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Everything posted by huss9

  1. bit of banter. there was no abuse. just no need for his reaction.
  2. ffs, what an utter cunt. he's getting sacked in the morning...
  3. lascelles is like woodgate in the sense that any defender alongside him plays better and looks more confident.
  4. tv highlights baffle me. motd didnt show the first gayle chance and sky online highlights didnt show the second. sitting lower down in the gallowgate those chances looked really easy but tbh i think gayle was unlucky after seeing the highlights.
  5. if i was a west brom fan, i'd want answers from the boardroom as to who suggested pardew as manager - and on what basis. shocking appointment. happy as it increased our chances of staying up by 33%.
  6. huss9


    if they're already relegated by then they should offer wolves 10-20k tickets. nice gesture and would give the local (ie newcastle) economy a bit of a boost.
  7. Totally agree. Been too nice, us lot.
  8. the return of the glorious "sunlun's goin down, newcastle's staying up". hope no tempting fate.
  9. honestly think everton were he worst team we played at sjp this season.
  10. fucking coward ... begging to be sacked.
  11. huss9

    Kevin Keegan

    think Bobby had less quality to work with than KK, and he had a lot more competition and money in the premiere league in his time.
  12. huss9

    Jamaal Lascelles

    £30m at least - but if he gets an England cap then add on another £15m. would be even more pissed off about him leaving than I was with carroll.
  13. if only Ronnie was still here to tell us the right answer.
  14. so much better than the sky extended highlights. my brother was getting engaged to some bird in london and he let her pick the date ffs. so ended up watching the game with my kids on my mobile phone. ritchie makes it 1-0 - we go mental and cue 100 bemused asian cockneys wondering what the fack was going on on our table.
  15. "we emailed them yesterday at 11.30 pm but they didn't see it until this morning"
  16. probably our best striker at the moment - not counting slimani.
  17. is he allowed to move mid season after just signing for us. wasnt there a rule about how many clubs you can play for in a season?
  18. i think coasting is a bit of an exaggeration. sinking would be more apt.
  19. wish lascelles wasnt playing. the one player not worth taking any kind of risk on.
  20. think it should be that each manager is allowed a max of 3 VAR reviews a game - max 2 per half. so its not up to the ref, rather the managers.
  21. imo this fella is only worth anywhere near £20m because its january and we are so desperate. the club needs to realise that this month we're going to have to pay way over the odds for what we need. just goes to show how clever rafa had been setting up those deals for townsend, delph and the other lad a year ago for such reasonable fees - they would now cost three times as much. small-time, short-term thinking, tight cunt that ashley is
  22. nowt was in the public domain. no one new anything. wtf is ashley on about man. she didint go public till he spat his dummy out.
  23. they've already said they'd still be interested if we got relegated.
  24. This is still one of the worst myths peddled on this board. explain.
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