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Everything posted by huss9

  1. from tingling in your arm, to tingling in the end of your knob. rafael benitez - what a man.
  2. very clever words. no apologies, no let off for charnley or ashley. "We can't blame each other now". basically a veiled threat. he's gonna keep calm and get us promoted - then he's gonna let rip.
  3. freddie bought owen for his own ego.
  4. Article states: Chief scout Graham Carr still wields influence, and sat next to owner Mike Ashley at the FA Cup third round tie at Birmingham in early January. Benitez is fretting over whether Carr has acted as a brake on his transfer wish list. Why would Carr want to stop players coming in? he's ashley's yes man, and he wants the managers job.
  5. hope rafa turns up uninvited to the next fans forum.
  6. "Benitez is not sure why reports of big-money bids for McCarthy and Angers’ Nicolas Pepe appeared in the media despite no offers being made." Deja f***ing Vu.
  7. with our goal difference it looks like 10 wins from 18 matches, or 30 points from a possible 54 needed.
  8. aye, great point last night after all.
  9. was like us before our blip. not playing great but grinding out win after win.
  10. looks like atsu's goona get a few extra days rest before the wolves game.
  11. Yep. I was there last night and it was as bad as the crowd has been this season....just moaning and groaning at any failed pass. loads of pro-rafa chants
  12. About 7 minutes too late there bud aye missed a page!!! dont worry. deleted now. was wondering why you cunts were so slow when it was 2-1 on livescore!!!
  13. It wasn't much TBH, just unnecessarily petulant. Classic Shelvey. Still not sure if the stamp was deliberate. not sure. think he could have avoided it if he really wanted to.
  14. think gouffran was the bigger culprit when it came down to missing chances.
  15. just seen the extended highlights on nufc.co.uk - obviously they dont show the shelvey incident. the stamp on sammy is awful. looked bad at the game but as even a yellow was shown we thought it must have looked worse than it was as we were towards the other side of the gallowgate. but fuck me, the guy meant it. no doubt about it.
  16. he's got get the teams heads right again. we're effectively 5 points clear with a game in hand, so are still well in control of our own destiny. just got to get that across to the players.
  17. tbh, the guile and agility seemed to be returning yesterday - it was the horrendous finishing/decision making that was his downfall.
  18. just seen the interview. "it wasn't my decision (not to sign anybody), I told them what i wanted."
  19. who the fuck are the "rafa out" lot. what bollocks.
  20. We are all shitting our pants a lot earlier than we did in 1996. its not about us fans shitting ourselves. its the players clearly shitting themselves thats more shocking.
  21. huss9

    Jamaal Lascelles

    he was fucking awful.
  22. if we're not careful, this is going to turn into another 1996 but with far greater repercussions.
  23. huss9

    Andros Townsend

    Pretty much sums it up for me. Really hoped we would have brought in a quality central midfielder given how poor we looked in Shelveys absence. Even this afternoon Rafa seemed confident of adding to the squad. Who did you have in mind like? It's not really my decision but I wouldn't have minded us bringing in someone like James McCarthy. for around £20m? thats a bit much for midfielder who would probably not be good enough for a first team spot next season.
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