme to another - starts with no defensive midfielder at all. none of this is with hindsight. does that fat cunt actually watch our games?
  6. huss9

    Emil Krafth

    is manquilo injured?
  7. huss9


    90 minutes again. bruce should be sacked just for that.
  8. brewcy's strangest quotes are the ones about him being an average manager who lacks a bit of this or that, but who will give every ounce of effort. bizarre.
  9. Needs to get out and have a swansong somewhere else. and to think that could have been us
  10. As an ex Liverpool player, why is he so determined to back Bruce over a Liverpool legend. Odd. I think the modern day pundit needs to justify their position as an 'expert' by going against what supporters feelings are because they wrongly presume that fans are judging their thoughts by emotion rather than their own football knowledge, god forbid a fan speaking more sense than someone that played the game professionally. One of my pet hates with them is the sentence "what the fans don't understand is". Rednapp, O'hara and the likes of Jason Cundy are not very high up the IQ scale, but they played the game so they must no what they are talking about Pundits get paid to talk, they don’t get paid to know. They’re just trying to keep themselves relevant so they keep getting picked. If a requisite for the job was intelligence and knowledge there would be 2-3 pundits Max. Talksport have made a successful radio station from deliberately talking shite to antagonise fans, Sutton is the latest pundit to do it. The whole profession is basically a fucking racket build on peddling shite. no way is it all wind up man. a few genuinely stupid people on there. am sure Brazil and Jordan believe every word they say.
  11. ha ha, just what i thought when it happened.
  12. is that the real commentry that level of excitement is uncalled for. imagine them watching us play???
  13. chronicle 'I told them to buy Newcastle' - Sven-Goran Eriksson explains takeover message to 'rich' associates Newcastle United owner Mike Ashley came close to selling the club last summer and Sven-Goran Eriksson has revealed that he has encouraged wealthy associates to buy the Magpies over the years Sven-Goran Eriksson is one of the few managers to have sat in the home dugout at St James' Park without ever taking charge of Newcastle United. The 72-year-old, of course, was England boss when his side toured the country while Wembley was being redeveloped. Eriksson's first experience of managing the Three Lions at St James' came against Albania in 2001, when the stadium staged a full England international for the first time since the Second World War broke out. Although Eriksson had only been in the job for eight months at the time, the England manager already had an idea of what to expect from a football-obsessed city. Whether it was 'men, women, children or older people', Eriksson was always struck by how so many Geordies were wearing a Newcastle shirt when he travelled up north to monitor his internationals. "Newcastle is very special because it's the only team in the city and they have a huge amount of supporters," he told ChronicleLive. "I think for many it's a dream to play there because you have the support of so many people and it seems like they don't demand to win the Champions League. They are happy as long as the team is doing its best and that's fantastic. It's not common at all. "Sometimes, over the years, people I know or agents have said they have a rich friend, 'Which club in England should they buy?' I always say: 'Buy Newcastle if you can because that's a fantastic club'. "It's probably not the best in England but they have everything: the stadium; the fans, which is extremely important; and they are alone in the city." Eriksson took his seat in the directors' box at St James' when Kieron Dyer, Jermaine Jenas, Jonathan Woodgate, Nicky Butt, Michael Owen and Scott Parker were all on the former England manager's radar at various points. Eriksson looks back fondly on his pre-match lunches with Freddy Shepherd, the club's former chairman, and while the Swede never personally held discussions about one day taking charge of Newcastle, they did have a long-running, tongue-in-cheek exchange. "Freddy always told me: 'Sven, when you're finished with England, you take over Newcastle,'" Eriksson recalled. "I said: 'Yeah, yeah, yeah. I will. I will'. "Every time we saw each other, he would say: 'Do you remember?' I would say: 'Yeah, yeah, yeah. I remember!' "I liked to go there when I was England manager because there were always some impressive players but, also, the ambience was fantastic there. "Whether they were doing well or not so well, it didn't matter - the stadium was always fully packed and the crowd were always so positive." Eriksson and assistant Tord Grip normally divided up their scouting duties so if the former was watching a game in, say, London, the latter would travel up to Manchester or another hotspot at the time. But, on one occasion, the pair flew up to Tyneside together for a match and let's just say that it did not end well. "I remember once Tord and I took an early flight on a Sunday morning to go to Newcastle because there were not many other games on," Eriksson said. "We were sitting there having breakfast before they said the game had been cancelled. I think it was snowing. "It was one of the few times we went together and Tord and I were sitting there saying, 'Bloody hell! No game!'" Alan Shearer inevitably caught the eye whenever Eriksson watched Newcastle play but the Magpies' legend retired from international football seven months before the Swede's appointment in 2001. Newcastle certainly benefited from having a fresher Shearer leading the line and the No 9 went on to plunder 120 goals in his final six seasons at the club. Eriksson even watched Shearer score twice for the black-and-whites against Inter Milan at the San Siro in the Champions League in 2003. A few days later, before Eriksson was due to name his squad for the Euro 2004 qualifiers against Liechtenstein and Turkey, Shearer said he 'knew' he could still do a job for England at 32 years of age. Perhaps, for the first time since he retired from international football, Shearer seriously considered playing for the Three Lions again but the veteran later made it clear that he did not wish to be considered for selection. "People around him said: 'No, Sven. It's not ideal that you go that way because If he says something, it's like that'. I think I tried but it was a no," Eriksson added. "It was like when Paul Scholes said no thank you to the national team. I think that was in 2004. I tried because I knew him much better than Alan Shearer so, in my head, it was easier but it was no. "When those big players make a decision, and Scholes and Shearer are the top of the top, they don't mess around. "If they say no, it's finished. They have thought about it a lot and made their decision and it's difficult to change their mind."
  14. for all those up brucey's arrse and having a go at us fans... even Sven knows the truth. "I think for many it's a dream to play there because you have the support of so many people and it seems like they don't demand to win the Champions League. They are happy as long as the team is doing its best and that's fantastic. It's not common at all. "Sometimes, over the years, people I know or agents have said they have a rich friend, 'Which club in England should they buy?' I always say: 'Buy Newcastle if you can because that's a fantastic club'. "It's probably not the best in England but they have everything: the stadium; the fans, which is extremely important; and they are alone in the city."
  15. yup. people seeing through his bullshit so he's going for the good-guy self pity shit. "pease dont pick on me."
  16. maybe its been more of a corporate decision that Jose's just gone along with. most people thought the fans would have been back in by now.
  17. even the cunt himself is not that stupid. he knows. "Look, I've worked all my life to have an opportunity like this, especially being from here," Bruce told reporters on Zoom. "In management, I regard it as the pinnacle. I might not have another one and some would say: 'I hope not'.
  18. him and his "false no.10's" bullshit.
  19. I mean we've got 19 points and the cliche is that you need 40. Thinking of the massively jammy and improbable results we got during that period when Bruce was "shutting a few people up" can anyone see us getting more points in the second half of the season than we did in the first now we're in club-wide spiral of failure and depression? Or anywhere near? hasnt it been a while since any team needed close to 40 points to avoid relegation. may be wrong but u;m thinking 36-38 points maybe? still out of our reach i feel.
  20. aye but it puts the whole club in a great light. they didnt panic. they had a plan. they saw it through, and look at them now.
  21. nee chance. Donald is an evil genius man.
  22. he's no world-beater but he's our best all round full back by far.
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