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Everything posted by huss9

  1. It's a criticism of parts of the crowd, not all of it. Why turn on the players? is my response to that. Ashley is where the entirety of the turning should be. Booing the team at half time and during the match is self defeating, as frustrating as it undoubtedly is. Again, I'd go back to the whole 'we don't demand a team that wins...' stuff. If trying is what's actually demanded, then why are people still groaning and booing when they're clearly trying? Collectively it's a difficult thing to change, but we need to realise that SJP is known for being the place where the opposition look to get the crowd to turn against us, presumably because it's unique to us, and a good way of getting a win. human nature dictates that you cant just keep getting behind a team and staying positive when you cant beat even the shittest of teams at home.
  2. Trying to get goals from Gayle maybe? He's usually invisible when he plays as a lone striker. but its not working. it was worth a go initially but we have to go back to what worked best.
  3. havent read the past 15 pages or so but it must have been mentioned. rafa needs to come out and explain why he is persisting with a 442 when a 4231 was getting results. he may have tried it initially to keep those that wanted more attacking football happy. but when it was clear it wasnt working - why hasnt he reverted to our initial formation. we dont have enough quality in a midfield duo to dominate even the lower haf teams. we need a 3.
  4. for those criticisng the crowd - how long can you expect people to keep getting behind the lads 100% despite seeing what we saw today at home against a poor brighton team, and previously against an even shitter team in everton. cannot expect people to go on being absolutely positive all the time. something has to come from the pitch. the crowd aways start positively but we need something back to keep it going. after how many games are people allowed to start giving players stick. i can understand why some of our crowd are starting to turn and get frustrated.
  5. I genuinely don't think Manquillo is that bad tbh, when compared to Dummett who everyone seems to think is miles better. agree.
  6. defensively was fine - a lot of important interceptions.
  7. aye. decent line up, decent gameplan and decent and timely subs. well done. would rather this 0-1 than us going for it and getting drubbed 0-5.
  8. enjoyed the game. unexpectedly came away from the ground disappointed at not getting a point. and fuck me, forgotten how poor dummet was with a ball at his feet.
  9. would rather a couple of midfielders, a LB and a striker first.-
  10. its a strange one as boro ideally poised for an assualt on the top 6 and a transfer window coming up.
  11. huss9

    Jamaal Lascelles

    love the way that, more often than not, he is in immediate conference with rafa on the touchline after we score rather than celebrating.
  12. thats for fifa to sort out. stop the current loan system to stop clubs like citeh and chelsea hoarding players to loan out. stop link-up between clubs from different countries so squad players cant be dumped there either. this is more important than ffp. let clubs spend as much as they want, but no stocking up and loaning out.
  13. good hold up play for ritchie's shot, and great ball on the counter leading up to the third goal.
  14. did well with the pen but really should have been pushing wide rather than back into play.
  15. whether Luiz is good enough or not - he would absolutely lift the other players and give the club a boost, as would sturridge.
  16. unfortunately, as well as we played in the second half, we will probably be starting the new year bottom of the league.
  17. murphy and merino been the only attaching threats from us - should have been perez or joselu coming off.
  18. but the fat cunt cant be that stupid, can he? if he doesnt sell, he has to fork out a significant transfer fund in january - if he doesnt, we'll get relegated and he'll lose even more, AND the value of the club will plummet. you'd think he'd snap the hands off PCP.
  19. followed by a quick, "do we shit, do we shite - we are the black and white".
  20. We don’t know if it is true or not but if it’s £30m + incoming money then we should be able to do enough businesss in January to survive this season. I’m a lot happier going into January with £30m promised by Staveley then £30m promised by Ashley. its probs £30m PER PLAYER. woohoo!!!!
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