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Everything posted by huss9

  1. watching the highlights - think we had a good shout for another pel for handball.
  2. i'm one of the guilty ones. hate myself for going but being a dad comes before hating ashley's guts. when the kids beg you to take them its hard to say no.
  3. huss9

    Ki Sung-gone

    hope he missed on purpose.
  4. yup, just wish he'd come on 10 minutes earlier.
  5. what do you expect when you're signing stoke city's 3rd choice striker who is rated at £5m.
  6. one perfect pass per game to create a goalscoring opportunity isnt enough.
  7. rafa was repeatedly asking them to press higher.
  8. aye, just no energy or movement from him otherwise. without Ki, shelvey in undroppable.
  9. what the hell was rafa meant to do today? ok the subs could have possibly been made 10 minutes or so earlier. but otherwise the starting 11 should have been good enough to beat a mid-table champo team. the likes of rondon, yedlin, dummett couldnt have been risked as we have absolutely no back-up in their positions in case of injury. and who else should have played? rafa would never have thought 2 and a half seasons later he still would largely have the same playing squad.
  10. huss9

    Matt Ritchie

    as with shelvey, who the hell do you play instead?
  11. just so fucking deep all the time, and so little movement. relying on 1 in 3 hollywood long passes working. compare that to Ki. unfortunately he's our best midfielder at the moment.
  12. obviously bullshit but they also know its enough to keep anti-protest lot happy. "look man, he's doing his best to sell. not his fault if kenyon hasnt got the money."
  13. unfortunately as it stands we need any cunt that can pass a ball 5 yards. this club, man.
  14. why would you pay millions for the right to resign?
  15. i take it its £200m and then the debt to ashley on top of that. seems a decent offer.
  16. just wish rafa hadnt come out with that "the squad is stronger this season" bullshit statement. no need for it. did nobody any favours including himself.
  17. definitely against the team. a few having a go at rafa fr the late/lack of subs too.
  18. the first team this season to fail to get a shot on target against fulham
  19. and he'll want his debt paying off too. what is that? another £144m? He's selling it with the debt cleared. No one would pay £300m + the debt for our club. am just trying to work out why a premier league club such as ours would only be valued at £200m.
  20. and he'll want his debt paying off too. what is that? another £144m?
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