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Everything posted by huss9

  1. the sheikh's side say the paperwork has been submitted.
  2. rafa's publicity machine has gone silent. not a word leaked from his team or his mates in the media. must be something to it.
  3. hope arsenal win just because their fans are a lot less despicable than chewsea's.
  4. huss9


    yup. hate these with a passion. but that shit spouted by meth is absolutely disgusting but totally expected from a public school toff. absolutely no awareness of the problems faced up here especially on wearside. quinn and short may not have been great but they developed some kind of understanding of the area and what the club means to the city. Quinn used to abewse them for not turning up n all in fairness. Totally agree though, he's a right smarmy cunt. Reminds me of Dekka Llambias. aye, was quinn complaining about the street vendors taking money from the club wasnt it and asking fans to boycott them. totally forgot about that.
  5. huss9


    yup. hate these with a passion. but that shit spouted by meth is absolutely disgusting but totally expected from a public school toff. absolutely no awareness of the problems faced up here especially on wearside. quinn and short may not have been great but they developed some kind of understanding of the area and what the club means to the city.
  6. ashley trying to bluff the other interested parties?
  7. if this is a wind-up and ashley is trying to distract us from his non-dealings with rafa, then its really going to have an adverse effect on season-ticket renewals. its also going get the new season started under a real cloud of disappointment. the protests will go up a notch - even though there'll still be plenty fans in the stadium. just think ashley would have waited till after season ticket renewals, or even during the transfer window if this was a wind up. straws being clutched at by me.
  8. so ashleys allowed full due diligence and got an "agreement" in place without asking for proof of funds? nah, not having that.
  9. there can't and won't be any incomings/outgoings agreed till the takeover is settled.
  10. surely cant be true - but if it is, it's fucking disgraceful of ashley and charnley not to have mentioned any of this to Rafa. totally disrespectful.
  11. LoL, what? one of the journalists on twitter had been in touch with a "well known" UAE sports presenter who had good contacts with the sheikh and he vouched for him.
  12. what's the chances of sun journo being given a backhander and the promise of future exclusives just to print that shite.
  13. huss9


    where to start? sunderland nicking the geordie boot boys song. flares into their own fans, the "darkie steward". who's yer favourite player? "err...." every time !
  14. not bothered if he hasnt hundreds of millions to invest. just investing the tv money, updating the training facilities and increasing corporate revenue would be enough. some investement in the local community like they've done in manchester woyuld be welcome too.
  15. sportsmail are the first news site to cite a source thats not the sun.
  16. there aren't any senior newcastle staff. there's charnley and thats it.
  17. another news outlet going for the "according to the sun". doesnt really mean much.
  18. dont be too surprised if there's a sudden change of plan and we head off to a tournament in the UAE instead.
  19. It's the Don, paying one of his mates at the Sun to try and get his own back for all the piss-taking today. that'll learn us.
  20. the state of journalism in this country, man. got excited when i saw the online mirror were now going with this story... then read "according to the sun".
  21. huss9


    the perfect bank holiday weekend. they lose in the play-offs and ashley sells up a couple of hours later...... no fucking chance. or is there?
  22. huss9


    Looks like a create a wrestler mode wtf? they trying to beat us in the shittest northeast home kit 19/20? is that the worst adidas kit ever created? NETG again.
  23. so he takes out £33m but the price goes up to £350m? doesnt really matter cos its bullshit anyway. is this to prepare us for rafa walking?
  24. huss9


    that last post, man.
  25. huss9

    Sean Longstaff

    they're spunking £15m (allegedly) on a champo winger.
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