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Everything posted by huss9

  1. just seen the extended highlights on .co.uk. how on earth have they managed to make it look even close to an even game?
  2. huss9

    Ki Sung-gone

    he needed a run of two or three games. would have offered us a lot more than longstaff.
  3. yeah seems like that. hopefully getting out of that London and closer to home will give him a psychological boost.
  4. i really dont see why talks have gone for months. if the arabs and stavely are really involved, and ashley really wanted to sell then surely it would have been done in weeks. he's said he wants £350m and they have it. whats to talk about? ashley doesnt want to sell. its just a fucking laugh to him. drag these uber-rich bastards along and then tell them he's not interested in selling. its all about his ego.
  5. huss9

    Kevin Keegan

    always thought it was strange that Joe Harvey only got a plaque but no stand or statue.
  6. willems would be signed next january at the earliest. he'd never be fit enough to play in august/september.
  7. what a time to have a midseason break anyway - its missed by about 4 weeks. should have been over xmas/newyear.
  8. nee way someone knows he asked for 6yrs of advertising. ffs
  9. space muslims straight into the quarters. wba will be hopefully resting the squad for their assault on the champo.
  10. Apparently we're doing better with Bruce. Can these utter morons not see how lucky we have been this season? Proper short sighted twats. I saw a lot of this on FB yesterday, how Rafa was too negative and Bruce has proven he deserves a chance, has got the team playing well considering all the injury issues, etc... there's definitley gonna be hell on in some quarters if the foreigner replaces the geordie.
  11. why would the buyers leak a story after everything thats gone before? Ashley sets the deals up and then gets his own team to leak them. then cries like a bitch and calls the whole thing off. just for giggles.
  12. john gibson seems to be the only local-based journo brave/stupid enough to ask the pertinent questions at the moment. thats what we've come to.
  13. the Saudi's have obviously read up on the history of the club. looking forward to public hangings outside The Strawberry.
  14. huss9


    both his offside goals were suprisingly well finished today.
  15. tbh the Krafth injury, like the Ritchie one, was due to a horendous cowardly assualt that would have resulted in a red card had the perpetrator been wearing a black and white shirt.
  16. sure arteta turned us down.
  17. convinced rafa/perez/rondon plus a couple of decent signings would have had us top 4 by the end of the season.
  18. love schar but i think he can only play in a three.
  19. he's probably asked for a striker but the FCB has told him he can't unless he sells one.
  20. why the fuck was Calvert Lewin not red carded for that foul - gets more shocking every time you see it. commentators didnt even question it.
  21. i knew there must have been a reason for the fucking state of his face.
  22. what a finish. but my goodness lascelles and the longstaffs were poor today. and how can bruce say he's not after a striker in this window. we're desperate for one, and a left back.
  23. huss9

    Transfer rumours

    bet the loan to buy signings will be most of our summer budget gone.
  24. gutted for him, but every cloud..... he may get a proper club once he's fixed.
  25. huss9

    Miguel Almirón

    he's nee pushover either mind, unless he does one of his dives which he seems to have cut out. he held his own a couple of times when he was helping out at full back.
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