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Everything posted by huss9

  1. huss9


    think reviled is a bit harsh. got a bit stick early on for some horrendous misses, but became tolerated rather than loved after that.
  2. huss9


    i think if we'd paid £5m for him we'd be quite pleased with his progress but still wanting more. that £40m fee will never make sense.
  3. huss9

    Jacob Murphy

    Maxi and Fraser aren’t proper wingers? no dont think maxi is a true winger. admit i forgot all about fraser.
  4. huss9

    Jacob Murphy

    he's the only proper winger we have. (i dont count atsu).
  5. huss9

    Jamal Lewis

    he's not shit, but he was shocking for the goal today.
  6. will always have a soft spot for ayoze. when my younger son first started coming to the games with me he was only 6 and he fell in love with ayoze. got his name on the back of his shirt and would always have his socks pulled up over his knees when he played for his own junior team. little man was gutted when ayoze left. in tears. took me back to the day i heard varadi had left us.
  7. huss9


    wtf? sunderland boot boys???
  8. will blame coronavirus for ruining his winning streak.
  9. he'll never get another premier league job after this.
  10. that is an astonishing admission!!! "when everyone was hungry". is that a dig at Bruce and his coaching team???
  11. haway, nee one's perfect man. on the pitch he was balletic.
  12. huss9

    Miguel Almirón

    ASM is expected to be our sole creative light, especially when miggy isnt in the team (and vice versa). its a thankless fucking task, no matter what position he's played in. he needs pace and intelligent movement around him just like any other decent player. ASM and Miggy are the absolute least of our worries.
  13. hmm. a spine and a pelvis. is he trying to infer that there is a spineless cu*t at the club? or even at the premier league.....?
  14. looks like a kid who would have really benefitted from having rafa constantly on his case for 45 minutes a game.
  15. think premier league clubs should wait till all clubs can have fans in. but even letting in 4,000 fans in a 52000 stadium in tier 3 would seem acceptable.
  16. remember the leicester away gama a couple of seasons back when we won 2-1 and we stayed back singing for half an hour. the players were coming over to our corner to celebrate and Rafa would be pulling shelvey or lascelles back just to give that extra bit of feedback - in a lush arm round the shoulder supportive dad kind of way. was superb.
  17. what the fuck were WBA doing anyway? attacking against one of the fucking big boys? they didnt deserve a penalty. know your place, does like we do.
  18. the guy looks flat as fuck and out of ideas. i honestly think he's just waiting for the sack and it'll come as such a relief for him. he'll happily take his pay-off quietly and retire. bet he never in a million years thought the job would be so pressured and difficult. he probably thought it would be a piece of piss with all the money ashley had spent and he'd become the local hero we'd waited years for.
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